
Feeds / LBSLSC news

This feed is published by Lyall Bay Surf & Life Saving Club Inc.

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Added on 1 Jan 2009. Last read 9 minutes ago.

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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 71):

    • 2017
      • Lyall Bay Club News 12 May 2017 - <a href="http://mailchi.mp/77207226b280/lyall-bay-club-news-12-may-2017"> http://mailchi.mp/77207226b280/lyall-bay-club-news-12-may-2017

    • 2017
      • Lyall Bay Club News 12 May 2017 - <a href="http://mailchi.mp/77207226b280/lyall-bay-club-news-12-may-2017"> http://mailchi.mp/77207226b280/lyall-bay-club-news-12-may-2017

    • Capital Coast Awards of Excellence
      • Come and celebrate a successful season and represent Lyall Bay at the Capital Coast Awards of Excellence. All those nominated will receve an invitation in the post, and a reminder that Junior Surf medals will be given out for all those who gained a placing on overall points throughout the Junior Surf series this season.   31st May 2014 Titahi Bay Bowling Club, 13a Tireti Road, Titahi Bay 5pm mix and mingle, 6pm prize giving commences $10 per person (unless nominated for an award), includes nibbles, cash bar Smart Casual   Please contact Kelsey or <a href="mailto:zoe.canvin@surflifesaving.org.nz" target="_blank" title="zoe email">Zoe Canvin from SLSNZ to purchase a ticket

    • Club Prize Giving Results
      • Thank you to everyone that came to Lyall Bay Club Prize Giving at The Pines on Sunday 13th April. It was a great way to wrap-up the season and congratulations to everyone that received an award:   Lifeguarding/Volunteer Awards Lifeguard of the Year - Cameron Turchie Patrol of the Year - Patrol 1 - Kupe Instructor of the Year - Troy Greenem Volunteer of the Year - Helen Dudding Rookie Lifeguard of the Year - Lewis Clareburt Rescue of the Year - James Moore & Liam Simes Innovation of the Year - Michelle Elsmore 'Little Nippers'   Senior Sports Awards Sportsperson of the Year - Nico Van der Wilt Most Promising Competitor - Ben Manners Sports Team of the Year - U23 Men's Boat Crew - Troy Greenem, Sam Richardson, Jordan Merritt, Sam Janssen & Ray Stoddart Coach of the Year - Richard Watt Women's Compeitor of the Year - Tori Watt   Junior Surf Awards U14 Sportsperson of the Year - David Long U12 Sportsperson of the Year - George Murray U10 Sportsperson of the Year - Kaela Bettany Most Improved Nipper - Atakura Julian Special Achievement Award - Atakura Julian   Well done to all of those people and good luck to those who progress on to be nominated in the Capital Coast Awards of Excellence, to be held on 31st May.

    • 2014 Club Prize Giving
      • 2014 Club Prize Giving  Club prize giving to mark the end of a fantastic season for Lyall Bay will be held at The Pines on Sunday 13th April starting at 3pm. Tickets: Adults (over 12 years) are $30 Children 6 - 12 years are $15 Under 6 years are free   Please contact Kelsey to get a ticket!

    • Nationals Results
      • Nationals Results Everyone had a great weekend away in Ohope for the SLSNZ National Championships and Lyall Bay came away with a good haul of medals! Well done to everyone that went and thank you to all of the coaches, team managers, organisers and other parents who helped out making this trip such a success. Especially congratulations to the medalists: Silver U16 Men's Surf Teams - Nico Van der Wilt, Tom Oolders, Lewis Clareburt & Ben Manners U16 Men's Surf Race - Lewis Clareburt U19 Women's Board Relay - Karly Maxwell, Tori Watt & Hayley Cox U16 Women's Taplin - Tori Watt, Saskis Van der Wilt & Kate Nota Open Men's Short Course Canoe - John Elsmore, Matt Flannery, James Flannery & Craig Jones   Bronze U16 Men's Ironman - Nico Van der Wilt U16 Men's Ski Race - Nico Van der Wilt Open Men's Long Course Boat - Troy Greenem, Jordan Merritt, Sam Janssen, Sam Richardson U16 Women's Surf Teams - Tori Watt, Saskis Van der Wilt, Kate Nota & Jessica Moore   Also congratulation to Samantha Lee and Nico Van der Wilt who were named in the Open NZ Squad and NZ Development Squad respectively. For the full squad announcement <a href="http://www.surflifesaving.org.nz/sport/news/details?f=2014/march/high-performance-squads-and-youth-team-announced/" target="_blank" title="nz squads 2014">click here. For full results, photo galleries and news go the the <a href="http://www.surflifesaving.org.nz/calendar/2014/march/new-zealand-surf-life-saving-championships/" target="_blank" title="slsnz nationals page">official SLSNZ Nationals page    

    • Latest Nationals Info
      • Latest Nationals Info Club Noticeboard The noticeboard has now been updated with team entries and other information. There is a one-off entry fee this year so you may see you are entered in lots of events and the decision to race will be made with your coach at the event. This is so if the program changes you have the ability to do other events.   SLSNZ Website Nationals information <a href="http://www.surflifesaving.org.nz/nationals14">http://www.surflifesaving.org.nz/nationals14 Now that entries have closed the revised programmes will appear on this website in the next few days. Also has links to weather and swell forecasts   Transport: Both vans will leave the club at 5.30am (meet at 5.15am)     This gives you the afternoon for training at Ohope (forecast is good!)     Van 1 Van 2   Towing: ski/board trailer Towing: canoe trailer Extras returning from Ohope 1 Walter Maxwell (Drivers) Grant Fahey (Driver) Caroline Sarfati (Driver) 2 Jessie Moore Charles Swart(to Ohope) Sam Kelleher 3 Kate Nota Troy Greenum   4 Tori Watt Sam Richardson   5 Finn Meredith Sam Janssen   6 Lewis Clareburt Ben Janssen   7 Hannah Andrews Jordan Merritt   8 Hayley Cox (to Ohope only) Corey Coburn   9 Karly Maxwell Atticus Jones   10 Tom Oolders Cameron Turchie   11 Ben Manners Tyler Maxwell   12 James Moore       Accommodation: NauMai Motel, 61 Landing Road, Whakatane, 07 3086422 The motel has the rooming list and will allocate you to rooms on arrival             Gear loading: Crews to arrange loading of trailers. Watch FB for notices of loading times   There is a list on the noticeboard for items to pack-make sure your board/ ski/ paddle/ tube/ fins get loaded.    Food Food will be supplied to competitors and parents staying at the motel only. This will include lunches at the beach on Friday/Saturday/Sunday and dinner at the motel on Thursday/Friday/Saturday.   There are 2 size lunches based on requirements of different athletes. The craft arena (U16/U19/Open) have a "small" lunch which is 3 smaller rolls and banana. The parents/boat/canoe arenas have 2 larger rolls/sandwiches plus muffin. A list of those who can eat this food will be in the tent.     Payments: Invoices (plus a separate invoice for food costs) have been emailed to you/your family. Check your junk folder if you didn't receive them. Please pay these immediately. If you think there has been a mistake contact Kelsey. If you need to make payment arrangements please contact Arie.

    • Capital Coast Champs Results
      • Capital Coast Champs Results <a href="/media/247820/20140202_capcoastchamps_juniorresults.pdf" title="cc results junior">Full results are now available here for Juniors. <a href="/media/247821/20140201_capcoastchamps_seniorresults.pdf" title="cc results senior">Full results are now available here for Seniors    

    • Oceans '14 Results
      • Oceans '14 Results Congratulations to the team that went away to Oceans last weekend in Mt Maunganui. The team had a great time and came away with several medals: David Long - Gold U14 Diamond Race Atakura Julian - Silver U13 Run-swim-run, Silver U13 Surf Race, Silver U13 Diamond Race Well done to everyone that went and especially those two boys. For photos of the Lyall Bay team go to our Facebook page. For full results and official photos <a href="http://www.surflifesaving.org.nz/calendar/2014/february/u14-new-zealand-surf-life-saving-championships-(oceans14)/" target="_blank" title="oceans results">click here  

    • Eastern Regional Champs Results
      • Eastern Regional Champs Results Congratulations to the team that attended Eastern Regional Champs in Whangamata 25/26th January. Medalists included: <span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: 'Lucida Grande';">Nico van der Wilt - Gold in U16 Ski, U16 Surf Race <span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: 'Lucida Grande';">Kate Nota - Bronze U16 Run-swim-run <span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: 'Lucida Grande';">Nico van der Wilt, Ben Manners and Tom Oolders - Gold U16 Board Relay <span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: 'Lucida Grande';">Nico van der Wilt, Ben Manners, Tom Oolders and Lewis Clareburt - Silver U16 Surf Teams <span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: 'Lucida Grande';">Michelle Betty Elsmore, Michelle Charellen, Kelsey Moffatt and Juliette Dowland - Gold in Open Long Course Canoe, Silver in Open Short Course Canoe <span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: 'Lucida Grande';">For full results <a href="http://www.surflifesaving.org.nz/calendar/2014/january/eastern-regional-championships/" target="_blank" title="erc results">click here

    • Junior Surf Super Sunday Fun Day
      • Junior Surf Super Sunday Fun Day - 2 March, 10am - 12noon This Sunday 2 March from 10am - 12noon, while we still have good weather we are going to mix it up to celebrate a great season. Everyone is welcome and we hope you take this opportunity to mix and mingle and catch up with our Ocean Athletees. Hear their stories of massive surf, testing conditions, transfers to Pilot Bay and meet our medalists. We are proud of all Lyall Bay athletes and could not do this without the wonderful support of the paretns. Thanks you all very much for another great season and look forward to seeing you all this Sunday at 10am. A bit of home baking is always welcome as well as helpers!

    • Capital Coast Champs - 1 & 2 Feb Paekakariki
      • Capital Coast Champs - 1 & 2 Feb Paekakariki   <a href="/media/242394/2014_capcoastchamps_flyer.pdf" target="_blank" title="Capital Coast Champs Flyer">Click here for event flyer.   The Capital Coast Champs for Juniors and Seniors is this coming weekend at Paekakariki. The Senior individual events are scheduled for Saturday 1 Feb and all events for Juniors on Sunday 2 Feb. We encourage members to go along to the social function at Paekak on the Saturday after the days events have finished (bring $5). At this point the Senior relay events are sheduled for 2pm Sunday, however Lyall Bay seniors as a club will not be attending the Sunday and have asked that these events be held on the Saturday afternoon if there is time. The programme is as follows: Seniors - Saturday - Please be at Paekak 11.30am 12.00pm Queen Elizabeth park - Beach sprints, beach relays and 2km run 2.00pm Paekakariki beach - Surf race, board race, diamond/iron, board rescue, tube resuce (BRING FINS), flags 6.00pm - Social function Paekakariki Surf Club (bring $5)   Gear loading after training on Friday night so about 6.30 - 7pm. Boat and canoes are to be held on Sunday 16th February.   Juniors - Sunday 8.00am Paekakariki beach - Beach flags and water events 12.00pm Queen Elizabeth park - Beach sprints and beach relays      

    • Central Regional's Results
      • Central Regional Champs 2014 Results   Well done to our small team that attended Central Regional's held in Oakura Jan 11-12th. The team of 10 achieved a 3rd placing of the Central region Clubs and every team member won a medal! Medal winners include....   Gold   Open Women's LC Canoe    Michelle Elsmore, Michelle Arnopp, Juliette Dowland, Kelsey Moffatt Open Women's SC Canoe    Michelle Elsmore, Michelle Arnopp, Juliette Dowland, Kelsey Moffatt U16 Men's Ironman  Nico van der Wilt U19 Women's Board Relay Karly Maxwell, Hayley Cox, Tori Watt Open Women's Board Relay Karly Maxwell, Hayley Cox, Tori Watt U19 Women's Tube Rescue Hayley Cox, Karly Maxwell U16 Men's Ski Race Ben Manners U16 Men's Surf Race Nico van der Wilt U16 Men's Board Rescue Nico van der Wilt, Ben Manners U19 Women's Surf Teams Karly Maxwell, Hayley Cox, Tori Watt, Kate Nota     Silver   U19 Women's Taplin Karly Maxwell, Hayley Cox, Kate Nota U19 Women's RSR Karly Maxwell U16 Men's RSR Nico van der Wilt U19 Women's Board Rescue Hayley Cox, Karly Maxwell U16 Women's Board Rescue Tori Watt, Kate Nota Open Women's Tube Rescue Tori Watt, Kate Nota U16 Men's Tube Rescue Nico van der Wilt, Ben Manners     Bronze   U16 Women's Diamond  Kate Nota U19 Women's RSR Hayley Cox U19 Women's Surf Race Hayley Cox Open Women's Board Rescue Tori Watt, Kate Nota U16 Women's Surf Race Kate Nota U19 Women's Board Race Hayley Cox U16 Men's Ski Race Nico van der Wilt U16 Women's Board Race Tori Watt U16 Women's RSR Kate Nota <span style="font-size: 0.8em; line-height: 1.4em; text-decoration: underline;">  

    • Junior Surf Carnival 3 - Riversdale
      • Junior Surf Carnival 3 - Riversdale Sunday 19th January - 10am (athletes required to be there 9.15am) An email will go out to all Junior Surf members with the usual information for Lyall Bay competitors. The information flyer can be found at http://www.surflifesaving.org.nz/media/262481/20130119_juniorsurf3.pdf

    • Senior Training Schedule December
      • The training schedule for craft/ironman/running is now available here and in the sports section. This is for seniors competing in board, ski, swim and running events. Please make sure you are a member of our facebook group for any changes to the schedule (for example in a Northerly a call may be made to move the Wednesday AM running session).

    • Congratulations Sam Lee!
      • Well done to clubbie Samantha Lee who has been in Europe competing with the NZ Pool Team at the BeNe Cup in the Netherlands and then the German Cup in Germany. Sam was named top female performer at both competitions with some fantastic results including beating her own world record.   Her results were at the German Cup were: 100m Manikin Carry with Fins 2nd (56.63 - NZ Record)<span class="text_exposed_show"> 100m Rescue Medley 1st (1:09.59 -World Record/NZ Record) - breaking her own Rescue 2012 World Record! 200m Super Lifesaver 1st (2.30.43) 200m Obstacles 1st (2.07.99) 50m Manikin Carry 3rd (35.50) Won top women's swimmer of the event!! Her results at the BeNe Cup were: Top Female Competitor 100 Rescue Medley - 1st 200 Super Life Saver - 1st 200 Obstacles - 1st 50 Manikin Carry - 4th 100 Manikin Carry - 8th 100 Manikin Tow - 12th Congratulations to her fellow team member Laura Quilter (also got a World record), Chris Dawson and Steven Kent, a feloow Wellingtonian clubbie who got top male competitor at both competitions!

    • Congratulations Sam Lee!
      • Well done to clubbie Samantha Lee who has been in Europe competing with the NZ Pool Team at the BeNe Cup in the Netherlands and then the German Cup in Germany. Sam was named top female performer at both competitions with some fantastic results including beating her own world record.   Her results were at the German Cup were: 100m Manikin Carry with Fins 2nd (56.63 - NZ Record)<span class="text_exposed_show"> 100m Rescue Medley 1st (1:09.59 -World Record/NZ Record) - breaking her own Rescue 2012 World Record! 200m Super Lifesaver 1st (2.30.43) 200m Obstacles 1st (2.07.99) 50m Manikin Carry 3rd (35.50) Won top women's swimmer of the event!! Her results at the BeNe Cup were: Top Female Competitor 100 Rescue Medley - 1st 200 Super Life Saver - 1st 200 Obstacles - 1st 50 Manikin Carry - 4th 100 Manikin Carry - 8th 100 Manikin Tow - 12th Congratulations to her fellow team member Laura Quilter (also got a World record), Chris Dawson and Steven Kent, a feloow Wellingtonian clubbie who got top male competitor at both competitions!

    • Junior Surf Competition #1 - Worser Bay
      • <span style="color: #800080;"><span style="color: #0000ff; font-family: Arial; font-size: x-large;">Lyall Bay U14 JuniorSurf <span style="color: #0000ff;">are all invited to attend our first interclub competition  at Worser Bay <span style="font-family: Arial;">Sunday 24 November 2013 <span style="color: #800080; font-family: Arial;">please <span style="color: #800080; font-family: Arial;">report at 10.15 sharp for an 11.00 start   <span style="color: #0000ff; font-family: Arial;">we encourage everyone to attend and 'give it a go' <span style="font-size: small;">On arrival all Athletes please report directly to Helen/Fiona, to mark their attendance & have their SLSNZ ID number put on their arm.   <span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: small;">What to wear - arrive ready  <span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: #800080; font-size: small;"><span style="color: #0000ff;">LB beanie,  <span style="color: #800080; font-size: small;"><span style="color: #0000ff;">togs,<span style="color: #0000ff;"> LB uniform,  <span style="color: #000000;">also remember polypros, warm clothes, hat, be sunsmart - <span style="font-size: small;">sunscreen them at home before coming to beach.   <span style="font-size: small;"><span style="color: #0000ff;">Beanies - <span style="color: #000000;">must stay on their head the entire carnival - from the time they arrive, until they leave, this is very important.  <span style="color: #000000;">This makes life very easy to identity our kids.   Fluro vests - if you have received one - wear it.  If you haven't got yours yet - don't worry <span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: small;">Wetsuits - U10 ok to wear them.  <span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: small;">U14 bring your wetsuit but we would prefer you NOT to wear them.   <span style="color: #0000ff; font-size: small;">Warmup & orientation with Matiu & Darren   <span style="color: #000080; font-family: Arial; font-size: small;"> Age Managers -  <span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: small;">parents please step forward & put on our orange vests.  You'll be "mother duck" for your groups !! <span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: small;">    Fully appreciate this could be your first event, but there will be many seasoned families to support you.   <span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: small;">Team Managers - Helen, Fiona & Andrew BB   <span style="font-size: small;">FOOD - don't forget to give your athlete a great start - being w<span style="font-size: small;">ell hydrated, heaps of carbos for dinner & a good breakfast. <span style="font-size: small;">Keep beach food simple - WATER, snacks like white bread jam sandwiches, pasta, fruit, cereal bars, gingernut biscuits.     <span style="color: #800000;">Meds - don't forget ventolin and have it handy or with Age managers.  The water will be cold.

    • Whitehorse #1 at Lyall Bay
      • The first Capital Coast senior carnival for the season is at Lyall Bay on Saturday 23rd November from 9am until about 12pm. All athletes and helpers are required to be there at 8.15am. The programme is <a href="/media/221885/20131123_whitehorse1_lyallbay.pdf" target="_blank" title="whitehorse1">(Flyer attached here): Three round series: U16, U19, Open M/F Ski Race U16, U19, Open M/F Board Race U21, Open M/F Long Course Boat Race U21, Open M/F Long Course Canoe Race U16, U19, Open M/F Beach Sprints (Pending beach conditions and tide) 2km Run - One 'all in' race Ironman - One 'all in' race   Come along to compete, help out, or watch. We do require helpers to run this competition and details for that are in the club news and on Facebook.

    • Little Nippers Program *NEW*
      • This season we have an exciting new program on offer for children aged 1 - 6 years, who are just keen to get involved as soon as possible! This will be at the same time as junior surf session on Sundays (10am) down at the club and will be a bit of fun.   For more information on the program have a look at the <a href="/media/205393/little-nippers-booklet.pdf" target="_blank" title="little nippers">information booklet   <a href="mailto:elsmore@rocketmail.com" target="_blank" title="michelle email">Michelle Elsmore is running the program so please contact her for more information, or just come down on Sunday to see what its all about.

    • Registration Day: 3rd November
      • Registration Day for the 2013/2014 Season All members new AND old please come along to Lyall Bay SLSC's registration day for the coming season. When: 3 November, anytime between 2pm - 5pm Where: Lyall Bay SLSC club house #1 (the one with the signs on it)   You will have the opportunity to: Sign up for the season Refresh you lifeguard award Purchase clothing Pay your subs for the season Talk to anyone in the club about what you would like to be in involved in

    • Pool Champs Results
      • Pool Champs Results Congratulations to the team that attended the national pool champs over the weekend in Hamilton. There were a huge number if medals won and the smaller then usual team put in an outstanding effort to come 4th overall. Especially well done to Samantha Lee, who was named in the NZ Team to attend the 2013 German Cup. <a href="http://www.surflifesaving.org.nz/calendar/2013/october/new-zealand-pool-championships/" target="_blank" title="pool champs">For full results and news articles (including a few on clubbies Sam Lee and Tash Hind) click here. Medalists Gold Samantha Lee  - Open Women's 200 Obstacles, 100 Rescue Medley, 50 Manikin Carry, 100 Manikin Carry with Fins, 200 Super Life Saver Alaynah Bettany - U14 Women's 50 Brick Carry without Fins, 50m Rescue Medley, 50 Swim with Fins Zaniah Bettany - U14 Women's 50 Swim with Fins Tash Hind - Open Women's 100 Manikin Tow with Fins Zaniah Bettany & Florence Cox - U14 Women's Tube Swim with patient   Silver David Long - U14 Men's 50 Brick Carry without Fins Zaniah Bettany - U14 Women's 50 Rescue Medley David Long - U14 Men's 50 Rescue Medley Tash Hind - Open Women's 200 Obstacles Alaynah Bettany, Ella Kingi , Zaniah Bettany & Florence Cox - U14 Women's 4x50 Medley Relay, 4x25 Brick Carry Relay Atakura Julian, David Long, Jasper Stone & Liam Simes - U14 Men's 4x25 Brick Carry Relay     Bronze Atakura Julian - U13 Men's 50 Brick Carry without Fins, 50 Rescue Medley Alaynah Bettany - U13 Women's 100 Obstacles Alaynah Bettany & Ella Kingi - U14 Women's Tube Swim with patient Tash Hind, Grace Kingi, Samantha Lee & Finn Meredith - Open Mixed 4x50 Obstacle Relay, 4 x 50 Medley Relay Alaynah Bettany, Ella Kingi , Zaniah Bettany & Florence Cox  - U14 Women's 4x50 Obstacle Relay Atakura Julian, David Long, Jasper Stone & Liam Simes - U14 Men's 4x50 Medley Relay

    • Lifeguard Classes
      • <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;"><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Lifeguard Classes <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;"><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"> <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;"><span style="color: #0000fe;">At this current stage we are running 1 class a week, on Saturdays @ 2pm, all members who do not yet have their lifeguard qualification are encouraged to attend: <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;"><span style="color: #0000fe;">This will be held inside the No1 clubhouse. Classes begin on the 21st of September. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;"><span style="color: #0000fe;"> <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;"><span style="color: #0000fe;">Once we have a greater idea of the availability of the candidates, there will be another session added during the week to ensure that you are all ready for the exam in November. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;"><span style="color: #0000fe;"> <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;"><span style="color: #0000fe;">If you are unable to attend that there is also one in the earlier weeks of December. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;"><span style="color: #0000fe;"> <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;"><span style="color: #0000fe;">All candidates will be issued with a workbook of which they will work through with an instructor, along with being taught basic CPR and other lifeguard responsibilities. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;"><span style="color: #0000fe;"> <a href="/media/184360/slg-exam-1.pdf" target="_blank" title="slg exam 1">The form with information on the first exam is available here. <span style="font-size: 11pt;">Note that the exam consists of a 400m swim to be completed in under 9 minutes. If you have any questions please contact <a href="mailto:greenemtroy@gmail.com" target="_blank" title="troy email">Troy Greenem

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