
Feeds / St Pats Silverstream news

This feed is published by St Patricks College, Silverstream.

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Added on 26 Aug 2009. Last read 5 minutes ago.

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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 6):

    • Stream Hosts O'Shea Shield in 2013
      • Saturday 18 May and Sunday 19 May 2013: St Patrick's College Silverstream were hosts this year for the O'Shea Shield, the annual religious competition held amongst the 17 Catholic colleges in central New Zealand (the south of the North Island and the top of the South Island). After two days of intense competition, Wellington schools St Catherine's College and St Patrick's College Town were joint winners, closely followed in joint second place by St Patrick's College Silverstream and Sacred Heart New Plymouth. The teams are: Bishop Viard College (Porirua); Chanel College (Masterton); Cullinane College (Wanganui); Francis Douglas Memorial College (New Plymouth); Garin College (Nelson); Hato Paora College (Feilding);  Sacred Heart College (Lower Hutt); Sacred Heart College (New Plymouth); Sacred Heart College (Napier); St Bernard's College (Lower Hutt); St Catherine's College (Wellington); St John's College (Hastings);  Hato Hohepa / St Joseph's Maori Girls' College (Napier); St Mary's Collegiate (Wellington); St Patrick's College (Silverstream); St Patrick's College (Wellington);  St Peter's College (Palmerston North)

    • Easter Liturgy 2013
      • Thursday 28 March 2013: On Holy Thursday, prior to the commencement of the Easter Tridiuum, the College gathered together to celebrate Palm Sunday, commemorate the Last Supper, recall the events culminating in the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and find the hope Christians now have in the risen Lord. The young men portrayed these significant days with reverence and humility, conveying the significance that the life, death and resurrection has in all our lives.The liturgy included a poignant rendering of the Hallelujah Chorus at the time of the Crucifixion and ended with the joyful sound of "O Happy Day!" as the Easter candle was lit, signifying Christ's light for the world.

    • 2013 Athletics Finals
      • Tuesday 12 February 2013: After a full day of athletics on Friday, today was a chance for the top performers in each event (and age group) to make their mark.  The Finals also counted towards House points as Chanel House attempted to maintain their lead from Friday. In the end, they pulled away convincingly to win the Athletics House competition with 1772 points followed by Patrick House (1458), Marist (1309), and Trinity (1085). The team for the Old Boys' Cup will be announced on Thursday.

    • 2013 Board of Trustees Elections
      • Many of you may have met our current Board of Trustee members at various events and meetings over the past three years. The term for this Board ends in May 2013. We encourage parents, caregivers and the wider community to seriously consider standing for the next election in 2013. Nominations close Thursday 16 May 2013. It is vital for St Patrick’s College Silverstream that the best is provided for our students. By being a Board member you can ensure the best possible education for all students and help oversee the development of the school environment and help to maintain what we already have. By becoming a Board of Trustees member you can and will play a significant role in governing our school. Please take the time to ask current Board members about the responsibility. If you would like to speak to a Board member directly please contact our Board Secretary, Mrs Dawn Clark.  You can also speak to our Board secretary or our Rector, Mr Gerard Tully, about this opportunity. You are also welcome to come along to any of our Board meetings to find out what we do. The next Board of Trustees meeting is held in February. Be sure to think about this.  We need you! Dennis Boyle Chairman BOARD OF TRUSTEES ELECTION DATES Call for nominations by        Thursday 2 May 2013 Nominations Close            Thursday 16 May 2013 Voting Papers sent by            Tuesday 21 May 2013 ELECTION DAY                Thursday 30 May 2013 Count Votes                Wednesday 5 June 2013 Board takes office            Thursday 6 June 2013 Returning Officer: Dawn Clark clarkd@stream.school.nz Telephone 04 527 1354  

    • Neville Shield 2012
      • Tuesday 5 December 2012: This year Stream was looking to retain the Neville Shield, the annual junior athletics competition against Town. Held in windy, overcast conditions Stream made the most of the early events to take a strong lead. Towards the end of the meet, Town made a strong challenge but Stream's 4x100 Relay win in the Year 10 grade sealed the victory for Stream with a  137-114 scoreline, reflecting a strong team performance across all events.

    • 2012 Year 10 Retreat
      • Thursday 22 November 2012:   The Year 10 Retreat took place on Thursday and Friday, 22 and 23 November. The theme was Choices....what choices are you going to make which will affect the rest of your life? The students rotated through six widely different modules and presentation styles. These were aimed at helping them discover things about themselves, and the world out there, that will impact on their lives. In the end, it is up to these young men to make their own decisions about the choices they make, but this Retreat was aimed at providing them with the skills to make informed decisions.

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