Feeds / Naenae Boxing Academy posts
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Added on 27 Apr 2014. Last read 6 minutes ago.
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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 9):
Keegan lands shot at world title
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
- Billy and Keegan are on their way to the Ukraine for the Junior World Champs to be held 5th – 15th September. Very exciting time for young Keegan, travelling to the other side of the world, to the Ukraine for the Junior World Champs. I have been telling him for 2 years now “if you train, you will go to the Ukraine”. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. To compete with the worlds best boys in your age and weight is a tremendous honour. Wearing the ‘Silver Fern’ he will never fight better. We’re taking a full team with Ryan Scaife from Upper Hutt coming with us, as well as Grant Scaife (his father) as coach. We’re in for an experience, will keep you informed! Billy the Kid – Live and living! http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/local-papers/hutt-news/sport/8865643/Keegan-lands-shot-at-world-title
Boxing Brings Big Turnaround
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
- Check out this link to a dompost article 25/03/2013 on Jarrod Westrupp http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/8466894/Boxing-helps-boy-going-nowhere-fast
New Hutt News Articles
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
- Head over to our Press page to check out a couple of new articles featuring Billy and the Gym.
More recent Press
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
- Another recent article from the Hutt News about Billy. Click to enlarge.
New Hutt News feature
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
- Billy and the Gym were featured in a recent Hutt News article about a visiting group of Hong Kong Police officers. Click the image to enlarge.
ASB Save the Change
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
- The Naenae Youth Charitable Trust is now part of ASB Bank‘s “Save the Change”. “Save the Change” is an option whereby every EFTPOS transaction an ASB customer makes, will be rounded up automatically to the nearest dollar and the amount of difference directed into an account nominated by that ASB customer. You can nominate the ‘Naenae Youth Charitable Trust’ savings account! For example if you nominate our Trust, your EFTPOS purchase of $41.52, puts .48c automatically into our account and your transaction will be recorded on your statement as $42.00. Click here to learn more about “Save the Change” or visit our Donate page to learn how you can help us!
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
- Take some time to browse our press gallery here. Featuring all the latest print articles that concern the Naenae Boxing Academy and Billy.
Coaching Clinics
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
- Do you have a passion for youth? Do you have a sporting background? Do you want to make a difference in your community? The Billy Graham Naenae Charitable Trust has received funding from the Nikau Foundation so that Billy can assist you in forming your own/or strengthening your already existing, sports youth facility in the Wellington region. Benefit from Billy’s experience establishing the Naenae Boxing Academy and attend a fun and informative Coaching Clinic weekend in 2011. We held a very successful Clinic in May & August 2010, at the Academy premises, which attendees found mutually beneficial. Clinic includes: Developing coaching skills Your environment – how to keep it appealing Establishing community support networks Fitness programme Funding Establishing standards Developing leadership qualities in your youth Interested? Fill in this form to apply (opens in a new window)
About Billy
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
- Billy started boxing in Naenae under the tutorship of Dick Dunn; New Zealand’s legendary boxing coach, when he was eight years old. He has won four gold and two silver titles at the Nationals, the Jamieson Belt (most scientific), and the Australasian title in 1967. Billy was finals trialist for the Jamaica Commonwealth Games in 1966, Mexico in 1968, Edinburgh in 1972, and Christchurch in 1974. Coaching in one way or another for many years in gyms and schools around New Zealand, Billy finally brought his gym dream to fruition in 2005 by purchasing a property in his hometown of Naenae, a suburb of Lower Hutt in Wellington. Billy has been a television boxing commentator and was a regular guest on the Good Morning television programme. In 2008 Billy was nominated for the Jeff Gray BMW Personality of the Year category for Sportsperson of the Year, he has received Rotary’s Paul Harris Fellow Award and his boxing academy has featured on TV1, TV3, and Prime News. Billy has vast experience as an international platform speaker around the world for the past 25 years. (www.billygraham.co.nz) Billy has spoken to 15,000 people at the Melbourne Tennis Centre and was a main platform [...]