
Feeds / Karori Historical Society feed

This feed is published by Karori Historical Society.

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Added on 18 Aug 2024. Last read 7 minutes ago.

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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 6):

    • Our next meeting – 10 September 2024
      • Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 10 September 2024 at St Ninian’s, Newcombe Crescent, Karori at 7.30pm. Members and friends welcome. Join us to hear Gábor Tóth, Local & NZ History Specialist at Wellington City Libraries, present Future Plans: Wellington subdivision advertising bills from the early 20th century. The years leading up to […]

    • Join us for our 2024 AGM
      • Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 4 June 2024 at St Ninian’s, Newcombe Crescent, Karori at 7.30 pm. Members and friends welcome. Business After the AGM we are lucky to have Elizabeth Cox as our speaker, who will be talking about her book Making Space, and in particular the life of Lucy Greenish. […]

    • Our next meeting – 5 March 2024
      • Our next public meeting will be held on Tuesday 5 March 2024 at St Ninian’s, Newcombe Crescent, Karori at 7.30 pm. Members and friends welcome. Wartime Secrets from the Family Home Please join us on Tuesday 5th March to hear Tom McGrath talk about his new book. Tom has a lifetime association with Karori. He […]

    • Our next meeting – 5 Sep 2023
      • Our next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 5 September 2023 at St Ninian’s, Newcombe Crescent, Karori at 7.30 pm. Members and friends welcome. Katherine Mansfield’s Europe Please join us to hear Redmer Yska talk about his more recent book, Katherine Mansfield’s Europe, Station to Station. Part travelogue, part literary biography, part detective story and part […]

    • Celebrating 50 years!
      • Our 50th anniversary event was held on 24th June at St Ninians. Around 40 members past and present, as well as family and guests, were present to celebrate this milestone. Norma was able to come in from Waikanae for the day, and we also welcomed Noeline Stubbs, who was one of the original committee members […]

    • A summary of past meetings 2010-2023
      • December 2023 We had a great crowd turn out in December to hear Robin Skinner talk through his detailed research to trace a Māori pathway from Te Aro to the Kaiwharawhara Stream at Te Māra a Tāne / Zealandia. This once much-used thoroughfare passed through the present site of the university campus and suburban Kelburn, […]

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