Feeds / Karori Baptist Church news
This feed is published by Karori Baptist Church.
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Added on 7 Mar 2008. Last read 1 minute ago.
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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 38):
I AM The Light Of The World
- Karori Baptist Church
- 26 January 2014 Alex Neil
Naomi – Displacement
- Karori Baptist Church
- 12/1/14 Naomi Compton
Our Priorities for 2014
- Karori Baptist Church
- 5 January 2014 Ross Meyer
O COme O Come Emmanuel
- Karori Baptist Church
- 22 December 2013 Mike Enright
John’s Gospel : ‘Anyone Thirsty?’
- Karori Baptist Church
- 15 December 2013 Naomi Compton
From the Pastors
- Karori Baptist Church
- This Sunday will be our Summer Christmas Service at 10:30am! It will be great fun being together to worship and celebrate as we approach Christmas Day! Don’t forget, it is a ‘Summer Christmas’ theme, so we are going to have the auditorium filled with everyone’s beach chairs and picnic blankets. Please help us out by remembering to [...]
The Point – Naomi Compton
- Karori Baptist Church
- 07/12/2013 Naomi Compton
Macau for us. What is Your Call?
- Karori Baptist Church
- 1 December 2013 Bruce and Karen White
GEMS School – Calling Carly Bird
- Karori Baptist Church
- 1 December 2013 Carly Bird
John’s Gospel: Like Father, Like Son
- Karori Baptist Church
- 24 November 2013 Naomi Compton
From the Pastors
- Karori Baptist Church
- In our services this morning, we are beginning to look together at John’s Gospel. The word Gospel, of course, literally means “good news”. The New Testament books known as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are four different accounts of the GOOD NEWS of Jesus coming into the world to express and demonstrate the amazing love [...]
“In the Beginning…..” We start a series on Johns Gospel
- Karori Baptist Church
- 17 November 2013 Mike Enright
From the Pastors
- Karori Baptist Church
- Today we reach the end of our series looking at who we are and some keys aspects of what we believe and are committed to as disciples of Christ. Over the time we have reflected on Trinitarian Worship, Communion, Baptism, Membership, Scripture,Prayer, and Spiritual Growth. Did any of these resonate with you? Has God been challenging [...]
Spiritual Growth
- Karori Baptist Church
- 10 November 2013 Matt Gan
From the Pastors
- Karori Baptist Church
- A lot of the time Christians view heaven as the goal or something to aim for in the future. “If I live a faithful life, or do the right things I’ll get the reward in the end.” I’m reminded of the call for us to be a part of God bringing heaven to earth, not [...]
Bangladesh Update
- Karori Baptist Church
- 03 November 2013 Cindy Meyer
From the Pastors
- Karori Baptist Church
- The next seven days could be a really significant time in our local community! You may have noticed that all the church buildings in Karori have similar signs outside them – saying “Miracles Happen”. Do they? These signs are advertising two services, which will happen in Karori during this coming week (Wednesday and Sunday evenings), organised and [...]
Pray Like You Believe It
- Karori Baptist Church
- Mike Hamilton-Jenkins 27th October 2013
- Karori Baptist Church
- Last week Mike’s sermon called us out of stuck places… into… what? I think the following words are inspiring and enlivening. A Time to Dance, by Henri Nouwen To heal is to let the Spirit call us to dance. Can you feel the freedom that rises up in you when you have been stripped naked and have nothing to [...]
God’s Work of Healing
- Karori Baptist Church
- 20 October 2013 Julia Cameron
From the Pastors
- Karori Baptist Church
- Very simple note this morning. Just wanted to send my gratitude to those who so graciously gave money to help young people attend the recent BYM Bus Tour. Apart from the obvious fun times that were had; Luging, Swoops, Jet Boats, and Bungy jumps, I was amazed at the way God encountered our young people. [...]
Believing God’s Word and Being God’s Word
- Karori Baptist Church
- 13 October 2013 Mike Enright
Believing God’s Word and Being God’s Word
- Karori Baptist Church
- 6 October 2013 Mike Enright
From the Pastors
- Karori Baptist Church
- In about a month’s time, there will be two special meetings in Karori focusing on prayer for healing. These services are being organised by the Karori Combined Churches. They will take place on the evenings of Wednesday October 30th and Sunday November 3rd, at St Teresa’s Catholic Church, and will be led by Father John [...]
Members of the Body
- Karori Baptist Church
- 29 September 2013 Mike Enright
The Power of Joy in the Lord
- Karori Baptist Church
- Louis Sutton WEC Asia Regional Director
The Meaning of Baptism
- Karori Baptist Church
- 15 September 2013 Naomi Compton
- Karori Baptist Church
- 08 September 2013 Jo Wilson Ash Johnston Nigel Pollock
Communion (Sermon)
- Karori Baptist Church
- 1 September 2013 Mike Enright
Running The Race
- Karori Baptist Church
- Nigel Pollack 25th August 2013