
Downtown Community Ministry / April 2021

The Downtown Community Ministry (DCM) gives down to earth support to individuals and families.

May 2021 | March 2021
    • April Update from DCM - together we can end homelessness
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It has been a long journey for Meda – but she is in a good place now, in her own home and doing well. Photos by DCM kaitautoko Gabrielle McKone Meda grew up in a home she describes as “a house filled with love”, with two half-sisters, and one brother. “As a kid I enjoyed everything from running to swimming – I especially loved building tree houses! My childhood was full of outdoorsy stuff. I enjoyed school and I liked my teachers.” After her parents split, Meda bounced around a bit, eventually living with her aunty. But when she was kicked out of the house, she became homeless, living on the streets of Wellington with nowhere to go. It was a Wellington street friend who told Meda about DCM. “Someone said, ‘If you go down there they might be able to help you out.’ So I did.” It was around this time that Meda discovered she was pregnant. She was able to get into emergency housing, but a week before she was due to give birth, she found out that the courts had decided to uplift her baby once he was born. Losing her son was heart-breaking for Meda, and she describes it as being “the trigger for my trauma”. It led her to drink, and she no longer took very good care of herself. But in the midst of all this, Meda continued to work with DCM. “DCM has supported me in so many different ways,” says Meda. “I’ve seen the dentist a few times, popped in to see the Te Aro Health nurses, received food support and I was also on DCM’s money management service for a while until I got my own bank account. I was really proud when I got that – it felt like a big thing.” Sometimes it’s the little things that count. When Meda reflects back on the years of support from DCM, one of her favourite memories is of a woman greeting her by name, giving her a cup of coffee and a muesli bar each morning – this woman was DCM kaimahi Joanne. DCM helped Meda get into her own place, and continues to provide support so that she can thrive in her whare. Meda has made some friends in her new community and is loving this new feeling of independence, but she also appreciates being part of the wider “DCM family”. Best of all, Meda has been able to see her son. “It wasn't until I was housed and feeling a bit more stable that I was finally able to see him. A highlight for me was when I was able to go down to Nelson for his 5th birthday.” Meda maintains regular contact and is able to see her son from time to time. She’s so proud of this, and how far she’s come. “I’ve achieved a lot in the last year, getting my act together – and along the way I’ve developed a real passion for health and wellbeing. In the year ahead, I’d like to do some studies. I am proud of how far I have come, and I have plans and a lot of hope for the future.” You can read Meda's full story on our website. <!-- --> Regina and Joanne A hīkoi of courage and pride Sisters Regina and Joanne work together at DCM; both have big hearts for our mahi and our people. This month has seen them return from a hīkoi to get their moko kauae. Photos by Kylie Robinson (Regina and Joanne’s niece) It took many decades to get to this point. While the desire and longing was always there, there was too much stigma attached, and although their great grandmother had her moko kauae, it had skipped a few generations. Earlier this year, Regina and Joanne headed home for their grandmother’s tangi. It was a catalyst for them both, and opened up their sense of longing again. They prayed about this as well as speaking to family members. They both laugh as they talk about who was going to speak to their mother. Joanne lost, and spoke to their mum, who fully supported their decision. Joanne had her moko kauae completed at Mataora Bay; this is where their grandmother is buried and a place Joanne returns to often. Regina went inland to Ngahutoitoi marae where their father was raised and is buried. Several taumai challenged and encouraged them to take this step, and it has had a big impact on taumai since. At a taumai tangi soon after they returned to Wellington, Doc approached Regina. He held her hand, and put his hands on her face – “I am so proud of you.” * “Coming back to Wellington, I feel grounded,” says Regina. “I am not ashamed of being Māori. I’m proud of my culture. We have been indoctrinated to be ashamed of who we are. There are those who say that to carry the moko kauae, I would be carrying the bad things of the past. I choose instead to carry all the blessings of my tīpuna.” Many of our taumai, like Regina and Joanne, have received so many negative messages over the years about what it is to be Māori. They have been robbed of their reo; they have given up speaking it or have never learned it. Instead of feeling proud of who they are, they often carry the stigma and whakamā over many years, or over a whole lifetime. Here at DCM, we lift up Joanne and Regina for their courage, for their example, and for their commitment to DCM’s taumai and kaupapa. * Doc Manuel died soon after as a result of an accident in Wellington. Taumai had encouraged Joanne and Regina to set out on this journey, and Doc had blessed them when they had returned from that journey. RIP Doc.  <!-- --> Stephanie Homelessness...and home Stephanie McIntyre stepped down as Director of DCM at the end of 2020. This month, the Dominion Post caught up with her; they asked her to share some of her reflections on homelessness, and discussed what she has been up to since leaving DCM. You can read her reflections and her challenge to us all on Stuff. “We’ve long had the tag line at DCM: ‘together, we can end homelessness’. Without sounding twee, this is something everyone’s got to embrace together, and do together.” <!-- --> How can I help? It would be fantastic if we could take Meda and some of the other wāhine we've recently housed shopping so they can select something for their home. If you would like to purchase some vouchers for Briscoes or similar, that would be much appreciated. Drop these in to Matthew Mawkes at DCM, 2 Lukes Lane, week day mornings, or pop in the post. Kia ora! <!-- --> Support DCM! Me aro ki te hā o Hine-ahu-one Pay heed to the mana of women <!-- --> Copyright © 2021 DCM. All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: DCMPO Box 6133Marion SqWellington, Wellington 6011 New ZealandAdd us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.
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