
Downtown Community Ministry / August 2020

The Downtown Community Ministry (DCM) gives down to earth support to individuals and families.

September 2020 | July 2020
    • August Update from DCM
      • 96 August Update from DCM p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; font-size:inherit !important; font-family:inherit !important; 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In our last update, we shared with you some of our taumai’s* reflections on the challenges and the positives of the COVID lock-down. Taumai also reflected on the future, and what they might like to do differently. DCM open but doing things differently at alert level 2, August 2020 Taumai spoke about the difference being housed – in emergency housing or a permanent whare – had made, and their desire to sustain this:   “No going back onto the streets” “Stay committed to the process - settle down, look at me!” “Stay in a home, and we can do it because we have done it here.” Some of the things taumai spoke about doing differently after lock-down were focused on habits they did not wish to return to, while others identified new habits or skills they wish to focus on. “I will try not to go begging; that habit”  “Hopefully go out more and be more assertive about finding work, or studying”  “I want to do some exercise” “I want to keep buying groceries and cooking – it’s a good habit” “Try to do more – access services myself because I was not aware of what support I could get, but now I do.”   As we in Aotearoa have moved back in to COVID-related restrictions this month, here at DCM we can celebrate having so many of our taumai safe and warm in their own homes or emergency housing. <!-- --> I absolutely love working at DCM Would you, or someone who you know, like to come to work with us here at DCM? We are currently advertising for several kaimahi roles here. This is a great place to work – but don’t just take our word for it! Alex Talivai started at DCM last October. This week, she shared her experience and reflections with us, including the things she has most enjoyed about working here:   Every day is different. I love the variety. I love the challenging personalities of our taumai. I enjoy seeing the regulars in the morning. I absolutely love my colleagues here at DCM. I love that DCM and our leaders are all open to change and to kōrero; we can question and discuss things, make suggestions, do things differently. I enjoy the waiata and karakia in the morning – it really does prepare us for the day – and again at the end of the day. It is cleansing, an opportunity to release the day, not take things home with you.   We asked Alex what she would say to anyone considering coming to work at DCM. She replied:   If you have a heart for it, go for it!! To put it bluntly, if you don’t take up an opportunity to be part of this team, you are a fool! You really can make a difference to someone’s life.   You can read Alex’s story here. For more information about the roles we are recruiting for, click here. Please share these opportunities widely! We really need people with big hearts to work alongside our taumai, supporting them to thrive in their homes and their lives. <!-- --> Thank you, Wellington! “Together we can end homelessness” – every month we are lifted up by the support DCM and our taumai receive from the people of Wellington. Last week, we were contacted by Pat who offered to make masks for our taumai. We have been giving these out, and including them with food support deliveries. Taumai can now use public transport, and are able to feel confident in other spaces where there are groups of people. We are also housing several people each week – moving them in to their own homes. Prue purchased some brand new linen as a house-warming gift for one of these taumai. If you would like to provide a gift of new linen for another taumai, please keep the docket so that we can provide you with a receipt for tax purposes. *We call the people we work with taumai, meaning to settle. This reflects the journey we embark on together to become settled, stable and well. <!-- --> Please help us get the message out there! Forward this email on to everyone you can think of who may be interested in how to respond to homelessness, and just generally people who are passionate about Wellington. <!-- --> Support DCM! Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi With your basket and my basket, the people will thrive <!-- --> Copyright © 2020 DCM. All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: DCMPO Box 6133Marion SqWellington, Wellington 6011 New ZealandAdd us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? 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