Seatoun and Brooklyn
Wellington South Community Patrol
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- Did you know we have a community patrol? Tom Law is the coordinator and here are some details. If you are interested in volunteering please get in touch with Tom via email. Area WSCP Covers – Operates across the Wellington’s Southern and Eastern suburbs from Brooklyn West and Aro Valley to Seatoun and from Aro Valley/BasinContinue reading "Wellington South Community Patrol"
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Metlink school bus routes for start of Term 1 2020
- Wellington High School
- Morning services 713 – Miramar – Kilbirnie – Newtown – Basin Schools 7:45 Miramar-DarlingtonRd (124) 8:36 BasinRes (sch) Daily 715 – Lyall Bay – Kilbirnie – Hataitai – Basin Schools 8:00 LyallBay-HungerfordRd (2) 8:28 BasinRes (sch) Daily 725 – Houghton Bay – Southgate – Island Bay – Basin Schools 7:45 HgtnBayRd nr Cave 8:31 BasinRes (sch) Daily 726 – Island Bay – Owhiro Bay – Berhampore – Wellington High School 7:55 Esplanade opp Beach 8:25 MasseyUni-WallaceSt (opp) Daily 8:05 Island Bay-ReefSt at ShorlandPk 8:25 MasseyUni-WallaceSt (opp) Daily 734 – Brooklyn – Kingston – Vogeltown – Basin Schools 7:50 OhiroRd at Bretby 8:10 AdelaideRd at Basin (12) Daily 736 – Karori (Wrights Hill) – Kelburn – Wellington College 7:40 KaroriMall-BeauchampSt 8:13 BasinRes (sch) Daily 7:50 GippsSt at Cooper (sch) 8:20 BasinRes (sch) Daily 737 – Karori – Kelburn – Wellington College & Wellington High School 7:43 Karori-AllingtonRd 8:29 BasinRes (sch) Daily 7:45 Karori-AllingtonRd 8:29 BasinRes (sch) Daily 7:47 Karori-AllingtonRd 8:33 BasinRes (sch) Daily 743 – Wilton – Wadestown – Thorndon Colleges & Basin Schools 7:55 Wilton-SurreySt 8:35 BasinRes (sch) Daily 8:00 Wilton-SurreySt 8:40 BasinRes (sch) Daily 746 – Khandallah – Ngaio – Basin Schools – St Patrick’s College 7:35 HuttRd at Rangiora 8:25 BasinRes (sch) Daily 764 – Karori – Wellington College 7:55 Karori-AllingtonRd 8:43 BasinRes (sch) Daily 768 – Mairangi – Wellington, St Patrick’s & Rongotai Colleges 7:50 Mairangi-NorwichSt 8:22 BasinRes (sch) Daily 770 – Kowhai Park – Kingston – Vogeltown – Basin & Kilbirnie Colleges 7:50 KowhaiPk-MitchellSt 8:15 AdelaideRd at Basin (12) Daily Afternoon services 718 – Wellington High School – Newtown – Seatoun 15:30 TaranakiSt (217) 16:00 SeatounPk-HectorSt Daily 719 – Wellington High School – Kilbirnie – Miramar North 15:30 WgtnHighSch (sch) 15:56 ParkRd at Rotherham (86) Daily 726 – Wellington High School – Berhampore – Owhiro Bay – Island Bay 15:25 WgtnHighSch (sch) 15:44 IslandBay-ReefSt opp ShorlandPk Daily 15:30 WgtnHighSch (sch) 16:10 IslandBay-ReefSt opp ShorlandPk Daily 734 – Brooklyn – Kingston – Vogeltown – Basin Schools 15:36 AdelaideRd at Basin (13) 15:50 Brooklyn-A Daily 740 – Wellington College – Kelburn – Karori 15:30 TaranakiSt at AbelSmith 15:58 Karori-KaroriRd Daily 15:31 TaranakiSt at AbelSmith 15:59 Karori-KaroriRd Daily 15:32 TaranakiSt at AbelSmith 16:00 Karori-KaroriRd Daily 742 – Basin Schools – Miramar Heights 15:40 BasinRes (sch) 16:18 MiramarShops-A Daily 769 – St Patrick’s & Wellington Colleges, Wellington High School – Northland – Wilton 15:38 TaranakiSt at AbelSmith 16:10 Wilton-SurreySt Daily 770 – Basin Schools – Vogeltown – Kingston – Kowhai Park 15:49 AdelaideRd at Basin (13) 16:29 KowhaiPk-MitchellSt Daily
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- vogeltown
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
When the media advocate racism to hide the real culprits behind bad driving
- Jack Yan
- This op–ed in the Fairfax Press smacks of typical yellow peril journalism that has come to typify what passes for some media coverage of late.
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Kilbirnie, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Building a road and saving 30 seconds
- Wellington Scoop
- One of the most extraordinary things about plans to bulldoze a road through the pristine Takapu Valley is the claim about how much time will be saved. They’re counting the savings in seconds. The claim is found in an Appendix to the controversial report in which the chief executives of regional councils tell their mayors that they ought to support a road through the valley.
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- takapu-valley
Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Who are the single season points and try scoring record holders?
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Above: Brandyn Laursen (left) and Mike Clamp (right) who we think hold the respective Wellington club rugby single season points and try scoring records.
- Accepted from Rugby Club Weekly Feed
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Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Grab some gravel
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Take some hard fill for your home and garden projects this weekend - and help protect your community from flooding.
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- waterfront
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- wainuiomata
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- mount-cook
- civic-square
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- cuba-street
- brooklyn
- northland
- titahi-bay
- khandallah
- newtown
- berhampore
Lyall Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Found a Facebook bot? Facebook wants you to leave it as reporting option vanishes
- Jack Yan
- Facebook appears to be giving up on the bot fight.
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- paraparaumu
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- brooklyn
- stokes-valley
- kilbirnie
- karori
- miramar
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Summer Interclub Round 2 Results
- Table Tennis Wellington
- Week 2 results are below: 2015-Summer-Interclub-4-March-results Premier 2015-Summer-Interclub-4-March-results Divisions FYI the draw schedules are here.
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- seatoun
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- wairarapa
- eastbourne
- cuba-street
- porirua
Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Commuting by bicycle in Wellington
- Cycling in Wellington
- In the past few years the number of people I see on bikes riding from Newtown to town in the morning has literally quadrupled. Unfortunately, many of the people I see stopped at the lights are on seriously terrible bikes. I’m see rusty, too-big or too-small mountain bikes with brakes that barely work and people look unconfident and uncomfortable on their bikes. Riding the wrong bike can actually make cycling seriously not fun. Recently several of my colleagues have gotten bicycles with the intention of cycling to work. I have noticed that they too seem to have missed some items that to me are essential for bike commuting. Namely:
- Accepted from Cycling in Wellington posts
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- titahi-bay
- ngaio
- oriental-bay
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- northland
- thorndon
- civic-square
- newlands
- lyall-bay
- wainuiomata
- aro-valley
- tawa
Mt. Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Miramar v BNU 1sts - 25th August 2013
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- 2pm, David Farrington Park We headed to David Farrington Park to play Miramar in the final game of the season. Following Saturday's results, we believed a solitary point would be enough to keep us clear of the relegation places. The game kicked off with the intensity of a cup final. The Brooklyn crowd were vocal in their support, the large travelling contingent of fans certainly made the lads feel 10 feet tall. The game was being played at a cracking pace: a strong Miramar side featuring former All White Campbell Banks and current Solomon Islands International Henry Fa'arodo, was being matched by the heroes in red and black. The first 30 minutes was fairly even. Both sides were spraying the ball around with confidence and great speed, the Miramar coach admitting the game was being played at Capital Premier standard. The deadlock was broken when Miramar smashed a volley from the top of the box after 32 minute s, a quality strike that left Zen no chance. Miramar doubled their lead 10 minutes later from a free kick, the Miramar player's run not being picked up, leaving him unmarked at the far post for an easy finish. 2-nil down and all to play for. BNU were awarded a penalty right on half time for a handball in the box. Paul Sanchez, who has been great from the penalty spot, strode forward with purpose, only to watch his shot go wide of the left hand upright. The score remained 2-nil to Miramar at half time. There was calm in the changing room, as we were creating a number of chances and our covering defence had prevented Miramar from testing Zen with shots on goal. We believed if we kept to our standards we could get back into the game. The next goal would be the most important of the match. The 2nd half started at the same pace as the first. We continued to press high up the pitch to prevent Miramar from getting into any kind of rhythm. Their increased ball speed certainly tested us and the class and experience of their players was stretching us right across the pitch. However, we were not giving up without a fight and were rewarded for our efforts when Paul Clune smashed home after 58 minutes to bring the score back to 2-1. This also bought the crowd back into the game, they had been fantastic throughout. Ben Goodwin, who had been introduced at half time, went close on two occasions shortly after, with almost identical shots from the edge of the area. His pace and direct style were causing problems for the Miramar back four. We were dealt a blow on 70 minutes when Campbell Banks finally got the better of Damian Gurnick, turning on the edge of the area, to beat Zen in the left hand bottom corner. 3-1 down, with 20 minutes to play. It was time to gamble and throw numbers forward. We had nothing to lose and everything to gain. 2 minutes later Banks was at it again, losing his marker and slotting his 2nd to make it 4-1 with 15 minutes to play. You would forgive BNU if heads dropped, but not with this team, the lads weren't prepared to throw in the towel, and in true BNU fashion they fought for every possession and continued to push forward. Tom Bisley and Ben Purser were introduced, giving us 4 strikers on the pitch for the final 15 minutes of the season. Tom Bisley went close, not once but twice, but unfortunately shot wide on both occasions. As we pressed forward, there were inevitably gaps left at the back and Banks completed his hat-trick with 3 minutes to play. Just to rub salt into the wound, Miramar scored a 6th with the last kick of the game. 6-1 the final score which in no way reflects how close the game was. As the lads left the pitch, and rightly applauded the large BNU crowd, our attention now turned to the Island Bay vs Seatoun match being played at Wakefield Park. A Seatoun win would see us clear of the bottom 2. We received update after update from our Chairman Martin Gray, who was finally able to phone through the result we had all been waiting for, 2-1 victory to Seatoun. Back in the Miramar clubrooms, there was a mix of cheer and relief as we believed we could now reflect on a season of highs and lows. Strong performances, in this our last game, from Captain Andy Cochrane, who was all industry and quality in the middle of the park, Damian Gurnick, who put his body on the line time and time again, and Man of the Match Simon Barker, who won everything in the air and reminded everyone of his undoubted talent. A special thanks to the crowd who really helped the lads dig deep right to the end. You guys were fantastic! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Martin Gray, Adam Brownie and the Committee for all of their support over the last 2 seasons. Special thanks needs to go to our physio Dan Sainsbury and my team manager Annie Bannister for all of their hard work and high standards set and maintained throughout the season. Finally, I would like to publicly thank the playing group for their contribution to the 2013 season. It has been a pleasure working with you all this year. You have represented this club in the best possible way, on and off the pitch. You all bought into the plan and genuinely wanted to play football the way it's meant to be played. Andy Cochrane and Simon Barker led the team each week with class and integrity. Without them, the task would have been so much harder. Thank you both. I look forward to seeing you all this weekend at the Prize Giving. Hopefully we can sit down over a beer and celebrate what has been an eventful season. Dene Bannister
- Accepted from BNU match reports
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- island-bay
Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
BNU 1sts v Seatoun - 10th August 2013
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- 2.
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- seatoun
BNU 1sts v North Wellington - 13th April 2013
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- We approached this game with great confidence following last week's win over Seatoun.
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- seatoun
BNU 1sts v Seatoun - 6th April 2013
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Round 1 - Wakefield #1 at 15.
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- seatoun
BNU Platoon Red v Seatoun 3 July 2011
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Okay okay, so it may have been a little while since the last match report, but after Sunday’s game, it really would be rude not to relive some of the highlights!! And by crikey were there some highlights!! Brooklyn turned up keen and enthusiastic to play.
- Accepted from BNU match reports
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- brooklyn
Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
BNU Platoon Red v Seatoun 22 April 2011
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Week four and after a tough game on Wednesday night Brooklyn was back in action again on Friday morning!! Lucky we are such a youthful, energetic, fit bunch of semi-professional athletes….
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- brooklyn
Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
HMNZS BNU Masters 3 v SS Seatoun Originals - 28 August 2010 at Macalister
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- 0-0 For a team like BNU from a mountainous landlocked region, it is a tough challenge to take on a team with a rich maritime history like Seatoun.
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- seatoun
BNU Masters 3 v Seatoun PPL - 31st July 2010 at Adventure
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- 1-1 (HT 1-0) This was a "home game" - Capital Football decreed that even Happy Valley was inadequate for the likes of us, and relocated the match to Whitby.
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- seatoun
Latest Match Reports
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- BNU Pilsner v Karori Magpies 22nd May 2010 BNU Masters 3 v Western Suburbs 15 May 2010 BNU Pretenders v Tawa 2nd May 2010 BNU 3rds v Marist Inter 1st May 2010 BNU Pilsner v Miramar Rangers 1st May 2010 BNU Masters 3 v Seatoun PPL 1st May 2010 Petone Pure v BNU Pretenders 25th April 2010 BNU Pretenders v Waikanae 18th April 2010
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- miramar
- karori
- seatoun
BNU Masters 3 v Seatoun PPL - 1 May 2010 at Seatoun
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- 0-4 (HT 0-3) The mid-season slump has arrived early this year.
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- seatoun
BNU Masters 3 v Seatoun A - 10/3/2010 at Happy Valley 1
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- BNU Masters 3 v Seatoun A, 10/3/10 at Happy Valley 1 3-3 (HT 2-2)The clanging sound this week was not from a penalty bouncing off the crossbar but the sound of iron gates closing in vain behind us as we got out of jail.
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- match-reports
Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
BNU Masters 3 v Seatoun A - 10 April 2010 at Happy Valley 1
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- BNU Masters 3 v Seatoun A, 10/3/10 at Happy Valley 1 3-3 (HT 2-2)The clanging sound this week was not from a penalty bouncing off the crossbar but the sound of iron gates closing in vain behind us as we got out of jail.
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- seatoun
Senior Draw, April 10 & 11
- Stop Out Sports Club
- Saturday 10thChamps Premier League:Naenae vs Freeheat Stop Out - - - Naenae 1, 2:30pmCapital 2: Tawa B vs Stop Out at Kura, 2:30pmCapital 9: Wgtn Utd Salmon vs Stop Out at MacAlister #2, 12:30pmCapital 11: Stop Out vs Uni Rangers at Hutt Park #2, 2:30pmMasters 2: Waterside Turtles vs Reds at Karori #3, 2:30pmMasters 4: Seatoun B vs Blacks at Seatoun, 12:30pmMasters 5: McCreadie vs Petone at Hutt Park #3, 2:30pmSunday 11thDivision 1: Stop Out vs Brooklyn at Hutt Park #1, 1:00pmDivision 4: Tawa vs Stop Out at Onepoto #2, 1:00pm
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- tawa
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Masters 1 v Seatoun 4/4/09
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- The dawn of a season beckoned on the Masters team with a discovery that we had been promoted to the A division. With despair amongst the team, a letter of protest was sent off to Capital Football asking why the team that finished second was promoted and the team that finished first for the last two seasons was remaining in Division B. As with Capital Football, the letter was not even acknowledged.
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- seatoun
- soccer
Masters 1 v Seatoun 4/4/09
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- The dawn of a season beckoned on the Masters team with a discovery that we had been promoted to the A division. With despair amongst the team, a letter of protest was sent off to Capital Football asking why the team that finished second was promoted and the team that finished first for the last two seasons was remaining in Division B. As with Capital Football, the letter was not even acknowledged.
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- brooklyn
- seatoun
- soccer
Seatoun 1 BNU 0
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- There is little doubt that Seatoun would have been on cloud 9 ever since they were pitted against the mighty, in form BNU. The local baker had been baking ???good luck??? muffins all week, and the butcer had promised a weeks supply of giblets to anyone who could score the winner!
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- seatoun