Archive / August 2016
September 2016 | July 2016-
Porirua Harbour Restoration fund 2016 open
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Applications for Greater Wellington Regional Council’s annual fund for community groups focussed on environmental restoration around Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour catchment opens tomorrow, Thursday 1 September 2016.
- Accepted from GW Feed
- Tagged as:
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
October 11:
- Bar Bodega
- Skyscraper Stan Returns to NZ For Nationwide Tour “Skyscraper Stan Woodhouse is a revelation” The Age After touring the country in the spectacular show “Bowie, Waiting in The Sky” (with Eddie Rayner, Jordan Luck, Alastair Riddell and Zane Griff ), Skyscraper Stan returns to New Zealand in October for a … Continue reading
- Accepted from Bodega posts
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- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
Hay fever hits early – it’s nature doing its thing
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Wellingtonians are grabbing their tissues as hay fever season kicks off early this year due to the mild winter and early signs of spring.
- Accepted from GW Feed
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- regional-council
Meet The New Boss…
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- There has been a changing of the guard at the top of the Let’s Get Welly Moving team.
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket
News: Goodbye Winter!
- Olympic Harriers
- Club pack walk/run, Alex Moore, Sat 3 Sep, 1:45pm Lambs are frolicking, daffo...
- Accepted from Olympic Harriers news feed
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- athletics
"Postcard from Minoh" - blog by Martin, new JET/Minoh resident
- Hutt Minoh House Friendship Trust
- From Wellington to Osaka With great ambition comes great loss.
- Accepted from Hutt Minoh House Friendship Trust feed by tonytw1
- Not tagged
Rosemary's visit to Minoh, July 2016
- Hutt Minoh House Friendship Trust
- Minoh Visit report from Rosemary, Management Committee Chair.
- Accepted from Hutt Minoh House Friendship Trust feed by tonytw1
- Not tagged
Parentlink Movie Night
- Kilbirnie School
- Treat yourself with a night at the movies and grab a ticket for the movie The Girl on the Train from the school office. Roxy Cinema, Tuesday 18 October at 8pm. $30 ticket with a glass of wine and a goodie bag or $25 ticket with a goodie bag. Buy 9 tickets, get the 10th one free.
- Accepted from Kilbirnie School news
- Automatically tagged as:
- kilbirnie
- primary
- wcn-hosted
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Weekly Wrap Up (T3, W5)
- Wellington High School
- Future Focus To help your student make smart course choices for 2017, Wellington High School will be running a Future Focus Evening on the 29th August.
- Accepted from WHS news
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- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Seeking a new principal
- Kilbirnie School
- Our current principal, Mike McGimpsey, has handed in his resignation after more than 20 years at the school.
- Accepted from Kilbirnie School news
- Automatically tagged as:
- kilbirnie
- primary
- wcn-hosted
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Meet the CCDHB Candidates
- Newtown Residents' Association
- Every one of us depends on access to quality health care to keep us healthy and help us when we are unwell, injured or disabled, but how much do we know about the people who want to lead Capital and Coast District Health Board? In October, as well as the local body elections, we will have a chance to vote for seven elected DHB members to represent our communities on the eleven-member board.
- Accepted from NRA news
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- community-groups
- newtown
September 16: King Loser
- Bar Bodega
- King Loser Touring @ Bodega with guests Beatcomber + Psychick Witch FB event page…
- Accepted from Bodega posts
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- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
Two shows on now in Wellington
- The Wellingtonista
- First up, a brilliant interpretation of a Shakespeare’s Richard II.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Public meeting re housing development
- Newtown Residents' Association
- Public Meeting – 10am on Saturday 27th August, Newtown Hall, 71 Daniell Street.
- Accepted from NRA news
- Tagged as:
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
À la carless – The progressive dinner by e-bike
- The Wellingtonista
- Wellington on a Plate is nearing it’s end for 2016 but there’s still a good weekend’s worth of time to get out and about and try the things you’ve been meaning to, but haven’t got around to yet.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Union Meeting on Tuesday 6 September
- Kilbirnie School
- Since the majority of the teaching staff at Kilbirnie School will be attending a union meeting in the afternoon on Tuesday 6 September, there will be a very small number of teachers left at school to supervise the children.
- Accepted from Kilbirnie School news
- Tagged as:
- kilbirnie
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Daffodil Day
- Kilbirnie School
- On Friday 26 August, the school will be selling daffodils, so if you wish to support this appeal to support those affected by cancer, please bring along a gold coin donation to school.
- Accepted from Kilbirnie School news
- Automatically tagged as:
- kilbirnie
- primary
- wcn-hosted
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Waikanae will get 240 new parks for Christmas
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Waikanae train commuters will be getting 240 new parks for Christmas with the construction of the new Metlink Park and Ride facility on the site of the old Waikanae Hotel late next week.
- Accepted from GW Feed
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- regional-council
So much on our plates!
- The Wellingtonista
- Five & Dime WOAP dishes.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Books, Books & more Books
- The Wellingtonista
- It’s only 3 days till DCM‘s very delightful & very Large annual bookfair.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Future Focus Evening
- Wellington High School
- To help your student make smart course choices for 2017, Wellington High School will be running a Future Focus Evening on the 29th August.
- Accepted from WHS news
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- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
School photos
- Kilbirnie School
- Get the hair gel and best clothing out! The school photos will be taken on Friday 2nd September. If you wish to have a photo taken with an out of school sibling, please be at school by 9am. Order forms with a proof of the individual photo will be sent home the following week.
- Accepted from Kilbirnie School news
- Automatically tagged as:
- kilbirnie
- primary
- wcn-hosted
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
News: Olympic Gold
- Olympic Harriers
- Club pack walk/run, Alex Moore, Sat 27 August, 1:45pm It is getting lighter in ...
- Accepted from Olympic Harriers news feed
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- athletics
WOAP: Burger, burger, bugger!
- The Wellingtonista
- TL:DR: we ate two pretty decent burgers and will never return to Foxglove.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
- Orchestra Wellington
- Accepted from Orchestra Wellington posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- music
August 26: No Refunds/Ghost Who Walks/Old School Road
- Bar Bodega
- Free Entry and $5 Beers – how can you resist!! Doors at 8pm – bands on soon after that. FB event here… Old School Road Ghost Who Walks No Refunds
- Accepted from Bodega posts
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- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
August 27: WAKA – Maori Month Celebrations
- Bar Bodega
- ‘AN ANNUAL FESTIVAL CELEBRATING WELLINGTON MUSICIANS, MAORI MUSIC MONTH, NEW MUSIC RELEASE’ WAKA is Wellington’s latest annual festival to celebrate musicians in the Capital City. The kaupapa is best described as a Vessel to showcase emerging talent, new music and to support Maori Music Month. Tickets available here. New music … Continue reading
- Accepted from Bodega posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
News: Wellington team for National Road Champs named
- Olympic Harriers
- Athletics Wellington has named the following team for the National Road Champs i...
- Accepted from Olympic Harriers news feed
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- athletics
Weekly Wrap Up (T3, W4)
- Wellington High School
- Important Dates 19 – 25 August : School Exams for Seniors 22 August : Board of Trustees Meeting 26 August : Mid-Term Break (SCHOOL CLOSED) 29 August : Future Focus for Senior Students and families 6 September : PPTA/NZEI Paid Union Meeting.
- Accepted from WHS news
- Automatically tagged as:
- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
October 15: Ocean Alley
- Bar Bodega
- Ocean Alley (AUS) live in WELLINGTON! Saturday 15 October @ Bodega With support from Tunes Of I & The Dead Recipe Tickets on sale here and check out the FB event page here Pre Sales $25 + BF / Door Sales $35 18+ 2 0 1 6 has been a … Continue reading
- Accepted from Bodega posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
Waiohine River Floodplain Management Plan hearing to be rescheduled
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- The submission hearing due to go ahead in Greytown on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 August on the draft Waiohine River Floodplain Management Plan has been cancelled due to the unavailability of sub-committee members.
- Accepted from GW Feed
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- regional-council
Ruamāhanga Whaitua Committee complete mid-point community discussions
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- This week a series of face-to-face discussions hosted by the Ruamāhanga Whaitua Committee (RWC) drew to a close, the last of nine meetings was held in Greytown and facilitated by local community representative, committee member, Rebecca Fox.
- Accepted from GW Feed
- Tagged as:
- rugby-world-cup
Dazzling runway show on Saturday night
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- A new high-impact fashion trend will take to the pavement in Wellington on Saturday night in an award show for New Zealand’s first reflective fashion design competition.
- Accepted from GW Feed
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- regional-council
Adrienne Fenemor comes to Kapiti Playhouse
- Kapiti Playhouse Inc
- New Zealand’s own, New York based B3 organ powerhouse, vocalist, composer and band leader Adrienne Fenemor is unleashing her brand new album Mo’ Puddin’ in NZ this month, including a performance at Kapiti Playhouse in Paraparaumu.
- Accepted from Kapiti Playhouse Inc - News
- Tagged as:
- paraparaumu
Basin Reserve Redevelopment: What Are Your Priorities?
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Now that the Basin Reserve flyover proposal is consigned to the dustbin of history, work will soon begin on the redevelopment of the Basin Reserve as a cricket and recreation ground – and you have until 12 September to submit your ideas.
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket
Production night
- Kilbirnie School
- Accepted from Kilbirnie School news
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- kilbirnie
- primary
- wcn-hosted
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
More buses for Wellington
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Greater Wellington Regional Council is working urgently to provide more buses for the growing number of people catching buses from Karori, Wadestown, Wilton and Khandallah.
- Accepted from GW Feed
- Tagged as:
- karori
- khandallah
- wilton
- wadestown
Wadestown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
WOAP ’16: a burger, a stew and a beer
- The Wellingtonista
- The mad rush of eating continues, so without any further ado, let’s get into it.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Wellington runway extension plan ‘implausible at best’
- Guardians of the Bays
- Original article on scoop.
- Accepted from Guardians of the Bays posts
- Tagged as:
- runway-extension
Basin Reserve Redevelopment
- Cricket Wellington
- As you might be aware, the Wellington City Council is conducting a survey and seeking feedback with regards to the future look and capability of the Basin Reserve.
- Accepted from Cricket Wellington
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- cricket
Ewen Chatfield Draw Released
- Cricket Wellington
- The Premier draw has been released for the 2016/17 season.
- Accepted from Cricket Wellington
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- cricket
News: Wellington Road Champs are coming around (but not as often?!?)
- Olympic Harriers
- Wellington Road Champs, Reservoir Road, Wainuiomata,1:00 pm - 4:00 pmandnbsp;Sat...
- Accepted from Olympic Harriers news feed
- Tagged as:
- wainuiomata
Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Welly on a Plate 2016: it begins
- The Wellingtonista
- So Wellington on a Plate has been going for four days now, and I have three things to report back on so far.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Weekly Wrap Up (T3, W3)
- Wellington High School
- Important Dates 19 – 25 August : School Exams for Seniors 22 August : Board of Trustees Meeting 26 August : Mid-Term Break (SCHOOL CLOSED) 29 August : Future Focus for Senior Students and families 14 September : Learning Conversations 2 22 September : Music Evening 23 September : Last day of Term 3 23 September : Year 11 – 13 School Reports on Portal 10 October : First day Term 4
- Accepted from WHS news
- Automatically tagged as:
- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
End of an Era
- Bar Bodega
- From the owners of Bodega, Murray Hepple and Catherine Popert.
- Accepted from Bodega posts by feedreader
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- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
Pilots outline safety fears for wellington airport’s runway extension
- Guardians of the Bays
- Link: http://www.
- Accepted from Guardians of the Bays posts
- Tagged as:
- runway-extension
September 24: Roofdog, Dimestore Skanks and more
- Bar Bodega
- Wellington City Punk Rock Present Roofdog are back in Wellington for the first time in nearly 5 years. Come down and party will us, it’s gonna be epic! FB event page here… Roofdog (Auckland) – Ska/Punk Dimestore Skanks – Ska/Punk Back The Truck Up (Masterton) – Ska DJ Skaman
- Accepted from Bodega posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
August 27: Content therapy
- Bar Bodega
- THE TIME HAS COME!!! We’ve lost alotta time to this album, not to mention the Moolaah. But it’s gonna be worth every moment and cent to play it to you guys in two weeks!! Come support the rise of a new breed of New Zealand Hip Hop! Rufio.
- Accepted from Bodega posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
WMTBC has a new President
- Wellington Mountain Bike Club
- The Wellington Mountain Bike Club has a new President, John Baddiley.
- Accepted from WMTBC news by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- mountain-biking
November 27: Black Milk
- Bar Bodega
- Black Milk is a master of beats and rhymes, renowned for his top-flight production, insightful lyrics and thrilling live shows. Far from your typical rap act, he has steadily added new sounds and styles to his repertoire while working with a diverse group of collaborators – from Jack White and … Continue reading
- Accepted from Bodega posts by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
October 7: Rocktober
- Bar Bodega
- NZ MUSIC ROCKTOBER BOTB Entertainment presents a series of gigs showcasing the best of bands found in The Demon Energy Battle of the Bands National Championship + other favourites Featuring an eclectic mix of NZ Music with multiple bands playing action packed, fast paced events at NZ’s best live music … Continue reading
- Accepted from Bodega posts by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- bands
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
November 29: The Troggs (UK)
- Bar Bodega
- SIXTIES GIANTS THE TROGGS to TOUR NZ in NOVEMBER / DECEMBER on the 50th anniversary of Wild Thing All their Greatest Hits Live in Concert including Wild Thing, With A Girl Like You, I Can’t Control Myself, Love Is all Around and many more. The Troggs are British Beat Legends. … Continue reading
- Accepted from Bodega posts
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- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
September 3: NZ Music Showcase
- Bar Bodega
- NZ MUSIC SEPTEMBER SHOWCASES BOTB Entertainment presents a series of gigs showcasing the best of bands found in The Demon Energy Battle of the Bands National Championship + other favourites Featuring an eclectic mix of NZ Music with multiple bands playing action packed, fast paced events at NZ’s best live … Continue reading
- Accepted from Bodega posts
- Tagged as:
- bands
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
September 3:
- Bar Bodega
- NZ MUSIC SEPTEMBER SHOWCASES BOTB Entertainment presents a series of gigs showcasing the best of bands found in The Demon Energy Battle of the Bands National Championship + other favourites Featuring an eclectic mix of NZ Music with multiple bands playing action packed, fast paced events at NZ’s best live … Continue reading
- Accepted from Bodega posts
- Tagged as:
- bands
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
News: Bays Relay this week, from around midday
- Olympic Harriers
- Bays Relay, Island Bay, Saturdayandnbsp;13 August Teams of 5 runners will das...
- Accepted from Olympic Harriers news feed
- Tagged as:
- island-bay
Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
August 26: Skinny Hobos in The Blind Tiger
- Bar Bodega
- Check out FB event here. Skinny Hobos Into Orbit Quinn The Human The Phonk (feat. members from Funkacybin) The Blind Tiger (downstairs @ Bodega) – 8pm doors $10 tickets @ Skinny Hobos and Quinn the Human never quite made it to The Windy City on their last combined tour, … Continue reading
- Accepted from Bodega posts
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- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
October 7: Rocktober
- Bar Bodega
- NZ MUSIC ROCKTOBER BOTB Entertainment presents a series of gigs showcasing the best of bands found in The Demon Energy Battle of the Bands National Championship + other favourites Featuring an eclectic mix of NZ Music with multiple bands playing action packed, fast paced events at NZ’s best live music … Continue reading
- Accepted from Bodega posts
- Tagged as:
- bands
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
The Hour/Week of Beer is Upon Us
- The Wellingtonista
- Beervana kicks off on Friday with four sessions over two days and there’s a LOT of beer related activities on before then.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Weekly Wrap Up (T3, W2)
- Wellington High School
- Important Dates 10 August : Sports & Clubs Photos 19 – 25 August : School Exams for Seniors 22 August : Board of Trustees Meeting 26 August : Mid-Term Break (SCHOOL CLOSED) 29 August : Future Focus for Senior Students and families 14 September : Learning Conversations 2 22 September : Music Evening 23 September : Last day of Term 3 23 September : Year 11 – 13 School Reports on Portal
- Accepted from WHS news
- Automatically tagged as:
- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Meet the Candidates
- Newtown Residents' Association
- We are inviting the Southern Ward Candidates to a ‘Meet the Candidates’ Meeting hosted by the Newtown Residents’ Association, to tell us why we should vote for them for Wellington City Council. Postal voting is between 16th September and 8th October. Lively discussion and supper provided! When: 7pm on Tuesday 13th September Where: St Anne’s Hall, Emmett St, Newtown Twitter: #MeetTheCandidates
- Accepted from NRA news
- Tagged as:
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
November 29: The Troggs
- Bar Bodega
- SIXTIES GIANTS THE TROGGS to TOUR NZ in NOVEMBER / DECEMBER On the 50th anniversary of Wild Thing All their Greatest Hits Live in Concert including Wild Thing, With A Girl Like You, I Can’t Control Myself, Love Is all Around and many more. The Troggs are British Beat Legends. … Continue reading
- Accepted from Bodega posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
Submit now: Wellington Airport runway extension proposal would mean years of extra heavy truck movements through the Mt Victoria tunnel & past the Basin Reserve
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Already convinced you don’t want four years of extra heavy truck movements around the Basin Reserve, day and night? Submit now: http://www.
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts
- Tagged as:
- runway-extension
Beat It! Blast It! Come and experience Orchestra Wellington’s...
- Orchestra Wellington
- Beat It! Blast It! Come and experience Orchestra Wellington’s brand new schools programme, ‘The Science of Sound’ in a free family performance! Sunday 21 August, 3.
- Accepted from Orchestra Wellington posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- music
RE-BLOG SURFBREAK PROTECTION SOCIETY: Wellington Airport Calling the Tune on Lyall Bay’s Corner surf break
- Guardians of the Bays
- by Michael Gunson Link here Revelations have emerged that Wellington International Airport Ltd has been responsible for alterations to the Moa Point Road sea wall in Lyall Bay.
- Accepted from Guardians of the Bays posts
- Tagged as:
- lyall-bay
Lyall Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Missing plants
- Te Motu Kairangi
- It was slight too dark to take a picture, but while walking bym checking out some of our work, we could tell that someone had removed some of our planted Melicytus obovatus by Tai Paku Paku road.
- Accepted from Te Motu Kairangi blog by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- conservation
- miramar
Miramar Peninsula, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellingtonians say public transport has got a lot better
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Wellingtonians have voted a big lift in their satisfaction with public transport in 2015/2016 and a steep increase in train customers over this period backs this up.
- Accepted from GW Feed
- Automatically tagged as:
- regional-council
Wairarapa economic development conference punches above its weight
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Convening local economic development professionals in the Wairarapa for regionally focussed discussion has proved a run-away success.
- Accepted from GW Feed
- Tagged as:
- wairarapa
September 2: Sub:Bass
- Bar Bodega
- We are back! After successfully busting out of the basement, we are upstairs in the main room at Bodega again. As always, a killer local lineup on a massive bass heavy soundsystem amd bright lights. DJs and MCs TBA R18, Koha entry. Come and join us in the SUB:BASS movement!
- Accepted from Bodega posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
September 10: Squealer ACDC Experience and GnFnR Guns and Roses Tribute
- Bar Bodega
- Our last show at the soon to close Bar Bodega with our good mates Squealer ACDC Experience. We are going to blow the roof off so climb aboard the Nightrain and get ready to be Thunderstruck!!
- Accepted from Bodega posts
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- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
August 5: Is it the Begininning of a New Age? in The Blind Tiger
- Bar Bodega
- Come and join The Engine Room as we celebrate the closing of our current Exhibtion ‘Is it the Begininning of a New Age? Curated by Martin Patrick. The exhibtion is open all week come and take a look at the work before Partay on Friday night. Free Entry come one, … Continue reading
- Accepted from Bodega posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
Sept 17: Primacy – Failure and Sacrifice Tour
- Bar Bodega
- Primacy are heading out and hitting Auckland, The Mount, Hamilton and Wellington over August & September. Joining us on the road are our buddies Remote also from Auckland. Join us as we celebrate the release of our e.p, Failure & Sacrifice (available on iTunes, Spotify and Amazon)
- Accepted from Bodega posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
Passionate about our region? Get your nomination in
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- People with a passion for the Wellington region have until next Friday to lodge their nomination to stand for Greater Wellington Regional Council.
- Accepted from GW Feed
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- regional-council
Assembly notes from 4 August 2016
- Kilbirnie School
- Thank you to our fabulous comperes Emma and James.
- Accepted from Kilbirnie School news
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- kilbirnie
- primary
- wcn-hosted
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Cricket Wellington Golf Day
- Cricket Wellington
- Friday the 29th July saw Cricket Wellington host a golf day at Shandon Golf Course.
- Accepted from Cricket Wellington
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- cricket
Dazzling runway show comes to Wellington
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- A new high-impact fashion trend will take Wellington by storm this month.
- Accepted from GW Feed
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- regional-council
November 27: Black Milk
- Bar Bodega
- Black Milk is a master of beats and rhymes, renowned for his top-flight production, insightful lyrics and thrilling live shows. Far from your typical rap act, he has steadily added new sounds and styles to his repertoire while working with a diverse group of collaborators – from Jack White and … Continue reading
- Accepted from Bodega posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- bars
Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa
News: Bays Relays in two weeks
- Olympic Harriers
- Pack run/walk from clubrooms at Alex Moore, Satandnbsp;6 August, 1:45 More than...
- Accepted from Olympic Harriers news feed
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- athletics
Get your Smencils! Fundraising for soft furnishings by Parentlink
- Kilbirnie School
- The Parentlink group is running a fundraising to buy soft furnishings for the school. The target is $500 so make sure that you get your Smencils. Order forms have been given to the children and samples are available in the office or in the classrooms.
- Accepted from Kilbirnie School news
- Automatically tagged as:
- kilbirnie
- primary
- wcn-hosted
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
NZ Women's Development Seminar, Yoshinkan Hutt Kendo Club, April 2016
- Hutt Minoh House Friendship Trust
- This report is to thank the Hutt Minoh House Friendship Trustfor the generous donation towards the NZ Women’s Development Seminar held April 31 - May 1st 2016 in Naenae, Lower Hutt.
- Accepted from Hutt Minoh House Friendship Trust feed by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- lower-hutt
- naenae
Naenae, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Zen Garden project for Brown Owl Kindergarten, Hutt Valley
- Hutt Minoh House Friendship Trust
- Brown Owl Kindergarten were recipients of a $500 grant from Hutt Minoh House Friendship Trust in March 2015 to help create a $1500 Zen garden.
- Accepted from Hutt Minoh House Friendship Trust feed by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- hutt-valley
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Notes from the July Meeting
- Newtown Residents' Association
- See the full meeting minutes here.
- Accepted from NRA news
- Automatically tagged as:
- community-groups
- newtown
New Street Trees
- Newtown Residents' Association
- Do you remember the slide show of Newtown trouble spots from our May meeting, and the sad pictures of dead tree stumps or empty planters which had been in Owen Street for a long time? It is very exciting to see graceful new kowhai trees in their place! Repeated ‘fix-its’ have had an effect!
- Accepted from NRA news
- Tagged as:
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Waingawa hub will boost economy and environment
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Greater Wellington Regional Council Chair Chris Laidlaw has welcomed the opening of Centreport’s new Waingawa log hub, saying it will deliver benefits for the regional economy, motorists, and the environment.
- Accepted from GW Feed
- Automatically tagged as:
- regional-council
ORCHESTRA WELLINGTON presents MOZART 1791Saturday 20 August...
- Orchestra Wellington
- ORCHESTRA WELLINGTON presents MOZART 1791 Saturday 20 August 2016, 7:30PM, Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington — Orchestra Wellington makes Mozart a matter of life and death Orchestra Wellington and the Orpheus Choir are combining this month to perform Mozart’s final masterpiece before his life was tragically cut short.
- Accepted from Orchestra Wellington posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- music