
Downtown Community Ministry / September 2011

The Downtown Community Ministry (DCM) gives down to earth support to individuals and families.

November 2011 | August 2011
    • DCM Bulletin - Recycle Your Craft Stash!
      • Spring is finally here, so it is a great time to clean out those cupboards full of extra or unwanted items, and pass them on to someone else. If you have fabric, yarn, or other craft items that you’re looking to recycle, there is a new community craft group just waiting for you to donate your stash. “We would like donations of anything craft related,” says Sally-Ann, a member of the group. “It doesn’t have to be fancy, but we need fabric, cotton, quilting templates, knitting wool, anything and everything.”
      • Accepted from DCM alerts archive
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • religious-groups


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