Feeds / East by West updates
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Added on 17 Jun 2011. Last read 4 minutes ago.
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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 15):
April Newsletter
- East by West Ferry
- Dear Commuter Welcome onboard everyone! We note we have quite a few new faces on board commuting with us and it’s our pleasure to have you travelling with us! We trust everyone’s enjoying this reasonable run of fine weather we’re experiencing. It’s possibly now an Indian summer and well received after the less than […]
The East By West 2013 “Biennale”.
- East by West Ferry
- Murray Gibbons a local Eastbourne identity and artist came up with the idea asking local artists to paint a photograph of the Bay he had taken from the hills on a superb evening with the ferry approaching the wharf in the distance. Local artists Jacky Pearson, Alex Cooper and Kate Booth all jumped at the […]
November newsletter
- East by West Ferry
- Dear Commuter Wow, this year seems to have flown by and we’re now talking about Christmas! Is it just me or is time really speeding up? I’ve only just got over buying Christmas presents for last year and here we go again!!! With the approach of this next festive season the good news on the […]
And the winner is…
- East by West Ferry
- Congratulations to David Williams who is the winner of our Circa Theatre ‘Midsummer’ performance competition. David we hope you’ll enjoy the opening night show on Saturday 21st September plus the complimentary drinks and nibbles afterwards. Have a great night. We hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week and has a wonderful weekend and here’s […]
September Newsletter
- East by West Ferry
- Dear Commuter We’ve had some extremes of weather this winter and as of today old man southerly is certainly true to form! But the good news is it’s September and officially the start of Spring so here’s to the warmer weather arriving soon. Just remember Positively Wellington Tourism’s new mantra & campaign “Today is […]
July Newsletter
- East by West Ferry
- Dear Commuter School holidays are upon us and it’s certainly heartening to see the sun out again! We’ve got a few things happening soon so it’s very timely to give you an update. First up, it was nice to celebrate today young James Goldsworthy’s (10 years old!) winning entry in the recent Metlink public transport […]
May Newsletter
- East by West Ferry
- May 2nd Dear Commuter Writing today it feels as if we really are having an Indian summer. Superb weather and everyone smiling! Love it! Now to housekeeping matters… We are a little late in letting you know but we’ve been waiting on the weather to make up its mind. We’ve now scheduled the City Cat […]
February 13 Newsletter
- East by West Ferry
- Dear Commuter They say “You can’t beat Wellington on a Good Day!” Well we say you can’t beat Wellington on a good month! What a cracker February has been and March looks more of the same! Did you know Wellingtonians are the happiest New Zealanders? Yep I reckon there’s a new slogan in that somewhere […]
November 12 Newsletter
- East by West Ferry
- Dear Commuter It’s another beautiful start to the week with fine weather so that’s got us all sufficiently primed for the festivities of the red carpet extravaganza and The Hobbit premiere on Wednesday. The forecast is for continuing fine weather through Wednesday so Peter Jackson must have more contacts that we thought high up above! […]
Sept 12 Newsletter
- East by West Ferry
- Dear Commuter Daylight Saving kicks in this weekend with a good forecast so it looks as though we might be blessed with two cracker weekends of weather in a row! Is this a sign of perhaps a superb summer to come? Absolutely I say, always being the optimist! But seriously, good weather cheers us all […]
June 2012 Newsletter
- East by West Ferry
- Dear Commuter Today’s the Winter Solstice and we all need a bit of cheering up especially in view of the weather lately. The Winter Solstice is the longest night and the shortest day. Now for you purists, the actual date and time for this year’s Solstice is today, June 21 at 18:46 (6:46pm); this is […]
February 2012 Newsletter
- East by West Ferry
- Dear Commuter We’re now firmly back into the swing of things after the New Year break. February’s traditionally a lovely month for weather and we certainly deserve it after a very mixed bag for January! We’re thrilled to have you commuting with us in 2012 and we look forward to being of service to you […]
December 2011 Newsletter
- East by West Ferry
- Commuter Newsletter Dear Commuter One week to Christmas! Wow at times it seems eons away and then all of a sudden it’s upon us! The weather gods tell us it’s going to be a good summer with not much wind. With the weather over the last couple of weeks it feels they may well have […]
September Commuter Newsletter
- East by West Ferry
- Commuter Newsletter Dear Commuter We hope you have been enjoying the sunny days and calm sailings as much as we have! CONGRATULATIONS to Nick Fahey, July’s winner of a complimentary 10-trip ticket and Tracy Withers, August’s winner! This could be you – simply make sure you put your used 10 trip tickets or monthly passes […]
9th June 2011 update
- East by West Ferry
- Dear Commuter The winter solstice is fast approaching …. Tuesday 21st June. This is our shortest day of the year when the sun will be at its most northerly point and at its lowest altitude. So to cheer everyone up and celebrate heading to longer days we’re concocting a mulled wine recipe we think you’ll […]