Wellington City Council and Porirua
Te Awarua o Porirua Accord signed
- Wellington City Council
- A significant milestone in the journey to restore and protect the health of Te Awarua o Porirua (Porirua Harbour) was marked on Waitangi Day with the official signing of Te Wai Ora o Parirua – Porirua Harbour Accord.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Sports fee review report released
- Wellington City Council
- The final report from the review of fees for sports grounds and facilities in the Greater Wellington region was released today. Wellington City, Porirua City, Upper Hutt City, and Kāpiti Coast District Council took part in the review, and additional data was provided by Hutt City Council.
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- porirua
- upper-hutt
Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, 5218, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington metropolitan region moving to Level 2 Water Restrictions
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City, Porirua City, Hutt City, and Upper Hutt City will move to Level 2 Water Restrictions at 12.01am on Wednesday 17 January, meaning a ban on sprinklers and irrigation systems for residential households.
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- porirua
- upper-hutt
- water-restrictions
Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, 5218, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Liz Kelly to represent Ngāti Toa
- Wellington City Council
- Former Porirua Deputy Mayor Liz Kelly has been appointed as the Ngāti Toa Rangatira representative to sit on Wellington City Council’s committees and subcommittees.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Southern Landfill bulk Recycling Centre reopens
- Wellington City Council
- The bulk Recycling Centre at Wellington’s Southern Landfill has reopened to the public with traffic controls in place to ensure Covid-19 Alert Level 2 guidelines are maintained.
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- covid-19
- cycling
- recycling
- wellington
- spicer-landfill
Spicers Landfill, Tawa, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)