Health / March 2022
April 2022 | February 2022-
Health Heroes Handover New Children’s Hospital
- Wellington Health Foundation
- Wow! Today marks an incredible milestone as we celebrate the formal transfer of your new regional children’s hospital from benefactors Mark Dunajtschik and Dorothy Spotswood to the Capital & Coast District Health Board.
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- lobby-groups
Overcoming barriers to communication
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Nurse Educator Zoe Perkins, who is based in Wellington Regional Hospital’s Ward 6 North - Orthopaedic and Urology, recently reached out to the Disability Strategy team for guidance on caring for a Deaf consumer, Sean.
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Overcoming barriers to communication
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Nurse Educator Zoe Perkins, who is based in Wellington Regional Hospital’s Ward 6 North - Orthopaedic and Urology, recently reached out to the Disability Strategy team for guidance on caring for a Deaf consumer, Sean.
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- hutt-valley
Marking a milestone: new Wellington children’s hospital one step closer
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Capital & Coast DHB (CCDHB) has entered a new phase of the journey to a new children’s hospital for the region, with practical completion of its new building now achieved.
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- hutt-valley
Marking a milestone: new Wellington children’s hospital one step closer
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Capital & Coast DHB (CCDHB) has entered a new phase of the journey to a new children’s hospital for the region, with practical completion of its new building now achieved.
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Westpac NZ donates extra $1m to rescue helicopters
- Life Flight
- Westpac NZ is donating an extra $1 million to support New Zealand’s rescue helicopters, which are facing a serious fundraising shortfall due to the impacts of COVID-19. The post Westpac NZ donates extra $1m to rescue helicopters appeared first on Life Flight.
- Accepted from Life Flight feed 2022 by tonytw1
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- covid-19
COVID-19 Coronavirus Response
- Life Flight
- Life Flight was quick to respond when word of a new COVID-19 Coronavirus was spreading rapidly throughout the world. Teaming with various organisations we were able to adapt and keep our patients, crew and community safe. The post COVID-19 Coronavirus Response appeared first on Life Flight.
- Accepted from Life Flight feed 2022 by tonytw1
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- covid-19
March Update from DCM - Together we can end homelessness
- Downtown Community Ministry
- 96 March Update from DCM - Together we can end homelessness p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; font-size:inherit !important; 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Introducing Jason - "And then something magic happened..." Jason’s Story TOGETHER we can end homelessness Jason is an amazing artist. He loves colour and painting; Wellingtonians love purchasing his artworks. Jason is resourceful and articulate. Over the years he has struggled with addictions and with his mental health. These challenges led him to move away from his whānau in the Hawkes Bay, and to sleep rough in and around Wellington for many years. Jason’s story shines a light on DCM’s tagline, as we reflect on the community - the “together” - who walked alongside Jason until, one day, something magic happened... Robert Sarich is a member of DCM’s Outreach team Robert shares, “I first met Jason back in 2018. He was rough sleeping for a long, long time, but he was always affable, approachable, articulate. He didn’t want to talk about housing, but the more he got to know us and to trust DCM, the more open he was to listening and accepting our support in other ways. The difficulty was how to find him! He was rough sleeping in a cave, but there would be absences, so sometimes we needed to find him out on the street. In the early days, one thing he did need was food – and that became a conduit so that we could talk to him more about his housing. Then Janet joined our team, and her connection with Jason made such a difference. She was very strategic and intentional in the way she would engage with him. She would keep him up to date, and in great detail, which is what he needed. This further built his trust in us, and his willingness to work with us.” Janet Dunn worked as a Wellington City Council local host, before joining DCM’s Outreach team, working alongside Rob Janet remembers, “I first met Jason when I was working as a local host. He was living in his “cave” up in Kelburn, and would regularly sell his paintings on Lambton Quay. I loved them, and ended up buying two of them. This cemented our connection – and this continued when I took on the role on the Outreach team in 2019. Jason’s art was one of the levers to housing for him. He needed to keep his art out of the weather, and he needed storage for his materials. But neither was possible when he was rough sleeping. He didn’t feel okay about being part of any of the art programmes around town – they weren’t his thing. He needed a space to do this on his own, at the right times for him. So one of our regular messages to him was, “Jason, you know we want you to thrive, and we can see that your art is central to this. We need to find a place and a way for you to do more painting, to be able to enjoy your art.” There’s another thing about our mahi at DCM. As kaimahi, as the people building strong connections with the most marginalised, we begin to hold, to carry, to nurture, their hopes and dreams for them. At a time when they cannot dream or hope, we carry this - gently and carefully. When they cannot see the possibilities and the joy the future may hold for them, we see this for them. In March 2020, COVID arrived in Aotearoa and we experienced our first lockdown. When Jason heard that everyone had to be off the streets during lockdown, he moved in with a friend, couch surfing. He found that he could spend time indoors, in a home.” Janet outside the “cave” where Jason slept rough for a long time. She says: “You know, last year – after Jason had moved in to emergency housing - there was a big storm and a landslide with a tree sliding right down over the entrance to his “cave”. Had he been still sleeping there, he would have been buried.” DCM in Lukes Lane When rough sleepers walk through the doors at DCM, feel welcome and safe, we are able to connect them to a wide range of supports, and to further build connection and trust. The first time that Jason came to DCM was to see a dentist. It was May 2018, and – experiencing a lot of pain – Jason had attempted to pull his own tooth out, leaving some remnants behind. He saw dentist John Buckerfield that day. Later he would also receive major treatment from John Taylor-Smith and Louisa Leathart. The DCM Dental Service is another way that DCM builds connection with taumai, demonstrating in a very practical way that we are committed to being there for them when they need us most. Jason spent time at Te Hāpai, the purposeful space at DCM which offers so much more than coffee, kai and manaakitanga. DCM kaimahi connected Jason with MSD and took him through the steps needed to access ID. DCM became Jason’s address for mail, and each time he popped in to collect his mail, we could again encourage him to keep thinking about housing. He saw the nurses from Te Aro Health at DCM from time to time. And last year he came in to DCM for his COVID vaccinations. “And then something magic happened...” Tabitha George-Koshy, DCM kaimahi on the Aro Mai Housing First (AMHF) team “It was Janet who first introduced me to Jason – the connection she had formed with him was invaluable when it came to building his trust in me. It took about three months of joint visits to him out where he was sleeping before we began to sense a shift. Then two things happened – it was the beginning of winter and it was Jason’s birthday. Janet and I headed out to visit him the day before his birthday. And our kōrero went like this – “it is your birthday tomorrow, Jason, and it’s time for a change. We are going to visit you on your birthday. We are going to bring you chocolates – which we know you love. We are going to pick you up and we are all going to DCM – to talk about what we are going to do to get you in to a place.” And Jason said, “Okay”!!! We could not believe what we were hearing. We turned up the next day, and YES! He was there and he was ready for us. Off we went to DCM, where first of all, we spoke about emergency housing. We were able to talk about his concerns around EH and some of the misconceptions he had. I rang Jo Smith at MSD and she rang the Set-Up. Within an hour, it was all sorted, and we took Jason to his room. He walked around exclaiming, as if he couldn’t quite believe his eyes. “Oh my goodness! A shower!” then “Wow! A kitchen?!” And the story doesn’t end in April 2021, with Jason moving to the Set-Up on his birthday. No, the story just begins then. Because by the end of the year, Jason moved in to his own place.” “I still don’t know exactly what happened. But it did happen!” Janet continues, “How did things come together so that Jason felt able to give emergency housing a go, and then to accept a house, and to settle in a home, after all this time? It is hard to pinpoint one single thing; as we often say at DCM, it was magic. Several things all came together at the same time. Something turned. Robert Sarich always says, “We play this long game at DCM.” Like I said, his art was one of the things. Then there was the fact that during lockdown he had those few weeks staying in a house, spending time there and beginning to develop an image or a dream of what could be possible. His family connections were also important. Jason returned to the Hawkes Bay for his father’s funeral. I think while he was there he began to HOPE, to hope for a better future for himself. For a future which could include his own daughter. There was a new optimism. And then came his birthday. We were able to message to him: “You are not getting any younger, Jason; it is time to think about getting yourself a house.” As always, Jason’s response began with “oh yes, but I don’t want to think about getting a house. Not just yet.” And we were able to reply: “But we ARE thinking about this, Jason. We are thinking about it for you. And we think that it IS time. It is a really good idea for you – right NOW.” “I can be me now!” Jason has now been housed for three months, in a property which has been provided by a private landlord. He is caring for his whare, enjoying his art and the space to be himself. Says Rob Sarich, “When he was housed, one of the things I saw in him was that he could just be himself at last – more feminine – and with a lot more pride, because he felt safe and secure. “I can be me, now” he said to me one day. It was great to see this happen for him, and so quickly.” Janet reflects on Jason’s many strengths: “You know, just before his birthday last year, we noted that Jason’s boots were all worn out. We offered to get him some new shoes. Of course he had absolutely no interest in “sensible shoes”! “No! I will get my own shoes!” he told us. Which he did – he found his own new shoes. He is very resourceful. We just want him to channel that resourcefulness into other things. Not to surviving in a cave. But to thriving in a community. A community where he is accepted, and able to both give and receive. This has been the dream we have carried for Jason for some years now, and now it is his dream for his own life. And it is a dream which is coming true.” Just as they did last year, the team are looking forward to delivering chocolates to Jason again on his birthday - next month. Only this year, they won’t have to go out to find him where he is rough sleeping. They will be delivering them to his own home! Photographer Gabrielle McKone is a DCM donor and supporter. She headed out with Tabitha to visit Jason in his new whare and to take these photos of him – for Jason, and for all of us, to enjoy. We encourage you to read – and enjoy – more of Jason’s story and Gabrielle’s beautiful photos on our website. <!-- --> DCM Dental Service Emily Kremmer This month marks the 6th birthday of the DCM Dental Service - an excellent opportunity to acknowledge Emily Kremmer as she comes to the end of three years as lead dental assistant (DA) at the DCM Dental Service. Here she shares her story. Emily has supported Frances Ruddiman as a DA, both at DCM and at Wellington Periodontists. "I took my first session at DCM as a DA in 2018. That very first session was with dentist Lucy McGowan. Then in early 2019 I took on the role of lead DA. DCM supports people who have such complex needs and so many challenges in their lives, when often nobody else will. As dental professionals, we are just a part of a whole team working together in so many spaces – from food, income and housing, to mental and physical health and addictions, to connecting people to their whānau and their community. There have been so many fabulous moments with taumai, so many times when I have felt so, so proud to be part of this special place. I guess it is some of the earliest ones which stay with me. From the time when I was just beginning to understand taumai and homelessness, and gaining an insight in to the complexity of this. There was one woman we saw at the dental service who had suffered a chronic injury and could not work. She had used up all her savings and the means at her disposal, and lost her home. She didn’t know where else to turn. Her situation really struck me. If any of us did not have the support of our families and our loved ones, this could happen to us. Then there were the days when with a small investment of our time, we were able to make such a difference in the life of a taumai. There was a woman who had a significant chip in her front tooth; she had lived with this for many years. She had not come to DCM to have this dealt with, but John Buckerfield noticed; he could see that there was something extra we could do which could have a huge impact. And so we patched it up. It made the world of difference to her. She saw her own face, her own smile and was so grateful. She cried. I cried. It was such an emotional experience – being aware of how much we could achieve with just an extra 10-15 minutes of our time. It is time for me to move on now. Some doors closed during the global pandemic, but now they are beginning to open again. Jack and I got married this month. Next month I will graduate with a Bachelor of Communications. And then, after several false starts due to COVID, Jack and I are finally going travelling. Three years later, what would I say to anyone thinking about taking a dental session at DCM, either as a dentist or a DA? It always comes back to the joy of being able to help taumai, the joy of supporting the most vulnerable people in our community. It is ALWAYS worth it. One of the unexpected benefits for me has been meeting so many different dental assistants and dentists. Working alongside them, seeing the different ways in which they work. And more than that; it is that true sense of being part of a caring community. When you see a dental assistant from one practice working alongside a dentist from a completely different practice, you witness the Wellington dental community working together to support the most marginalised people in Wellington. <!-- --> Support DCM We call the people we work with taumai, meaning to settle. This reflects the journey we set out on together – to become settled, stable and well. Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi With your basket and my basket, the people will thrive <!-- --> Copyright © 2022 DCM. All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: DCMPO Box 6133Marion SqWellington, Wellington 6011 New ZealandAdd us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.
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- kelburn
- covid-19
Kelburn, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Season Preview: Premier Men
- Marist St Pats Rugby
- Despite a Covid disrupted preseason, our Premier Men are well prepared as they kick off their Swindale Shield campaign...
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- swindale-shield
Wellington, it’s time to shift the power of cars in our streets.
- Talk Wellington
- Wellington, and New Zealand in general, has a chronic car problem. And as we’ve seen recently, an extreme minority can also weaponise cars against the public. What can we do to open up our streets, make cars our guests, and stop weaponising from happening again? What’s the role cars play in our towns? And more...
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- covid-19
Kenepuru Community Hospital open to visits by kaitiaki and partners in care only
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Kenepuru Community Hospital is now open to visits by kaitiaki and partners in care only. The hospital remains temporarily closed to general inpatient visitors. This will be reassessed again early next week.
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- health
- hutt-valley
Kenepuru Community Hospital is now open to visits by kaitiaki and partners in care only
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Kenepuru Community Hospital is now open to visits by kaitiaki and partners in care only. The hospital remains temporarily closed to general inpatient visitors. This will be reassessed again early next week.
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Changes to requirements to scan
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- From 11.59pm Friday 25 March, scanning when entering our hospitals will no longer be compulsory
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Changes to requirements to scan
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- From 11:59pm 25 March, scanning when entering our hospitals will no longer be compulsory.
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- hutt-valley
Zealandia Needs Your Help
- Thorndon Residents Assocation
- Amid the pandemic Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne continues to transform Wellington, caring for translocated species and breathing life into our forests and skies. Wildlife hasn’t noticed an upheaval over the last two years, but our main source of income has. Zealandia relies on visitation to fund our conservation work, but with people staying at […]
- Accepted from TRA news 2019 by tonytw1
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- covid-19
- karori-sanctuary
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
From the President … in March 2022 ..
- Wellington Tramping and Mountainneering Club
- Tēnā koutou katoa As we near the end of one “WTMC year” and enter another one, it would be easy to focus on the many covid-19 issues that continued to face the club since I first became President nearly two years ago. However, I feel hopeful that New Zealand and the club are at last ... Read more
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- covid-19
Upper Hutt After Hours Group - Changes to After Hours Service
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- From 1 April 2022 Upper Hutt After Hours Group will cease to provide After Hours Services to its enrolled patients.
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- upper-hutt
Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, 5218, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
100% capacity for ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup matches
- Basin Reserve Trust
- More tickets to the showpiece CWC 22 weekend group matches, semi-finals and final have gone on sale today, as changes to COVID Protection Framework gathering restrictions mean more fans can be part of one of the most exciting and competitive Cricket World Cups ever. Today’s... The post 100% capacity for ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup matches appeared first on Wellington Basin Reserve.
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Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Covid Vaccine Certificates to end.
- Wellington Judo Academy
- Minasan! We are delighted to announce that in line with the recent government announcement, the Academy will be able to say goodbye to the end of Covid Vaccine Certificates. From... The post Covid Vaccine Certificates to end. appeared first on Wellington Judo.
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- covid-19
Animates, Hutt Road walkway, Highland Park, Kaiwharawhara, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6035, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Changes to parking fees and time limits
- Wellington City Council
- This week, parking changes come into effect as part of our Pandemic Response Plan.
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- parking
New DANSS timetable to 24 April
- Danss
- Kia ora koutou, it’s great to have our Sunday night classes back, even if we have to run them with a few pandemic-related restrictions for the time being.
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- covid-19
Thistle Hall, Cuba Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Take a sneak peek inside Te Wao Nui
- Wellington Health Foundation
- Take a look inside your new regional children’s hospital – Te Wao Nui – with Jo Allen Team Lead of the Child Development Service, and Karen Bridge Nurse Manager of Ambulatory Paediatrics.
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- lobby-groups
COVID Update 20/03/22
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Unfortunately we had a member test positive for covid this morning, Sunday 20/03/22. They attended the Thursday and Saturday classes. At this stage, the person’s family members have NOT tested positive. We have advised St Bernard’s and are waiting for a reply from them. At this stage, CLASSES WILL CONTINUE under the guidelines set out by the government … Continue reading COVID Update 20/03/22 →
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Kenepuru Community Hospital to remain temporarily closed to visitors
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Kenepuru Community Hospital remains temporarily closed to all visitors due to the need for additional surveillance testing after a small number of additional patients tested positive for COVID-19.
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- covid-19
Kenepuru Community Hospital to remain temporarily closed to visitors
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Kenepuru Community Hospital remains temporarily closed to all visitors due to the need for additional surveillance testing after a small number of additional patients tested positive for COVID-19.
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- covid-19
Update on club season kick off
- Marist St Pats Rugby
- Wellington Rugby has shared an update on the plans to kick off the club season amidst Covid related uncertainty...
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- rugby
ERO Project: Have your say
- Wellington High School
- ERO Project: Have Your Say Wellington High School is participating in an ERO project looking at the quality and inclusivity of education provision for disabled learners. It also looks at how schools are supporting these learners during the COVID disruptions. This project focuses on students who need teaching adaptations and/or individual support to access schooling […]
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- consultation
- covid-19
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Newsletter Week Ending 13 March 2022
- Karori Anglican Churches
- KARORI ANGLICAN COMMUNITY – COVID UPDATEIf you, or someone in your household, has had exposure to Covid then please stay at home until you are verified as COVID free. NOTE the isolation period from midnight Friday is 7 days. All clergy presiding at communion will be Rapid Antigen Tested and cleared the day before the […]
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- covid-19
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Hospital upgrades to enhance care and COVID-19 response
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Work to boost hospital resilience underway in both the Hutt Valley and Wellington will help ensure the continuation of safe care and support for both COVID-19 and non-COVID patients.
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- hutt-valley
- covid-19
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Hospital upgrades to enhance care and COVID-19 response
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Work to boost hospital resilience underway in both the Hutt Valley and Wellington will help ensure the continuation of safe care and support for both COVID-19 and non-COVID patients.
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- hutt-valley
- covid-19
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Weekly News: Forecast
- Evans Bay Yacht and Motorboat Club
- Well the dreaded COVID is still lurking around the community, but we are trying to carry on with club life as normally as possible, check...
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- covid-19
Evans Bay Yacht And Motor Boat Club, 447, Evans Bay Parade, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
March/April Meeting Update
- Wellington Photographic Society
- A quick update regarding meetings. With COVID currently surging through the country, we are intending to continue focussing on smaller […]
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- covid-19
We need your help
- Zealandia
- Amid the pandemic and politics, Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne continues to transform Wellington, caring for translocated species and breathing life into our forests and skies. Wildlife hasn’t ...
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- covid-19
- karori-sanctuary
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Community Garden Food Forest
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- Come to the garden Saturday March 12 at 10:00 am . Hannah will be running a pruning, tree care workshop. Please can you bring some vegetable scraps or leaves or egg cartons etc for the worm bins. Cup of tea at 11:00 am. Covid vaccination passes please.
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- covid-19
Peer to peer support for new children’s hospital
- Wellington Health Foundation
- We are thrilled to be chosen by Wellington Girls College as their charity of choice for 2022! Pictured are head girls Ruby McAuley (left) and Alice Thompson with Principal Julia Davidson, who are leading the school’s fundraising projects throughout the year to raise funds for your new children’s hospital.
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- health
- lobby-groups
People asked to be kind while awaiting rapid antigen tests
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Hutt Valley and Capital & Coast DHBs ask people to be patient and kind – both to one another and to staff – at the region’s community testing centres (CTCs) following widespread abusive, aggressive, and violent behaviour and treatment.
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- hutt-valley
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
People asked to be kind while awaiting rapid antigen tests
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Hutt Valley and Capital & Coast DHBs ask people to be patient and kind – both to one another and to staff – at the region’s community testing centres (CTCs) following widespread abusive, aggressive, and violent behaviour and treatment.
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- hutt-valley
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Dr Junior Ulu: what is Care in the Community?
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- The COVID-19 Care in the Community Framework was set up by the Ministry of Heath, which ensures that people with COVID-19 receive the support they need. It’s a regionally coordinated, locally-led approach to managing COVID-19 patients and their whānau, understanding that local health and welfare providers know their communities best.
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- covid-19
Dr Junior Ulu: What is Care in the Community?
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- The COVID-19 Care in the Community Framework was set up by the Ministry of Heath, which ensures that people with COVID-19 receive the support they need.
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- covid-19
COVID Measures/Lent 1 – Weekly News for Friday 4 March 2022
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- COVID measures At Parish Council last evening we acknowledged that New Zealand has entered a new and different phase of the pandemic where case numbers are very high and climbing, and are probably underreported by quite a long way given that Rapid Antigen Test kits are now being widely used, hospital admissions are increasing and […]
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- covid-19
St Andrew's on the Terrace, 30, The Terrace, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
How businesses can get support from the Pandemic Response Plan
- Wellington City Council
- Last week, the Wellington City Mayor and Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the 2022 Pandemic Response Plan, aimed at supporting struggling businesses being affected by Covid-19.
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- covid-19
Newsletter Week Ending 6 March 2022
- Karori Anglican Churches
- KARORI ANGLICAN COMMUNITY – COVID UPDATEThe Cook family is currently isolating for the next 10 or so days, as required after exposure to COVID. If others are in this situation, you are encouraged to do the same. If you are a household contact you are to stay home until you are verified as COVID free. […]
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- karori
- covid-19
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
World Hearing Day 2022: Listening right
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Today (March 3) marks World Hearing Day and this ‘ear’, the theme is ‘To hear for life, listen with care’.
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- hospital
- scraper-required
World Hearing Day 2022: Listening right
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Today (March 3) marks World Hearing Day and this ‘ear’, the theme is ‘To hear for life, listen with care’.
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- health
- hutt-valley
COVID transmissions impact Council’s waste services
- Wellington City Council
- With the Omicron variant of COVID-19 transmissions increasing around the country, Wellington City Council’s waste services are being affected and asks the public for patience and understanding.
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- covid-19
Visiting our Emergency Department
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Te Pae Tiaki Wellington ED has a number of precautions and screening measures in place in place to manage COVID-19 – this can lead to longer wait times.
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- covid-19
Visiting our Emergency Department
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- The Emergency Department (ED) at Hutt Hospital is currently experiencing higher volumes of patients.
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- health
- hutt-valley
PhD research promotes new path for COVID-19 vaccines
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Research by a Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington PhD graduate has taken important strides towards a new category of vaccines for respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19.
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- covid-19
Jude Sneddon – Take Sport and Make It Better
- College Sport Wellington
- Story courtesy of College Sport Media “Before Covid, sport was a given, training on Tuesday and Thursday with a game on Saturday. Now everything is up in the air and opportunities are more limited. Sport is the most fun you can have while putting in a lot of effort, that’s what I love about it, […] The post Jude Sneddon – Take Sport and Make It Better appeared first on College Sport Wellington.
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- covid-19
Hutt Valley DHB nursing ranks just got stronger
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- New intake of Hutt Valley DHB Registered Nurses have been showcasing their skills across the region for a month now.
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- hutt-valley
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)