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Added on 20 Apr 2020. Last read 3 minutes ago.
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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 17):
COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- It has been recently confirmed a case of Coronavirus here in Wellington. Everyone has been reacting and responding to the virus in different ways, and for us at Wellington Boxing Gym we want to ensure the members, trainers and visitors feel safe at Wellington Boxing Gym. Wellington Boxing Gym are no experts in COVID-19, however the Ministry of Health have great resources and information that we are using as guidance. If you want to read through these, you can find them HERE. The measurements we will be taking within the gym to support are: sing cleaning in the premises which include the following: Daily wiping down of all gym equipment (including all boxing bags) Cleaning of bathrooms daily Wiping down of common areas daily Sanitising the flooring daily We have put out communications to our members asking them to contribute in the following ways: To refrain from coming in if sick Washing hands before and after each class. Washing hands for 20 seconds and drying thoroughly To wipe down gym equipment after use (including all boxing bags) We will be updating this information when and if needed. If you feel we are missing anything to help prevent the spreading of this virus, please contact us via hello@wellingtonboxing, or by calling Dayna on 0211280261. Again if you want to find more information, please go to the Ministry of Healths website HERE. Below is a great resource of what you can do in your home and workplace.
Podcast on Owner and Coach Asher Derbyshire
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- His journey from boxing for fitness, to becoming the NZPBA Cruiserweight title holder to opening a gym… Lawrence Lotze trained alongside Asher in Auckland and was able to have a glimpse into what it takes to be a professional boxer. Lawrence spends 26 minutes talking with Asher around how Asher got into boxing, learning how Ashers father was a renowned boxer, becoming the NZPBA Cruiserweight champ to opening Wellington Boxing Gym. Take a listen to this journey and hear from the champ himself of the pains and successes! If you want to hear more from Lawrence Lotze, head to his channel HERE or if you want to follow him on Facebook click HERE.
ITHH - Nicks experience 2018
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- Nick Gubb stepped in the ring for ITHH 2018 and he’s back again for 2019! Below is his story and how ITHH and boxing has changed his life… <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > When my previous boss first told me about IT Heavy Hitters, I shrugged it off with a casual "Yeah, Right" When my boss explained a bit about her journey and what was involved in the lead up, and the positive impact it had on the participants I became a little more interested, and it was for a damned good cause. For a bit of quick background, I've never been the sporty guy. Never been naturally talented or co-ordinated. I stopped playing team sports when I was 14 (I was never a good goalie anyway), and never looked back. Neither did my waistline. When I signed up I was the heaviest I'd ever been. At the team selection day I clocked in at just over 140Kg. I knew it was going to be a hard slog, and I wasn't prepared for what I would eventually get out of the journey. When the sessions started at WBG, I quickly realised it wasn't going to be a walk in the park. The BoxFit sessions were gruelling, my fitness was awful, and my punches were as co-ordinated as a drunken donkey on rollerblades. I knew I had a hell of a long way to go, and if I was going to take this seriously I would need all the help and training I could get. I quickly signed up and started attending extra BoxFit sessions. The Saturday runs were tough, and it wasn't long before I was dealing with shin-splints and walking after only a few hundred meters. Then it all turned a corner. The support of the amazing Blue Team, and the coaches really helped to crank things up a notch Jeremy (part of the ITHH coaching team) told me to distract myself when running, think about complicated maths problems to get your mind off the struggle, focus on your breathing instead of your legs, all it is, is putting one foot in front of the other, and how hard is that? Little by little, I started improving. I could go for a bit longer, a bit faster. It didn't seem like much of an improvement at the time, but looking back, it was compounding quickly. Chris (also part of the ITHH coaching team) took every opportunity to give me tips on where my feet should end up after moving in a certain way, or what my head should be doing to avoid certain strikes. His relentless positivity and enthusiasm for everyone was always welcome. David's (part of the ITHH coaching team) "tough love" approach was a perfect counter, and the push I needed when not feeling completely up to it. Getting over a cold? "Glove up Princess. Everyone that steps into the ring has to give it 100%". Always there to push you a little harder on your last stair set, or the last leg of the Te Pa Classic. Also bear crawls. So many f%&#ing bear crawls. Getting my eating habits was another hurdle I knew I'd have to clear. I knew the sugar and beer was off the menu, but I managed to pick up a whole tack of good information from the Nutritionist, Supplement Specialist, and Recovery session we had. Going through a shared experience with a complete bunch of strangers, it was amazing how close the team got, and how supportive of each other they were. On more than one occasion I was dead last at a group run, when the entire team who had already finished started running alongside me in support. While at first I felt a little guilty they had all done more than what they needed to do to encourage me, I was blown away by the good vibes and happy faces when I crossed the finish line. These people weren't just strangers who also happened to sign up, they were friends. Asher, I think I spent more time with you than I did with my wife. Between the BoxFit classes, Skills classes, Sparring sessions and one on one's at one point I clocked up 9 sessions in a week. The time and effort you invested into this was incredible. I'll always remember one of your comments during a one on one, you said that "When I watched you walk in for the first time, I would have never expected you would throw a punch like the one you just did". That got me buzzing, it was a confirmation for all the hard work I'd put in, and an awesome recognition of how far I had come. I had a smile on my face for weeks after that! I weighed in at 119.6Kg, over 20Kg lighter than I was 14 weeks ago Weigh in night appeared all too quickly, and it was finally a chance to have some tangible evidence of the blood, sweat and tears spilled. I weighed in at 119.6Kg, over 20Kg lighter than I was 14 weeks ago, and under the 120Kg mark for when the weights were read out on fight night. I was stoked. On the night itself, I was lucky in that I got a match from the Red Team. Getting into the Ring on the night wasn't the ultimate goal I had started out with, but it was the icing on the cake, and a chance to show off all the hard work I'd done over the last 14 weeks. The butterflies were out in force, the nerves were there, but they were calmed by the work we had all done. I'm glad I soaked up the atmosphere as I entered the ring, waved to the family and friends, and enjoyed my song. Once in the ring, the tunnel vision set in, the crowd disappeared, and the noise faded. All that was there was my opponent and I, and the occasional shout from my corner. The 3 rounds flew past, I felt pumped, like I could go for 3 more! While I didn't win my match, I did make it to the end, and had a split decision to boot. It may not have been a win, but it was still a victory. Full props go out to Craig "The Punisher" Marshal for putting in the hard yards, and taking the win. <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > For those who think it's just a Charity Boxing Match, you're wrong. This has been an absolute life-changing experience, and one of the coolest things I've ever done. How many people can say they've stepped into the Boxing Ring in front of a crowd of over 1000 people? I'm down 20Kg, made some amazing new friends, have a whole new level of energy to keep up with the family. Considering the Fighter stand-down, I'll still be back next year just to make the journey again. #BlueCrew
We are moving!
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- WBG 2.0 <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > WBG is moving! As we approach our 2 year anniversary July 1st, we are also celebrating the next steps for WBG as we are packing up and moving 400 or so metres up the road to a new and larger space at Cruickshank Street Kilbirnie! A very timely move as our evening classes are filling with hitting over 50 people at a class #wow To think this time 2 years ago we were fitting our the current space for the official opening of WBG! So what does this mean? Tuesday the 26th of June we will be running our last classes at our current space. From then up until Sunday the 1st of July we will be officially closed to move all our equipment over. But not to worry folks, we will be open the following week to catch up on missed burpees! We will have an official GRAND OPENING at the new space Sunday 1st of July where you can come view the space, get a FREE sausie or two, win some spot prizes, sign up on the day and get membership discounts, view the new classes timetable, but also we will be running some classes for people to come and trial them out. Wow wow wow! For our current members we will NOT be increasing our membership prices and this will be the same for new members joining up in the new space. However, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dayna via hello@wellingtonboxing.com or 0211280261. Watch out on our facebook page HERE for updates on our grand opening so you can come down and check us out!
Youth classes coming to WBG!
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- Last month we announced the EXCITING NEWS that we are moving locations around 300m down the road to Cruickshank Street! The space is larger and allows us to run more classes to cater to our members and also the public. One we would like to get kicked off is youth classes. Are you a young person wanting to get into boxing? Wanting to challenge yourself? Wanting to try something new? Maybe you want to get back into boxing? Or are you a parent or guardian wanting to get your child into boxing? Then these classes are perfect for you :) No matter your level of boxing or fitness experience, these classes will cater for all! Below is a very small survey we have put together to start gathering information of interest so we can design something that caters to the want and need :) CLICK HERE FOR SMALL SURVEY If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us via the methods on the bottom of our website or on our chat bar to the right of your screen.
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- WBG ON A BOAT - CELEBRATING OUR MEMBERS AND TRAINERS This year WBG decided not to have a Christmas party in the busiest time of year, but instead decided to do something different and have a late party. Of course a party, to celebrating the members that make the gym, the trainers that put the hard work in and of course another successful year of business. So Friday 6th of April, 61 WBG members, trainers and friends set sail on the Sweet Georgia for a night of epic madness. Hurricanes played on the boat, many delish starters, BBQ dinner, pirates, jelly fish, sea man haha, mermaids, captains, selfies galore and many striped tops later the boat was buzzing! Amazing thing too was Quincy wasn't late, he 'didn't miss the boat' lol #NameShame From WBG, we hope you enjoyed the night. Asher and myself cannot thank you enough for choosing us as your fitness/boxing home, building the welcoming and no ego culture that every hypes over, supporting the charities events we are part of and for giving back to the smallest but coolest little gym in Wellies. WBG is truly built by the members that create the space :) To the trainers Thomas, Haile, Ice, Akeyla and Dave, we cannot thank you enough either. We appreciate all the hard work you put in and for bringing your own unique flavours to the space. We look forward to celebrating with all again as we approach our 2 year anniversary - How can we top this though?
Celebrating the members
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > Celebrating the members - Tickets on sale At Wellington Boxing Gym we are always thinking of ways in which we can give back to our members. One way is our christmas functions. So this year we put some ideas out to the members to have a vote and the clear win was a party on a boat! So this year we have partnered with Sweet Georgia to host our late Christmas party/new year party. Its such a hard time of year to fit a Christmas function in, so we deliberately moved it to the beginning of the year. Below are the details of the party: <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > THEME - Is anything sea. Mermaids, Captain, Pirate, seaweed whatever :) <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > COST - $20 per ticket. 80 tickets only, so don't miss out! <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > DATE/TIME - 6th April. Meeting at One Red Dog at 5pm to set sail at 5.30pm sharp <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > FOOD/DRINKS - Summer BBQ with desert with beer and wine covered. <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > TICKETS - Tickets can be purchased at WBG. 80 tickets only, so don't miss out! Since we have over 120+ members and there is only 80 tickets for sale we are selling tickets to members only at this point. This is to allow all our members the opportunity to purchase a ticket. Two weeks prior to event (23rd March), if we have tickets still yet to sell, we will open it out to our members friends and family. Tickets are selling quickly, so don't miss out!
Thats a wrap for B4TPIII
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > And thats a wrap Wow what an epic night to end the 12 week journey the team had taken together. While it was not about winning as everyone was winners on the night, WBG blue team won 6-4. The blue team for this years Battle For The Pacific had a huge challenge from day one. This team came together just before Christmas to start training in prep for this years event. They had to battle the urges for that Christmas pavlova, the beersies over new year and everything that comes with the summer festive season. But the team pushed through and kept up the training. Nine of the wider team were able to get matched for this event with EACH one of them having a hard fight ahead of them. They came together twice a week as a team to train plus their favourite Saturday 6am morning runs every week. As time went on they were massively improving in their skills, fitness and dedication. <a class="image-slide-anchor content-fill" > <a class="image-slide-anchor content-fill" > <a class="image-slide-anchor content-fill" > <a class="image-slide-anchor content-fill" > <a class="image-slide-anchor content-fill" > <a class="image-slide-anchor content-fill" > <a class="image-slide-anchor content-fill" > <a class="image-slide-anchor content-fill" > <a class="image-slide-anchor content-fill" > FOEMUA productions and B4TP put on an amazing event over at Walter Nash stadium with them packing out the venue with over 1200 people! VIP tables were full, the stands were full and it was such an amazing atmosphere. Again well done to the whole team for the 12 weeks of hard training you put in for the great causes this event supports. To the team who didn't manage to get a fight but still came on the night to support the team, that was epic! Blue team vibe was strong in that changing room. To the nine fighters that stepped in that ring, win or lose, you were all winners in our eyes! The skill and heart shown by all of you was something you should all be proud of. The basics were executed well and was talked about by so many who attended. So well done! To the organisers of the event, thank you so much from Wellington Boxing Gym for having us on board this year to coach the blue team. It was an absolute privilege to be part of something so important to our community. Hope the organising team is resting up and celebrating a great event! To our trainers and cornerman that came on the night to help out. Thank you so much! WBG family is like no other :) If you were part of this event and would like to give feedback to the promotors, please click on the button below. Click here to give feedback for b4tpiii If you are also keen to jump on the next event and challenge yourself with getting in the ring. Contact FOEMUA productions and B4TP on info@battleforthepacific.co.nz. <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > Fighters, trainers and promotion team that made up B4TPIII 2018
13 Weeks – Potentially a Huge Box Office Hit
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > At the end of 2017, Wellington boxing Gym signed up to train the blue team for Battle for the Pacific (B4TP III). There were 50+ fighters to start with and within that team were Kura and Cass. Kura and Cass have been working hard in the lead up to this event in hope of getting selected to fight, and only last week it was announced that they both will be stepping into the ring! What has been great about these two woman, is that they have been documenting and capturing their journey on paper to share with the world. Below are some quick snippets of quotes from it: "Sometimes you feel like running away from everything – ‘responsibilities’ or ‘obligations’ – everything! PERSPECTIVE: Did we care to think that maybe, maybe instead of running away from everything – we are/were running towards everything!" "We got through. It was hard, mind boggling, scary , tiring – oh not forgetting – like sore! (not dramatic sore – but like it hurt!)" "Mindset: Exercise becomes something fun to do than just a chore – and trust me we have been there – where we are like “do we have to?” “Should we skip”" Whats great about this blogs is its written with no fluffy bits, its raw and the truth of the writer. You read it almost putting yourself in their position and feeling the pain of their trainings and the battle of the brain telling you to stop. Have a read through and check it out! Do so by clicking on the button below. READ BLOG HERE Give the blog a share, a like, add a comment of even better, purchase a ticket to come and support these girls and the causes they are fighting for! To get tickets or a table contact Bronwen on 0211776584 or email TICKETS@BATTLEFORTHEPACIFIC.CO.NZ. <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " >
ITHH for 2018 has STARTED!
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > ITHH for 2018 has started with the blue team of over 50 fighters starting training this week! Coach Asher started the 14 week training with a bang with getting the whole team together on Saturday to do run - a tradition of WBG. The morning and evening teams have been working hard with already in the first week seeing a huge improvement in skills. Watch this space for more information on how they are going, fight announcements and of course how you can come and support and get tickets!
B4TP III - Tickets are on SALE!
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > We are just over three weeks away from B4TP III for 2018 and tickets are on SALE! The team have been working hard especially over this holiday season where most people would be enjoying pavlova, BBQ feasts, a few beersies and all the yummy food Christmas and holidays bring. Instead this team have been doing 6am classes, evening classes and meeting every Saturday at 6am to smash out a run! #DoingTheMahiToGetTheirTreats Fights have also just been announced with the following people from the Blue team locked to fight. We also have a list of back ups that 'could' fight and are training hard still in the lead up. <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > So come down to Walter Nash Stadium out the Hutt on the 24th of Feb for a great fight night that is supporting great causes in our community. The Wellington Boxing Gym Blue team have been working hard! To purchase your tickets and/or tables, contact Bronwen on 0211776584 or email TICKETS@BATTLEFORTHEPACIFIC.CO.NZ. See you all there!
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- James-Kapa sisters join the WBG team! WBG is very excited to have two new trainers who have been dedicated members of the gym. Welcome to the team... <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > Akeyla James-Kapa Trainer Akeyla has been a long term member and in that time has become fit and more knowledgable in boxing. She hopes in the near future that she can step into the ring. Akeyla runs a tough BoxFit class (with a smile of course!) as she likes supporting and encouraging people to their find their limits and smash past it. You will certainly get a good sweat up in her classes! <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > Haile James-Kapa Trainer Haile was new to the boxing scene last year and understands how hard it can be to step outside of your comfort zone. Since then she has had a couple of fights under WBG and wishes to continue. Haile creates an encouraging atmosphere in her BoxFit classes and is willing to help anyone who is needing that extra push in the right direction. So come down and check out one of their BoxFit sessions! They are tough, but are so, so you get the best out of your class! REMEMBER your first session is FREE, so come check them out!
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- NEW TIMETABLE The gym is back into things next week with us also introducing our new timetable! Check it out below! <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > For new comers who want to try something new, come down and trial a FREE session! Get in contact with us to find out more information.
One more week of HOLIDAY TIMETABLE
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- First of all the team and WBG hope you all had a great Christmas with friends and family and also were able to take a break before we all kick into the swing of things for 2018! For the past two weeks we have been running a holiday timetable to encourage taking some time out with friends and family. But while we understand holiday time is essential to wellbeing, so is fitness :) So we have been running 10am BoxFit classes through this holiday time. For this final week of the HOLIDAY TIMETABLE, we have moved from morning 10am BoxFit sessions to evening 6.15pm BoxFit sessions to try and accommodate the folk that have/had to go back to work. So below is an image of the final week of the holiday timetable. <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > Also this year we have made changes to our every day timetable based off what we heard from 'you' the members. This will be announced in the next couple of days, so watch out for this announcement. In the meantime, we hope you to you back in the gym for 2018! Permalink
GladrapChannel catching up with Asher in the lead up to his fight
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- Like GladrapChannel on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GladrapChannel/ Follow GladrapChannel on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/gladrap Support the channel: http://www.patreon.com/gladrapchannel