Berhampore and Island Bay
What Did We Plant This Year?
- Manawa Karioi Ecological Restoration Project
- We started the planting season in June 2024 by planting along Moemoea, the track on the upper slopes that connects us to the Berhampore Golf Course to the north and Tawatawa Reserve to the south.
- Accepted from Manawa Karioi news blog by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- berhampore
- tawa
Te Ahi Ka - Loop Track, Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Berhampore and Newtown parking scheme – have your say by Feb 19th @ 1pm
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- https://www.
- Accepted from Island Bay Residents' Association feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- parking
- consultation
- berhampore
- newtown-park
Newtown Park, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
FEEDBACK BY 5pm TODAY: Berhampore and Newtown – bike, bus and walking proposal
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- Feedback closes today at 5pm – Sunday 8th October Particularly relevant for Island Bay is the section of the Parade the runs past Wakefield Park. Head here for information and to give your feedback:
- Accepted from Island Bay Residents' Association feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- berhampore
- island-bay
- newtown
- consultation
- cycle-lanes
Adelaide Road, Berhampore, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
A welcome Surprise in our Tree Order
- Manawa Karioi Ecological Restoration Project
- This year we got a surprise when Wellington City Council's Berhampore plans nursery supplied 10 large Northern Rata (Meterosideros robusta) with our usual order of 500 plants.
- Accepted from Manawa Karioi news blog by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- berhampore
Te Ahi Ka - Loop Track, Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Share your experiences through Berhampore to Newtown
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- Not strictly Island Bay, but does include Adelaide road from Berhampore to Dee Street roundabout Wellingtonians have been very clear they want action on climate change, more housing choices, and a city where more people can get around in zero or low carbon ways.
- Accepted from Island Bay Residents' Association feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- berhampore
- island-bay
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Newsletter | 4 November 2022
- South Wellington Intermediate School
- This newsletter includes information on staffing changes in 2023, a recap of our lockdown, an invitation to host an International Student for 2 weeks, congratulations to many of our students involved in Polyfest and the Peihana display at Gallery 151 in Island Bay, and more. … The post Newsletter | 4 November 2022 appeared first on South Wellington Intermediate School.
- Accepted from SWIS latest news by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- island-bay
South Wellington Intermediate School, 30, Waripori Street, Berhampore, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Metlink school bus routes for start of Term 1 2020
- Wellington High School
- Morning services 713 – Miramar – Kilbirnie – Newtown – Basin Schools 7:45 Miramar-DarlingtonRd (124) 8:36 BasinRes (sch) Daily 715 – Lyall Bay – Kilbirnie – Hataitai – Basin Schools 8:00 LyallBay-HungerfordRd (2) 8:28 BasinRes (sch) Daily 725 – Houghton Bay – Southgate – Island Bay – Basin Schools 7:45 HgtnBayRd nr Cave 8:31 BasinRes (sch) Daily 726 – Island Bay – Owhiro Bay – Berhampore – Wellington High School 7:55 Esplanade opp Beach 8:25 MasseyUni-WallaceSt (opp) Daily 8:05 Island Bay-ReefSt at ShorlandPk 8:25 MasseyUni-WallaceSt (opp) Daily 734 – Brooklyn – Kingston – Vogeltown – Basin Schools 7:50 OhiroRd at Bretby 8:10 AdelaideRd at Basin (12) Daily 736 – Karori (Wrights Hill) – Kelburn – Wellington College 7:40 KaroriMall-BeauchampSt 8:13 BasinRes (sch) Daily 7:50 GippsSt at Cooper (sch) 8:20 BasinRes (sch) Daily 737 – Karori – Kelburn – Wellington College & Wellington High School 7:43 Karori-AllingtonRd 8:29 BasinRes (sch) Daily 7:45 Karori-AllingtonRd 8:29 BasinRes (sch) Daily 7:47 Karori-AllingtonRd 8:33 BasinRes (sch) Daily 743 – Wilton – Wadestown – Thorndon Colleges & Basin Schools 7:55 Wilton-SurreySt 8:35 BasinRes (sch) Daily 8:00 Wilton-SurreySt 8:40 BasinRes (sch) Daily 746 – Khandallah – Ngaio – Basin Schools – St Patrick’s College 7:35 HuttRd at Rangiora 8:25 BasinRes (sch) Daily 764 – Karori – Wellington College 7:55 Karori-AllingtonRd 8:43 BasinRes (sch) Daily 768 – Mairangi – Wellington, St Patrick’s & Rongotai Colleges 7:50 Mairangi-NorwichSt 8:22 BasinRes (sch) Daily 770 – Kowhai Park – Kingston – Vogeltown – Basin & Kilbirnie Colleges 7:50 KowhaiPk-MitchellSt 8:15 AdelaideRd at Basin (12) Daily Afternoon services 718 – Wellington High School – Newtown – Seatoun 15:30 TaranakiSt (217) 16:00 SeatounPk-HectorSt Daily 719 – Wellington High School – Kilbirnie – Miramar North 15:30 WgtnHighSch (sch) 15:56 ParkRd at Rotherham (86) Daily 726 – Wellington High School – Berhampore – Owhiro Bay – Island Bay 15:25 WgtnHighSch (sch) 15:44 IslandBay-ReefSt opp ShorlandPk Daily 15:30 WgtnHighSch (sch) 16:10 IslandBay-ReefSt opp ShorlandPk Daily 734 – Brooklyn – Kingston – Vogeltown – Basin Schools 15:36 AdelaideRd at Basin (13) 15:50 Brooklyn-A Daily 740 – Wellington College – Kelburn – Karori 15:30 TaranakiSt at AbelSmith 15:58 Karori-KaroriRd Daily 15:31 TaranakiSt at AbelSmith 15:59 Karori-KaroriRd Daily 15:32 TaranakiSt at AbelSmith 16:00 Karori-KaroriRd Daily 742 – Basin Schools – Miramar Heights 15:40 BasinRes (sch) 16:18 MiramarShops-A Daily 769 – St Patrick’s & Wellington Colleges, Wellington High School – Northland – Wilton 15:38 TaranakiSt at AbelSmith 16:10 Wilton-SurreySt Daily 770 – Basin Schools – Vogeltown – Kingston – Kowhai Park 15:49 AdelaideRd at Basin (13) 16:29 KowhaiPk-MitchellSt Daily
- Accepted from WHS news by feedreader
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- berhampore
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- hataitai
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- khandallah
- kilbirnie
- lyall-bay
- miramar
- newtown
- ngaio
- northland
- seatoun
- thorndon
- wadestown
- wilton
- vogeltown
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Guest blog: Newtown Connections
- Island Bay Healthy Streets
- Liz Springford is a resident of Berhampore.
- Accepted from IHS blog by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- berhampore
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Berhampore, we have a problem
- Island Bay Healthy Streets
- The Berhampore shops on Adelaide Road might be the trickiest part to get right in the entire Newtown Connections consultationBack in April 2015 the Dominion Post ran a story on the boutiques of Berhampore which focused on the 1st anniversary of a handful of new businesses in the area.
- Accepted from IHS blog by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- berhampore
- newtown
- consultation
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Build a Cycleway through Berhampore Now!
- Wellington City Council
- Will the Wellington City Council honour its previous commitments, made after extensive public consultation, to build a cycleway through Berhampore as part of the Island bay to CBD cycleway project.
- Accepted from Wellington City Council current e-Petitions
- Tagged as:
- island-bay-cycle-way
- island-bay
- berhampore
- consultation
Berhampore, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Building a road and saving 30 seconds
- Wellington Scoop
- One of the most extraordinary things about plans to bulldoze a road through the pristine Takapu Valley is the claim about how much time will be saved. They’re counting the savings in seconds. The claim is found in an Appendix to the controversial report in which the chief executives of regional councils tell their mayors that they ought to support a road through the valley.
- Accepted from Wellington Scoop features
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- oriental-bay
- tawa
- khandallah
- makara
- worser-bay
- stokes-valley
- mount-cook
- island-bay
- hataitai
- civic-square
- ngaio
- northland
- roseneath
- newtown
- thorndon
- hutt-valley
- titahi-bay
- paraparaumu
- wadestown
- miramar
- porirua
- johnsonville
- wainuiomata
- lyall-bay
- wilton
- begonia-house
- paremata
- eastbourne
- karori
- mount-victoria
- kelburn
- kilbirnie
- berhampore
- aro-valley
- brooklyn
- wairarapa
- seatoun
- cuba-street
- waterfront
- newlands
- takapu-valley
Kilbirnie, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
When the media advocate racism to hide the real culprits behind bad driving
- Jack Yan
- This op–ed in the Fairfax Press smacks of typical yellow peril journalism that has come to typify what passes for some media coverage of late.
- Accepted from Jack Yan posts
- Tagged as:
- roseneath
- titahi-bay
- berhampore
- cuba-street
- wainuiomata
- civic-square
- wairarapa
- karori
- kelburn
- khandallah
- tawa
- stokes-valley
- paraparaumu
- makara
- brooklyn
- hutt-valley
- worser-bay
- hataitai
- ngaio
- lyall-bay
- wadestown
- waterfront
- mount-cook
- paremata
- wilton
- begonia-house
- mount-victoria
- newtown
- aro-valley
- newlands
- kilbirnie
- seatoun
- northland
- thorndon
- island-bay
- miramar
- oriental-bay
- johnsonville
- porirua
- eastbourne
Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Who are the single season points and try scoring record holders?
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Above: Brandyn Laursen (left) and Mike Clamp (right) who we think hold the respective Wellington club rugby single season points and try scoring records.
- Accepted from Rugby Club Weekly Feed
- Tagged as:
- worser-bay
- newlands
- roseneath
- hataitai
- paraparaumu
- newtown
- cuba-street
- khandallah
- aro-valley
- lyall-bay
- stokes-valley
- mount-victoria
- tawa
- seatoun
- eastbourne
- paremata
- island-bay
- berhampore
- ngaio
- kelburn
- miramar
- johnsonville
- waterfront
- karori
- oriental-bay
- titahi-bay
- wairarapa
- mount-cook
- kilbirnie
- civic-square
- northland
- hutt-valley
- brooklyn
- wadestown
- wainuiomata
- makara
- thorndon
- wilton
- porirua
- begonia-house
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Grab some gravel
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Take some hard fill for your home and garden projects this weekend - and help protect your community from flooding.
- Accepted from GW Feed
- Tagged as:
- kilbirnie
- roseneath
- stokes-valley
- aro-valley
- wilton
- miramar
- tawa
- worser-bay
- ngaio
- makara
- begonia-house
- waterfront
- island-bay
- thorndon
- hutt-valley
- wainuiomata
- newlands
- mount-victoria
- kelburn
- seatoun
- paraparaumu
- johnsonville
- hataitai
- wairarapa
- lyall-bay
- eastbourne
- paremata
- wadestown
- karori
- oriental-bay
- mount-cook
- civic-square
- porirua
- cuba-street
- brooklyn
- northland
- titahi-bay
- khandallah
- newtown
- berhampore
Eastbourne, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Found a Facebook bot? Facebook wants you to leave it as reporting option vanishes
- Jack Yan
- Facebook appears to be giving up on the bot fight.
- Accepted from Jack Yan posts
- Tagged as:
- wilton
- seatoun
- waterfront
- newtown
- hutt-valley
- northland
- kelburn
- begonia-house
- island-bay
- berhampore
- hataitai
- makara
- paraparaumu
- mount-victoria
- oriental-bay
- newlands
- johnsonville
- mount-cook
- wairarapa
- aro-valley
- tawa
- roseneath
- lyall-bay
- porirua
- cuba-street
- worser-bay
- thorndon
- khandallah
- eastbourne
- ngaio
- titahi-bay
- paremata
- civic-square
- wainuiomata
- wadestown
- brooklyn
- stokes-valley
- kilbirnie
- karori
- miramar
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Summer Interclub Round 2 Results
- Table Tennis Wellington
- Week 2 results are below: 2015-Summer-Interclub-4-March-results Premier 2015-Summer-Interclub-4-March-results Divisions FYI the draw schedules are here.
- Accepted from Table Tennis Wellington blog posts
- Tagged as:
- lyall-bay
- johnsonville
- island-bay
- stokes-valley
- civic-square
- aro-valley
- wainuiomata
- kilbirnie
- paremata
- paraparaumu
- waterfront
- thorndon
- makara
- wilton
- ngaio
- hataitai
- newtown
- khandallah
- begonia-house
- berhampore
- kelburn
- worser-bay
- miramar
- wadestown
- mount-victoria
- mount-cook
- newlands
- hutt-valley
- tawa
- roseneath
- titahi-bay
- oriental-bay
- seatoun
- brooklyn
- northland
- karori
- wairarapa
- eastbourne
- cuba-street
- porirua
Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Commuting by bicycle in Wellington
- Cycling in Wellington
- In the past few years the number of people I see on bikes riding from Newtown to town in the morning has literally quadrupled. Unfortunately, many of the people I see stopped at the lights are on seriously terrible bikes. I’m see rusty, too-big or too-small mountain bikes with brakes that barely work and people look unconfident and uncomfortable on their bikes. Riding the wrong bike can actually make cycling seriously not fun. Recently several of my colleagues have gotten bicycles with the intention of cycling to work. I have noticed that they too seem to have missed some items that to me are essential for bike commuting. Namely:
- Accepted from Cycling in Wellington posts
- Tagged as:
- waterfront
- hutt-valley
- kilbirnie
- porirua
- hataitai
- karori
- newtown
- cuba-street
- miramar
- khandallah
- titahi-bay
- ngaio
- oriental-bay
- seatoun
- worser-bay
- mount-victoria
- wilton
- mount-cook
- paraparaumu
- roseneath
- wadestown
- paremata
- makara
- island-bay
- berhampore
- stokes-valley
- johnsonville
- eastbourne
- brooklyn
- begonia-house
- wairarapa
- kelburn
- northland
- thorndon
- civic-square
- newlands
- lyall-bay
- wainuiomata
- aro-valley
- tawa
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)