
Downtown Community Ministry / May 2022

The Downtown Community Ministry (DCM) gives down to earth support to individuals and families.

June 2022 | April 2022
    • May Update from DCM - Together we can end homelessness
      • 96 May Update from DCM - Together we can end homelessness p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; 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Kaitautoko   noun Someone who supports, backs up or advocates for TOGETHER we can end homelessness – DCM's tagline acknowledges the many individuals, businesses and groups who share our vision and are part of team DCM. Here we introduce you to a few of our kaitautoko, people like you who support DCM and the most marginalised people in many different ways. Mon Mon has been supporting DCM for many years – in our Foodbank, at the DCM Bookfair, and as a regular donor. "It must have been 18 years ago that I first joined team DCM. I wasn’t working, and wanted to try something a little different. I first heard about DCM through Volunteer Wellington, and joined the team as a Foodbank volunteer one day a week, back when DCM was based in Eva Street. Steph was new in the role of director, and Pam Whittington was another key person on the team at that time. I sorted out the food donations and stocked the shelves in the Foodbank. I got to know Steph well and she shared a lot about DCM’s work and vision with me. After about a year, I got a full time job – but of course I wanted to continue to be part of DCM’s great work. Year after year, Mon was part of the team which delivered DCM's highly successful annual Bookfair. Here she is at the DCM Bookfair in 2014 (left) and 2017 (right). From 2005 right through until the final Bookfair in 2019, I was part of the team delivering the iconic DCM Bookfair, working with the book sorting teams during the year and at the Bookfair itself. In the later years, my job meant I could no longer help with sorting but I continued to work on the Bookfair weekend. Over the last four years, I have also been part of the DCM Foodbank Appeal, another great way to be involved over a weekend. As my working life has become busier and I have had less opportunity to support DCM with my time, I have chosen to become an AP donor, setting aside a little each month to support an organisation and way of working which I am totally committed to. Why is this? I guess I began with an understanding that I was fortunate while others were doing it tough, a sense of social justice and an awareness of the unfairness in our society. Over time, I came to understand more about the connectedness we have to each other. One measure of marginalisation is isolation, lack of connection, being unseen and unknown. Is that the worst thing of all? Quite possibly. To be invisible, to exist in a society where governments, societies, individuals, want you to be out of sight. DCM will NOT let this happen. Over all of these years, I have witnessed DCM doing an incredible job of truly seeing these people. Of knowing them, of connecting to them, and in turn connecting them to others. DCM is genuinely an organisation which is trying to do themselves out of a job! They really do make a difference in the lives of the most marginalised people. I love that they now regularly share awesome stories with all of us who support their work. The challenge to us now is to share those stories with our networks, to make the people DCM works with visible across our society. Through our time, our dollars and our sharing of stories, we can build and celebrate the connectedness we all have to one another." If you would like to know more about regular giving, please get in touch - donate@dcm.org.nz <!-- --> Tia Recently we put out a call for furniture for some of the people we are working with who are now housed. And then we received a message on Facebook... DCM kaimahi Stephen Bowater (left) and Moses Davis (right) visited Tia to pick up furniture for taumai who they are supporting. Tia was moving to the Hawke's Bay, and had a household of furniture to donate, which was great timing for a number of taumai who we are working with. She thought of DCM, as her late stepbrother Brad was supported by us and went on to work here. She was surprised and pleased to learn that we indeed remembered Brad, who died in 2014. You may have read the story of Russell in last month's update or on our website. So many of our taumai pass away at a young age. Brad was 47 years old when he died, but at that time he was housed and doing well. He wanted to give back to DCM, and had started volunteering in DCM's Foodbank as well as helping out at the DCM Bookfair. How special it is that Tia's furniture now lifts up other taumai - the items have been shared with several different people. What a wonderful way to support these taumai to thrive in their very own homes, just as Brad did. <!-- --> Restocking DCM's Foodbank It is that time of year again, when we need to re-stock our empty foodbank shelves for the winter. And this year it is more important than ever, with increasing prices placing even more pressure on those who have very little.  It’s a time when we are always reminded of the many different people who come together, offering their time, money, food donations or skills, to make our work possible. Here are just a few of the many supporters who were involved in last weekend’s Foodbank Appeal. Some are new faces, others will be very familiar to you all. Shaun Shaun Monaghan is DCM's Property Procurement kaimahi. Shaun and Tihema visited New World Chaffers on Saturday to support the DCM team. It was great to see DCM kaimahi popping by on Foodbank Appeal day. Day in, day out, Shaun works tirelessly, seeking out rental properties, speaking with landlords, finding whare for us to house taumai in. His partner Tihema is a dentist who has taken dental sessions at DCM. If you or anyone you know would like to find out more about providing a rental property for someone who is experiencing homelessness, Shaun would love to have a chat with you. And you can enjoy reading the story of one such very special kaitautoko, landlord Dev, again here. Stephanie DCM’s former director Stephanie McIntyre  You never know who may drop by to support the DCM Foodbank Appeal, including our former director Stephanie! "Stephen has done a great job of leading DCM through such challenging times. For many years, DCM has insisted that the answer to homelessness is homes! More than a decade later, everyone is now accepting this. None of the tail-chasing to set up emergency housing and transitional housing has been effective. All can now see that this is not the answer. I am very pleased that DCM remains committed to housing first, to supporting people to access and sustain their own homes. During the period since I left DCM, I have continued to be involved, albeit often at arm’s length, in finding ways to grow the stock of permanent homes for DCM’s taumai. And I know that DCM will continue to deliver the wrap-around support that is essential for taumai to thrive in their homes." Shaun DCM Board member Shaun Greenslade-Hibbert and his husband Alan helped out at the Foodbank Appeal. Shaun joined the DCM Board in 2021 as a representative of the Religious Society of Friends, a community which has been supporting DCM since the very early days. He trained as a nurse in the 1980s and has worked in palliative care for over 25 years. Shaun arrived in New Zealand from the UK in January 2019 to continue his work in palliative care at Mary Potter Hospice. He has welcomed the opportunity to support DCM’s work in any way that he can – including taking his turn on Foodbank Appeal day, welcoming shoppers and telling them about our work. Wesley Church It is quite a job, sorting and labelling the food we receive at our Foodbank Appeal. DCM is very grateful to Wesley Church for providing the space to sort and store this much needed kai. Wesley Methodist Church has been supporting DCM since we began as ICM back in 1969. In fact the original DCM office was located at Wesley. They have always been there when we have needed them – providing space for community events like the Thanksgiving meals we hosted with the US Embassy, a room for our uke band to practice, putting a basket out for food donations at their church services, and groups of volunteers whenever we need them. Many Wesley Church members also choose to donate regularly to DCM. And now, with space all over this city at such a premium, Wesley has stepped up again and provided somewhere for DCM to store kai, and to sort food donations during our two annual Foodbank Appeals. Tree and Rhea Tree was down at New World Chaffers last week, ensuring that the DCM food donation bin was clearly marked ready for the weekend's Foodbank Appeal. We love it when people reach out to us and suggest creative ways that they can support our mahi. Tree Mackay is an accomplished designer who approached us to offer her time and skills. She has helped us re-fresh our food donation bin at New World Chaffers. Rhea is part of a team of talented students who have been undertaking some design work for DCM, developing new templates, infographics and digital tools for us. She created some designs and flyers to let people know which items we most need for the DCM Foodbank. "I'm currently undertaking post-graduate study at Victoria University. I first heard about DCM through Ignite Consulting, an organisation which connects students with socially conscious organisations. A few weeks ago, I was able to visit DCM and see first-hand the work being done and the tangible difference DCM is making in people's lives." If you were not able to drop some food items in over the weekend, why not pop down to New World Chaffers, have a look at Tree’s handiwork, and leave some of the items suggested in Rhea's beautiful shopping list for DCM to provide for taumai. Yes, it takes many different kaitautoko to deliver DCM's mahi and vision. And this month, once again, you all stepped up, supporting us when we needed it most. TOGETHER we can end homelessness – we cannot do this important mahi without you all. It’s as simple as that. <!-- --> Support DCM We call the people we work with taumai, meaning to settle. This reflects the journey we set out on together – to become settled, stable and well. Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi With your basket and my basket, the people will thrive <!-- --> Copyright © 2022 DCM. All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: DCMPO Box 6133Marion SqWellington, Wellington 6011 New ZealandAdd us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.
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