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Added on 25 Jun 2010. Last read 8 minutes ago.
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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 25):
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- Unfortunatley due to the condition of the building and the lack of support from our landlords we have had to close the gallery here at JJMorgan and Co so Brydee's show will be the last inside this great space. Our studios will be running for a short time untill our lease expires. We would like to thank everyone for there support and help with each of our shows - It has been a very exciting and rewarding experiece for all involved. See you all again soon...
Dealing with the winter blues
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- As mentioned in a few articles now (And in the recent one below) we have had a very slow winter here at J J Morgan and Co. this was not our intention as we had a lot of shows lined up featuring artists from around the world. But much to our disappointment we have unfortunately found ourselves in a situation where the building that we are in has just continually given way to the elements in this case water and so have found ourselves slowly cancelling or postponing up coming shows until the landlords/owners are willing to rectify the issues. As you can imagine these circumstances have been very upsetting and disappointing to say the least for the team here at JJ Morgan and Co. and all though very off putting we have kept an open line for the artists involved (Thank you for your support you guys are great) and an open mind to moving on with events be it in this space if fixed, another venue (if suitable for artists), online or as it maybe for our last event this year at JJ Morgan on the ceiling. Yip that’s right the ceiling the only safe place for work at the moment, the talented and very adventurist artist Brydee Rood (Of Auckland) having just arrived back from unveiling a new work in Germany will be making a guest appearance as our last resident artist for the year. You can see here new work up close from 5:30pm onwards on Saturday the 9th of October.
Mark Amery's latest post on the bigidea
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- .....strong exhibitions together earlier in the year with the new JJ Morgan and Co gallery. Situated in an old industrial space in Kilbirnie, they describe their operation as a “freeform working space”. After a furious burst of activity early in the year the gallery has gone quiet over winter, but their blog remains lively. Read the whole article here.
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- The Winners of the 19th Wallace Art Awards 2010 were announced last night at the Pah Homestead at the TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre. The Awards, amounting to over $160,000, are the longest surviving and largest of their kind in New Zealand. They differ from other important New Zealand art prizes in that they aim to provide challenging opportunities and broadening experiences to the four major winners by way of residencies at top-class international institutions. This year there were over 400 applications received, with 106 chosen as finalists. The judges were three distinguished New Zealand artists- Philip Trusttum, Sara Hughes and Peter Gibson-Smith. The Awards were presented by the Hon. John Banks QSO, Mayor of Auckland City. It was the first year that these ceremonies were conducted at the historic Pah Homestead, the new permanent home of the Wallace Arts Trust that opened to the public in August this year. The 2010 Winners The Wallace Arts Trust Paramount Award Winner - Sam Mitchell The winner receives a six month residency at the International Studio and Curatorial Program in New York, and a bronze trophy by Terry Stringer. The Kaipara Foundation Wallace Arts Trust Award Winner - Glen Hayward The winner receives a three month residency at Altes Spital in Solothurn, Switzerland. Fulbright-Wallace Arts Trust Award Winner - Mark Braunias The winner receives a three month residency at the Headlands Centre for the Arts in Sausalito, USA. The Wallace Arts Trust Development Award Winner - Graham Fletcher The winner receives a two month residency at the Vermont Studio Center, USA. First Runner-up Award Winner - Simon Esling The winner receives $2000 Second Runner-up Award Winner - Iain Cheesman The winner receives $2000 Jury Award - Robyn Hoonhout The People's Choice Award will be announced following the conclusion of the Exhibition of Winners and Selected Finalists at TheNewDowse The Exhibitions of Winners and Finalists The Exhibition of Winners and Selected Finalists is on display from 7 September to 3 October at the TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre, Pah Homestead, 72 Hillsborough Road, Auckland. The Centre is open Tuesday to Friday from 11am - 4pm, and Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from 10am - 5pm. The Exhibition of Winners and Selected Finalists will travel to TheNewDowse, 45 Laings Road, Lower Hutt, Wellington, and will be open to the public from 22 October to 28 November. TheNewDowse is open Monday to Friday from 10am - 4.30pm and Saturday and Sundays from 10am - 5pm. For more information visit www.newdowse.org.nz. The Salon des Refuses of those finalists not selected for the travelling exhibition will be on display at the TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre from 7 September to 31 October. This is the first year that both the travelling Exhibition of Winners and Selected Finalists and the Salon des Refusés are being exhibited at the same venue.
Rejected Art Award
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- An interesting idea from Matt Akehurst worth a look Rejected Art Award
1000th visitor....
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- Today marked the day of our 1000th visitor to our blog. Thank you to those that have visited and those that follow us.....
If you have a little spare time
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- You may wish to have a look at these
Artist Alliance Appliance publication 105
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- Justin Jade Morgan talks to talented watercolourist Luisa Rossitto; Full interview coming soon
Another round of congarts goes too...
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- The JJMorgan and Co. team would like to congratulate Brydee Rood, Glenn Burrell, Andrea du Chatenier, Mark Curtis and Bevan Shaw on their recent selections in the upcoming Wallace Art Awards you can see the selections here
MULTIPOINT International Art Symposium 2010
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- The decision to create an ongoing project MULTIPOINT International Art Symposium involving international artists is significant in the context of endeavour to create dialogue among artists from different cultures. The theme of the MULTIPOINT International Art Symposium 2010 is PROXIMITY - as an ability to consistently create experiences that invite to start conversations and create content. Clearly in that case the articulation of the visual field reflects a tendency in the perceptual system itself - and is aimed at reflecting the artists´ unique style. Subject and technique will be decided by the artists. The 10 days event (30.7. - 8.8.2010) attempts to support activities of the temporary international artistic community and also encourages cooperation of Slovak and international artists. Artistic symposium gives the participants the opportunity to step into the creative moment and freedom of self-expression. Spiritual insight is emphasized alongside with the mastery of technique. MULTIPOINT ´International Art Symposium 2010´ aims at providing artists with the opportunity for the independent creative space within a framework of cultural exchange and dialogue. MULTIPOINT International Art Symposium 2010 takes place at the studios of ARS STUDIO. Established in 1995 - ARS STUDIO – a non-for-profit art association and private elementary school of arts located in Nitra (Slovakia) is dedicated to fostering exploration, understanding and enjoyment of the fine arts at multiple layers. During its more than 14 years of service we have taken part in many local, national and international events in the field of performance, concerts, exhibitions, education and artetherapy. (www.arsstudio.sk) Each participating artist is going to present the portfolio of the artworks as scheduled during the symposium. MULTIPOINT also features ART ETC - afternoon coffee breaks & talks with Lucia VADELOVA - gallery consultant for culture and education from Nitra Gallery. Besides projects of visual art character – talks with artists who are currently exhibiting a the Nitra Gallery or educational projects generally based on strenghtening of the public attitude towards the visual art and the Nitra Gallery – she also organizes other events, e.g. Cycle of chamber music and talks with contemporary Slovak writers. (www.nitrianskagaleria.sk) MULTIPOINT International Art Symposium 2010 participants are: Petr BARINKA (Czech Republic) Stano BARTA (Slovakia) Simona BLAHUTOVA (Czech Republic) Lucia CERNEKOVA (Slovakia) Tomas CERNY (Czech Republic) Rai ESCALE (Spain) Edwige FOUVRY (Belgium) Anne HUTTUNEN (The Netherlands) Paul CHING-BOR (USA) Julian McKINNON (New Zealand) - WAY TO GO JULIAN Milos KOPTAK (Slovakia) Corina PAPAFRAGKOU (Greece) Viliam SULIK (Slovakia) Martin LACA (Slovakia)
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- The JJMorgan and Co. team would like to congratulate Brydee Rood and Glenn Burrell on their recent selections as finalists in the Bold Horizon National Contemporary Art Award 2010 you can see their works and the others that got selected here
Can I take a photo of that??
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- Each morning I wake up to a range of interesting thoughts, facts and figures as I down my first hot drink of the day and move through the many blogs I have listed as a must read. Today I found this great entry on the topic of restrictive photography policies it is well worth a read. Snap-Happy
Smash and Tag
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- Is on today don't forget to drop by and have a look Smash and Tag To keep an eye on the project or to see documention Enjoy blog
'Deep Imagination Therapy'
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- What a great experience ... Thanks Jacob for sharing your skills with us and on behalf of the JJ Morgan and Co. team, I would like to wish you all the best with your trip home and future projects. For those of you that missed the performance you are in luck. We are showing the outcomes from this performance for two weeks in the galley. So if you wish to have a look you are welcome to call me to make a private veiwing. We will also be posting up some documention of the performance very soon so keep an eye on the blog...
This Thursday at JJ Morgan and Co.
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- JJ Morgan and Co. is proud to present; Jacob C. Hammes a Chicago based artist who uses hypnosis as a collaborative medium, working with artists to tap into the subconscious and explore relationships to creativity and control. This Thursday, 7pm at JJ Morgan and Co. Hammes will perform hypnosis with a handful of participants, mostly Wellington artists, in a collaborative group performance of “Deep Imagination Therapy” which he is the inventor and sole practitioner of. We look forward to seeing you there...
Chicago based multimedia artist Jacob C. Hammes.
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- If you are in or making your way to Auckland over the next month or so be sure to drop by Te Tuhi - Centre for arts. They have an array of projects on the go and one of the most exciting at the moment would have to be there drawing Wall. This project space is currently being run by there newly appointed Exhibition Manager and Curatorial Assistant Bruce Philips. And this month he has invited Chicago based multimedia artist Jacob C. Hammes. This is the first time the gallery has invited an international artist to contribute to the Drawing Wall project. (Notes from The Big Idea).... Hammes has exhibited and performed extensively in Chicago and has been an instigator and member of a number of sound performance groups and artist run spaces. Often working collaboratively Hammes’ practice escapes conventional classification but as Philips suggests, ‘could be described as operating within the realms of installation and experimental media, hardware hacking, abject sculpture and sound art’. His current body of work entitled Deep Imagination Therapy investigates the creative unconscious of artistic production by hypnotising his fellow artists as a form of collaboration. The resulting sound recordings of the hypnotisms reveal synesthesic experiences. For the Drawing Wall Hammes has proposed an interactive sound installation. The installation involves numerous people experiencing synesthesia while under hypnosis and describing the visual appearance of sounds, colour and other sensory perception. While in New Zealand Hammes will continue his collection of recordings by hypnotising local artists to be added to the installation. Jacob C. Hammes (Chicago) Synesthetic Collection #1 10 July – 22 August For more information visit; http://www.tetuhi.org.nz/
Primera Disaster Smash N Tag...
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- is the name of James R Fords latest project that is coming up soon in Wellington if you wish to take part feel free to visit Primera Disaster Smash N Tag
Where did they go.......
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- Rebecca Ross - Can now be found in and around the beautiful streets of Italy - You can keep up with her work here Julian McKinnon - Is now also traveling around Europe. Last spotted in between Krakow, Poland and Amsterdam. We will be sure to here more about his exploits soon, but till then you can check out his new website here Gabriel Heimler - Leaving his mark all over Wellington, you can see his latest project here James R Ford - Is getting ready to show a suite of fresh new works at Antoinette Godkin Gallery, Auckland. Be sure to drop into the gallery to see them, well worth the trip. Mark Usser - Has a range of new and old works up at Maranui Cafe, Lyall Bay You can also check some of his works out here Melanie Moreau - Has started up a new and exciting project you can check it out here The International Travellers Box has just released a new project from New Zealand.
Whats been happening of late...
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- Here at JJ Morgan and Co.... we have been very busy putting together a range of publications for the first half of the year and have been dealing with a few changes within our space....(more on that later) And we have also been making a range of visits meeting with artists and taking in a few shows along the way. Shows that we recommond you should check out if you get the chance Peter Madden's - An Exploding Crystal Cave Freezes Time (telegraphing polymorphic rainbows into the mouths of the mute) ‘Levitation of the Cryptoid’ by Matt Molloy Coming up soon; At Hamish McKay- Opening this Saturday at 1pm Rohan Wealleans At Enjoy
Outside Voices: Mass Freeze
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- This project will be taking place in downtown Wellington very soon. For more information and to take part please feel free to check out the link below: Outside Voices; Mass Freeze
Dont forget...
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- Orienteering Unicorns Opens this Friday 7pm onwards (14th of May) We look forward to seeing you there...
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- Colonialhospital
JJMorgan and Co. out and about on the web...
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- Roger Boyce Paints 5urr Holland