
Downtown Community Ministry / March 2011

The Downtown Community Ministry (DCM) gives down to earth support to individuals and families.

April 2011 | March 2010
    • DCM Bulletin - Collecting for a Cause
      • The Rugby World Cup’s impact has spread to the Downtown Community Ministry (DCM) Bookfair. “With Rugby World Cup fever hitting Wellington in September, the Bookfair has been shifted to the much earlier date of July 23-24 to fit in with this event,” says Jennifer Stewart, communications and events coordinator at DCM. “Collection bins will be dropped off at locations around the city early next week marking the start to another busy and exciting bookfair period”, says Jennifer.
      • Submitted by tonytw1
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • religious-groups

    • DCM Bulletin - Collecting for a Cause
      • The Rugby World Cup’s impact has spread to the Downtown Community Ministry (DCM) Bookfair. “With Rugby World Cup fever hitting Wellington in September, the Bookfair has been shifted to the much earlier date of July 23-24 to fit in with this event,” says Jennifer Stewart, communications and events coordinator at DCM. “Collection bins will be dropped off at locations around the city early next week marking the start to another busy and exciting bookfair period”, says Jennifer.
      • Submitted by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • appeals
      • books


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