
Feeds / Kaibosh Food Rescue feed

This feed is published by Kaibosh Food Rescue.

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Added on 5 Oct 2020. Last read 2 weeks ago.

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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 59):

    • Disco Soup at Kaibosh
      • Calling Pōneke foodies! Kaibosh is hosting a community cooking workshop with a difference – a daytime Disco Soup during the opening weekend of Visa Wellington On A Plate. The pop-up event runs 11am – 2pm on 4 August at our food rescue warehouse. Cooking will be led by chef Tom Adam of Margot Eatery, MC’d […] The post Disco Soup at Kaibosh first appeared on Kaibosh Food Rescue.

    • Kaibosh Board of Trustees vacancies
      • Join our Board of Trustees Kaibosh is looking for some new Trustees to join the board on the next stage in our organisation’s journey. We are interested in applications from people who live in or have a strong connection to Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Te Awakairangi or Kāpiti, to help reflect our growing regional footprint. We are […] The post Kaibosh Board of Trustees vacancies first appeared on Kaibosh Food Rescue.

    • Kai Communities – a student short film
      • New short film brings spotlight to Kaibosh & The Petone Depot A team of four local Massey University Screen Arts students created an awesome short-film project profiling our Pito-one Kitchen Coordinator, Ange Holtslag! Kaibosh loves collaborating with young people and supporting creative ideas, so it was a no-brainer for us to work with these budding […] The post Kai Communities – a student short film first appeared on Kaibosh Food Rescue.

    • Pito-one Kitchen is cookin’
      • Update from our Kitchen in Pito-one We’ve been busy at work in the Kaibosh Kitchen whipping up innovative ways to make the most of our rescued kai! By developing recipes to transform food nearing the end of its life, we’re able to create healthy and delicious kai for the community, including stocks, sauces, pickles, jams, […] The post Pito-one Kitchen is cookin’ first appeared on Kaibosh Food Rescue.

    • National Volunteer Week 2024
      • It’s time to celebrate the collective contribution of the millions of volunteers who enrich Aotearoa New Zealand. This year’s theme for National Volunteer Week is ‘Whiria te tangata – weaving the people together’. Volunteering weaves us together, strengthening the fabric of our community. Volunteering is a powerful movement. When we volunteer our time, skills and […] The post National Volunteer Week 2024 first appeared on Kaibosh Food Rescue.

    • Share your food superhero & win!
      • Who is your superhero? Tell us who your food superhero is and be in to win an amazing foodie prize! Enter our Instagram competition this month to show your support for our annual fundraising appeal, Give a Meal in May. Share your food superhero as an Instagram Story and tag @kaiboshnz to go in the […]

    • Kaibosh has a kitchen
      • This project has been simmering over recent months. Inside our largest food rescue hub in Pito-one, we have created a new cooking zone! Kai cooked at Kaibosh will use ‘second-sort’ rescued produce which can’t be distributed to the community as is. It’s the boxes of slightly squishy tomatoes, damaged vegetables, or bruised fruit – often […]

    • Blue Zones and purple carrots inspire this Kaibosh volunteer
      • We’re sharing stories about some of the amazing people who contribute to our collective mahi – the Humans of Kaibosh. Volunteering inspired by Blue Zones and purple carrots – by Louise Hammersley Andy says he volunteers at Kaibosh to ‘keep out of trouble’. But, behind the smile and banter is a drive to give back […]

    • Volunteers needed January 2024
      • Can you volunteer for Kaibosh in Wellington City this Summer? We’re needing a few more people to help us as Food Sorting Volunteers in the first half of January, in Pōneke. Get your steps up while giving back to your community – no need for the gym! 😎 Between 3-14 January many of our regular […]

    • Hutt volunteers do it for community & the planet
      • Meet the Humans of Kaibosh – stories about the amazing people who contribute to our collective mahi! Hutt Tuesday Food Sort Team – “Is this broccoli dead or alive?” – by Louise Hammersley. Every Tuesday, a team of five Lower Hutt residents gather at Kaibosh’s Hutt Valley depot in Petone, rolling up their sleeves to […]

    • Our Year in Review 2022-2023
      • The past year has been a year of consolidation for Kaibosh. For the second year running we were able to distribute over 2 million meals worth of good, rescued food to our communities in the Greater Wellington Region. After the trials of COVID-19, it has been great to be able to focus on business as […]

    • Learn about Kaibosh – new video!
      • All about Kaibosh in just 1 minute Keen to know more about Kaibosh and learn about food rescue? Got a minute? Check out our new video and meet some of our team. Click the image below to play. Or watch on YouTube. Transcript: “At Kaibosh Food Rescue our vision is Zero Food Poverty, Zero Food […]

    • Humans of Kaibosh – Pete & Steve
      • Meet the Humans of Kaibosh – stories from the amazing people who contribute to our collective mahi! Tuesday’s A Team – six years of friendship and good mahi – by Louise Hammersley. Steve and Pete are Kaibosh’s longest serving Food Rescue Driver and Volunteer Support team. They both joined Kaibosh in 2017 just over a […]

    • 15 years of food rescue
      • Kaibosh Food Rescue is 15 – serving the community since 2008 Media Release – 3 October 2023 Getting good food to people, instead of going to landfill just makes sense. That’s what Kaibosh Food Rescue has been doing since 2008. Kaibosh turns 15 in October, and since starting up has rescued and re-distributed an astounding […]

    • It’s our birthday – Kaibosh is 15!
      • Kaibosh is 15 this October! Aotearoa’s first food rescue charity started back in 2008, in that time we’ve rescued and re-distributing over 10 million meals worth of good kai for the community. We’re planning a week of open days to mark our birthday between 14-20 October. Join us for a community party at one of […]

    • 10 million meals saved since 2008
      • Media release, Wellington, 22 June 2023: Kaibosh save 10 million meals from waste since 2008 Kaibosh has reached an incredible milestone – 10 million meals worth of kai have been provided to the community since New Zealand’s first food rescue started back in 2008. Kaibosh’s new chief executive, Susie Robertson, says “volunteers are at the […]

    • Exhibition at Thistle Hall 29 Aug – 3Sept
      • Scarcity & Abundance This group exhibition of photography and mixed media installations will be at Thistle Hall between 29 August – 3 September 2023. Including work from Brianna Parkinson and others. Plus, pop up events through the week in collaboration with Kaibosh and The Free Store. More info to come. Follow our social media pages […]

    • Give a Meal in May – 2023 videos feature our community
      • At Kaibosh we believe that by working together, we can create a world where everyone has access to healthy, nutritious food. Give a Meal in May and help us get good kai to people who need it most. Check out our latest series of short videos below, featuring some of ou partner community groups and […]

    • Give a Meal in May!
      • <div class="yotu-playlist yotuwp yotu-limit-min yotu-limit-max yotu-thumb-169 yotu-template-grid" data-page="1" id="yotuwp-6453393b4799b" data-yotu="modal" data-total="1" data-settings="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" data-player="popup" data-showdesc="on" > Give a Meal in May - support Kaibosh Food Rescue Load more

    • New Players Can Discover Free Slots at Online Casinos
      • If you’d like to play casino extra bonus the most common free online slots, you can experience it for yourself for free. This is because those sites offer a variety of casino games for you to select from. Along with this, they also offer free reviews of each online slot machine, which means you could […]

      • What are the benefits of playing live casino games online? Live dealer casinos provide an authentic gambling experience from the confines of your own home. In a live casino online you are able to connect with other players while you play. Everything about ngamenjitu online the games occurs in real time streaming video on your […]

    • Is Essay Topics Plagiarized?
      • If you erro ortografico corretorr plan is to write an article on line, there are a few things you should bear in mind. First, the article you write should be unique as it will be posted on the internet for everyone to read and utilize. Secondly, there are particular rules to follow when submitting your […]

      • How do you develop Mobile Casino Games If you enjoy playing casino games on mobile You’ll find many options to download the apps you’d like to play. These apps can be downloaded in the app store on your smartphone or tablet. The majority of the apps are compatible with the latest version of Apple devices. […]

    • Is Free Slot Games Worth the Risk?
      • With the internet now playing a significant role in our lives, it is no wonder that online slots also have grown into one of the most well-known ways to play. Free online slots offers players a chance to win money and prizes when they bet a particular quantity. Some people today believe that to succeed […]

    • Differences Between In-Depth Research and Custom Research Papers
      • Traditionally, authors of custom research paper typically choose a more systematic approach to studying. Sources of strong information utilized are trustworthy, educational, and immediately relate to particular study goals. Nonetheless, in this age of online research and wide-reading culture, writing research papers now also involves significant dependence on secondary resources. The process of writing a […] The post Differences Between In-Depth Research and Custom Research Papers first appeared on Kaibosh Food Rescue.

    • Profitable Essay Writing – Make Extra Cash by Editing Your Favorite Essays Online
      • How to order an essay online? To order an essay online, first you have to sign up for a free account on that platform using a valid email address. Fill in the order form, mentioning the demands of your essay. The article will then be written the way you want it! Use handy cost check […] The post Profitable Essay Writing – Make Extra Cash by Editing Your Favorite Essays Online first appeared on Kaibosh Food Rescue.

    • How To Write Essay Topics
      • Do you want to understand how to write an essay? Whether you are corrector ortografia a school student, a composing expert, or somebody who wishes to write essays for a living, this free grammer checker article is for you. It will teach you how you can format an essay and how to write your first […] The post How To Write Essay Topics first appeared on Kaibosh Food Rescue.

    • Writing Essays: The First Table
      • Writing essays, such as other kinds of academic writing, requires a particular style to be effective. Unlike stories, essays are often constructed on what is known as a”ground” – a logical beginning and end, some sort of development throughout the text. The structure and mechanisms of a composition are often built around the writer’s argument. […] The post Writing Essays: The First Table first appeared on Kaibosh Food Rescue.

      • Play Online Casino Games on your new pay by phone casino mobile device Many players enjoy playing online casino games from their mobile phones. A mobile device is an ideal solution for busy professionals as they can play their favourite casino games while waiting for a bus or a meeting. This isn’t possible with a […] The post first appeared on Kaibosh Food Rescue.

    • The Best Place For Promoting Your Essos For Sale
      • College and university students who are in need of additional cash usually look for essays available on campus. It is contar palabras en ingles not unusual for school students to put with papers and brief essays for faculty and University courses. Sometimes they don’t feel like writing, however. If that’s the circumstance, they can turn […] The post The Best Place For Promoting Your Essos For Sale first appeared on Kaibosh Food Rescue.

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