
Newtown / June 2023

July 2023 | May 2023
    • Mumu Moore
      • <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > WHAKATAU MAI RĀ E NGĀ HAU E WHĀ Calling In The Four Winds I have been contemplating my life over the last few years, I had a breakthrough moment that I might only have 40 summers left on this beautiful earth mother, Papatūānuku. That within every connection to the present is a blessing, and that the gratitude that comes from this feeling is one of pure joy. Whakatau mai rā e ngā hau e whā (Calling in the Four Winds) is a piece of work that spans the last 3 months of my life. Incorporating my travels throughout Aotearoa, and even to Melbourne (Naarm). Each piece was made on a part of whenua that I have been before, each location being in essence a place where my mauri (life force) is bound to the mauri of the whenua (land). The creation of these Taonga Pūoro is a way for me to alchemise my mauri. These energy trails that I leave on the whenua, on this land, for me needed to be witnessed. Each piece was a way for me to transform these old energy trails into something new, by witnessing my old self, I could witness the parts of me that have grown. Calling in the Four Winds is a way for me to embrace the four directions, the power of the four winds, and for them to help me transmute my mauri, my life force. Mauri tau Mauri noho Mauri ohooho Mauri ora From Te Pō comes Te Pū, from Te Pū comes Te Pō. From the darkness comes the light, and from light comes the darkness. I can witness my shadows and can express my light, that for every moment of darkness, eventually the light will come back. I have made 28 Taonga Pūoro, from Purerehua, to Porotiti and for the first time Koauau (flutes) in collaboration with Sam Palmer. Seven Taonga were created for each wind direction. Te Hau Kauaki (northerly), Te Hau Rāwhiti (easterly), Te Hau Tonga (southerly), and Hau-ā-uru (westerly). With each wind direction having its own colour, teal, green, red and yellow. The carved lines represent my views of the landscape around me, being the hills, or the lines of waves crashing on the shore, birds, trees, the movement of seagrass. Each Taonga was named after the location of where the piece was carved or the intention of what I was wanting to move through at the time of carving. Ngā mihinui, Mumu Moore @_mumu_moore
      • Accepted from Black Coffee exhibitions by feedreader
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • cafes
      • newtown
      • exhibitions
      • Black coffee, Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)


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