Newtown / October 2014
November 2014 | September 2014-
Island Bay Seawall Project – have your say
- Newtown Residents' Association
- A message from Wellington City Council The huge swells generated by the severe storm in June 2013 caused the collapse of a section of the 350-metre seawall in Island Bay.
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- island-bay
Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Report on the Residents’ Association October Meeting
- Newtown Residents' Association
- We met at the Community Hall in Daniell Street at 7.
- Accepted from NRA news
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- community-groups
- newtown
Cycleway updates
- Newtown Residents' Association
- Wellington City Council cycleway planning.
- Accepted from NRA news
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- community-groups
- newtown
What is happening around the Basin Reserve?
- Newtown Residents' Association
- The High Court Appeal against the flyover decision The New Zealand Transport Agency has taken an appeal against the Board of Inquiry decision to decline resource consent for a Basin Reserve flyover.
- Accepted from NRA news
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- community-groups
- newtown
Monthly Meeting – October 20th 2014
- Newtown Residents' Association
- We will be meeting at 7.
- Accepted from NRA news
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- community-groups
- newtown
Another heritage building saved
- Iona Pannett
- Good news that the conversion of the old St James church in Newtown is going ahead and is expected to be completed in 18 months as reported in The Dominion Post today.
- Accepted from Iona Pannett posts
- Tagged as:
- newtown
- heritage-buildings
- earthquake-strengthening
St James' Presbyterian Church, Adelaide Road, Kowhai Park, Newtown, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand/Aotearoa
Amesbury School Athletics - Wednesday, Week 1, Term 4
- Amesbury Drive School Blog
- Our Amesbury School Athletics day is coming up this term on Wednesday 15 October (this is the first Wednesday back) at Newtown Park.
- Accepted from Amesbury Drive School feed
- Tagged as:
- athletics
- newtown-park
- events
Newtown Park, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Avenues and oases in the capital: wellington civic trust seminar saturday 18 october 2014
- Newtown Residents' Association
- Free Public Seminar On Saturday morning, 18 October, 9.
- Accepted from NRA news
- Automatically tagged as:
- community-groups
- newtown