
Community Groups / July 2008

August 2008 | June 2008
    • Counting Down The Days
      • The impending sale of Crossways is entering its final days, with tenders due to close on 6 August. Moves are afoot with the Crossways Community Trust to finalise details of the tender the community intends putting in for the building. According to Bill Southworth, Chair of the Trust, “We are close to arriving at what we think is a fair price for Crossways, and we intend making a strong bid to retain ownership of our community house.”
      • Tagged as:
      • crossways

    • Civic pride
      • It may not be Wellingtonista Awards season just yet, but here's another chance to put in a plug for your favourite things in the Wellington built environment. The Wellington Civic Trust Awards are coming up, and the trust wants your nominations for the best recent contributions in the following fields: Building Heritage Environmental Public Space Street Art Nnominations close on the 18th of August, and nominated projects must have been completed since the previous awards in 2005. There's also a separate voting form for best new sculpture, and if the sculpture that does it for you isn't on that list, you could always nominate it in the Street Art category.
      • Tagged as:
      • community-groups
      • sculpture

    • SAREX Makara South Coast Exercise July 26-27 2008
      • This was a weekend SAREX designed to test comms on the South Coast, as well as the ability of the teams to handle the conditions! And with the "10 Year Storm" going on, it was a test. A lot of work had gone in over the week before to get the new cross band repeaters built, as you would have read in Q-Bit. These were installed on Mt Misery on the Saturday morning. The base was set up and the teams dispatched. We did a HF radio test with a Pulsar, and learnt a few things about getting wet. read more
      • Tagged as:
      • makara
      • Makara, Wellington

    • Website Tweaks and Fixes
      • G'day everyone, A quick note to point out a couple of changes to the website. Firstly, can advise that the Wellington VHF Group position paper on is now available for download. This was missing for a while, and was redirecting people back to the front page. We invite your comments on this document. Also it may have been noticed that the menu structure in the left hand frame of this website has shrunk. As we've been populating the site with more and more static content, it became necessary to activate the 'collapse' option on the menu items - they're still there, you just need to click on the appropriate category and the list of sub-options will appear. read more
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • amateur-radio


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