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Added on 10 Jun 2007. Last read 5 minutes ago.
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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 25):
- T3 Track Blog
- A small but dedicated crew got stuck into what will be a tricky structure to navigate. Building it wasn’t that easy either, digging post holes in bedrock is never fun, thanks Stu and Carl, how are the hands today? Jonathan and I had to engage the grey matter for most of the day to get this working right, but at the end of the day we think it’s going to work. With a couple of finishing touches to go we wont know for another couple of days yet. As far as a name goes, well, it is a double seesaw, but it’s a double seesaw on a two way track which meant we had to throw a bit of magic in there to make it work both ways, so how about “The Magic Seesaws” I will post some more pictures later when we have finished sprinkling magic fairy dust on it. A big thanks goes out to everyone that showed up yesterday, Don, Sasha, Stu, Jonathan, Carl, Andrew, Oli, Alex, and Oli’s another mate, sorry didn’t catch his name. A big huge thanks to Stu from the council for helping to get all the equipment up to the site, and Trevor from Kia Ora Sheetmetal for making the seesaw pivots.
- T3 Track Blog
- We are at it again!! This is the beginning of a new structure on T3, thanks to the great guys from the GVN we were able to get the platform in for what will be a very interesting obstacle. For more information you will have to come along on Sunday February the 1st to find out. Meeting at the bottom of Varleys at 10am, lunch and tools provided.
- T3 Track Blog
- Sunday saw us tackle another one of the T3 big wooden projects, The Swing Bridge of Doom, or as it turned out the Fun Wibbly Wobbly Swing Bridge. After getting the two poles in the ground on Friday and dropping off all the pre-cut timber come Sunday it was just a matter of putting it all together like a big jigsaw puzzle. How does it ride? Well a little easier than we had hoped, but a lot of fun and certainly something you don’t get to do everyday on a mountain bike track. We also planted 20 Rata trees in that area and another wee project finished, see other post. Thanks to all those that showed up on the day, Tom, Will, Nigel, Jono, Dave, Jonathan, Rob, Edmond, Mark, and Jeff. Also thanks to Jonty from Revolution Bikes for giving us a spot prize of a very nice WTB tyre, and for the boys at Mitre Mega, Upper Hutt for cutting all the wood to length. See you at the next work party!!
- T3 Track Blog
- The other project we finished on Sunday was putting armour down on a steep 18-19 degree slope. We used green honeycomb things called grass stabilisers. This is the first time we have used them in the park so it will be good to see how they ride.
- T3 Track Blog
- T3 Is Now Open To All Riders!! Thanks to Maxxis and the weather gods, myself, Jonathan, Carl, Andrew, Hugh, Brenda, Josh, Simon, Don, Rob, Graham, Lyle and Mana were able to finish the track right through to Trickle Falls. T3 can now be ridden either up or down depending on how you are feeling, it is still a bit rough in places but the more people we get having a go at it the better it will bed down. The plan from here is to have one more Sunday work party on the 6th of April, this will be a ride\work party where we will be trying different parts of the track then working on them to get them just right, should be lots of fun, then it will be a matter of building the structures in the appropriate places, check map below this post to see what we have in mind. JK will have his drawings for each individual structure there on the 6th so ask to have a look and add your 2cents to the plans. Thanks to all that helped out on Sunday and a big thanks to our sponsor for the day Maxxis.
- T3 Track Blog
- T3 Map
- T3 Track Blog
- Jonathan and I have come up with a new game. To be played at the end of a work party, the object is to see how many tools you can carry down the hill before, A: your legs buckle underneath you B: you put your neck out, or C: a tool slips and cuts your head off We are still working on the finer points of this challenging pass time but we think we’re on to a winner.
- T3 Track Blog
- What the??!! Horses in Makara Peak? This cannot be. But yes it was, 3 rogue horses were spotted last night on the way to the T3 work party, they have been missing and have been on the councils radar for a few days now, they just haven’t been able to find them….easy really…they are HORSES. So after a brief whisper with the horses it was off to dig on T3, thanks to Don, Kevin, Will, Murray, Jonathan and Jon for their efforts another 50trs of track was cleared. We have another Sunday work party planned for the 9th of March so put that in your diaries and we will see you there. Ohh the sunset shot is from my lounge window, yep I get to gaze out at The Mighty Makara Peak all the time, and I didn’t take that many pics last night so needed to pad this post out with something other than horses and JK pulling a face.
Ground Effect Grubber Fest
- T3 Track Blog
- We're back to it at last! T3 has been neglected for way too long, but now it's all go again. Go, go go! Motivation was supplied by Ground Effect, in the form of a stylie cycling top as a spot prize. For those living in a bubble, Ground Effect support more track building projects around New Zealand than any other organisation. Yep, they are AWESOME! Lucky Carl was the winner of the top (see photo). But everyone was just stoked to be making such good progress. That's the thing about difficult tracks, they don't take muck digging (not like Lazy Fern, the easy highway that seemed to take an eternity to build). Yep, T3 is ripping along. Another few sessions and it should be rideable all the way to the top of Trickle Falls. If you don't believe us, get up there with your bike and have a go at packing down... oops, I mean pedalling the track. It's a goer right up to the Skink, then you can walk up to the road, which is only 20 metres away. Go with a friend (it's always fun watching people crash, and T3 has lots of 'fun' spots). The plan is to have a few Wednesday night pizza sessions on the track, so keep an eye on the makarapeak site. Oh, and the fine folk at the last track session were, Rob, Murray, Gareth, Ian, Dave, Carl, Andy, Don, Andrew and Jonathan. Thanks.
People having fun on T3
- T3 Track Blog
- Between all the hard work, Jeff and Hugh had the chance to ride some of the good work they had done. Harvey Blakely and a few mates came through T3 around lunchtime and after some encouragement he gave “old skinky” a crack, good on ya Harvey!
Working Men
- T3 Track Blog
- While all the noise of the kango was going there was some good old benching and gravelling going on in between so that we can ride to each obstacle, makes sense really. Rob and Will showing how it's done.
"Crash Test Dummy"
- T3 Track Blog
- We decided to give people a choice at the first rock out-crop of going high or low, as the high line has quite a drop and takes full commitment to clean. As Hugh demonstrates in these photos, a tumble from the low line is not life threatening but still a good challenge.
Ratchet Canyon
- T3 Track Blog
- This tricky little number required the most amount of Kango time, as you can see from the before shots. The obstacle is a trench in the shape of an S, is around 900mm deep in places and is very very tight. Some of you old school retro riders will remember a technique not often used in modern Mtb parks known as “ratcheting” this trick requires you to back pedal or ratchet your pedals backwards to clear the narrow gap. Not recommended for new pedals or shoes they will get scuffed. Good luck!!
The Twister
- T3 Track Blog
- We finished the boardwalk part of the twister a couple of weeks ago on a beautiful autumn afternoon, which turned into evening by the time we were done. We knew this corner was going to be tight, but after 1 hour of kango action and a couple of test rides we came to the conclusion that this corner is very very tight, so after another hour on the kango we were just able to sneak around. Up hill needs a steady hand and smooth pedal control and down hill requires a very minor readjust of the rear wheel to get the exit just right. Before anyone complains about The Twister or Ratchet Canyon been a bit tough remember this is an expert level track, up and down, meant to test your skills and improve them, all the obstacles have been ridden both ways more than once, so they are possible.
The Boardwalk to Nowhere
- T3 Track Blog
- This is the next piece to the T3 puzzle. We cemented the poles in for this structure at the same time we did the poles for the Skink as it is just down the track from it, but then after several months of the “big lizard” taking all our time and thought we came back to the poles on this corner and scratched our heads, “ what was the plan here again?” So yesterday Jonathan enlisted the help of the CC’s to carry the necessary timber down to the corner and we spent 3 hours nutting out this design while they did some hard yards digging stumps. The corner is going to be very tight and riding up to it will hopefully feel like you are riding back onto the track you have just come off. There will be a nice step-up just before you get to the boardwalk then two thirds of the way around, the wood will turn into rock to make for an interesting and challenging ride. Still have yet to come up with a good name for this obstacle or what we will be covering it with for traction, we wait for more inspiration from the track design Gods.
Big Skink finished today.
- T3 Track Blog
- The skink is basking in the sun with its new treads fitting well. The legs were attached at the beginning of the week with some of the body covered with tyres. The critter was given feet, eyes and the last of it’s skin today to make it the first of the T3 man-made obstacles to be finished. We are very proud of our Big Skink and he has got us thinking outside the square for the other obstacles on the track. T3 is coming along well, and with at least 3 more large obstacles and several smaller ones to be built we have plenty of room to get creative. Thanks again to everyone that helped out at the work parties and to all that donated their old tyres (see if you can find your old favourite on the Skink). We were thinking of using bicycle chains somehow on our next structure, so stop throwing them out and give them to us and we’ll find a new use for them.
It's Alive.......ALIVE!!!!!
- T3 Track Blog
- At last the weather was perfect for a work party up on T3 and a dozen keen volunteers made plenty of progress on and around the Skinks Back. The day in fact was a scorcher there was plenty of sweat but thankfully no blood and certainly no tears. We left off from the last bit of work done in October 2006, after 4 months too set the posts we put in were not going anywhere. A few saw cuts here, the odd nail there and before we knew it the lizard like creature was taking shape. By the end of the day a few people test rode the 10 metre long Skink, but we ran out of time to cut off the excess and staple down the tyres, which will finish it off. It is quite easy to ride down, and slightly challenging to ride up, so the plan is to cut the decking boards down a little so that it is a bit harder. We also built about 20 metres of track down from the Skink and 30 metres of track above the Skink. Thanks to Murray, Andrew, Dr Matt, Matt Amos, Rowan, Ewan, Owen, Adam, James, Don, Brian, Sasha, Jonathan, Ebony the dog and the one person we have bound to have forgotten.
Digging holes for poles.
- T3 Track Blog
- A quick session on T3 to cement the posts in ready for the work party on The Skinks Back in the middle of October 2006. Hard work getting all the timber down to the site but thanks to Stu from the Council not as hard as it could have been. That work party was canceled due to weather and it was not until Feburary 2007 that we got back to make a start on the critter.
S3=Skink Site Survey
- T3 Track Blog
- Giant Skinks require careful consideration. You can't just dump them anywhere. So Murray and Jonathan headed up the peak early this morning and scouted out the perfect location in amongst a forest of gorse and barberry! All the action attracted a giant spider, but that was all. Now the planning is done, we are ready to charge full steam ahead at the work party this Sunday (15th Oct, 10am). Lunch is provided, but you could bring a hammer. We will also be working on the section of track before and after The Skink. Oh, and there will be a few cool prizes drawn on the day.
Diggers in the mist
- T3 Track Blog
- This is the lastest section of T3 to be built. Murray and Jonathan went up for a bash on Saturday morning. It was easy digging, and there is plenty of good rock around to use for just about anything you can imagine on the track. That's the great thing about this track, there is lots of opportunity to be creative and try things out, cos' almost anything goes. The next work party on T3 is on Sunday the 15th October. The mission is to build the Skinks Back (see below) and if enough people turn up you could end up hammering away at the super tight switchback as well. Check out www.makarapeak.org.nz for details closer to the time. It should be a cracker. Hope to see you there.
Rocky out crops
- T3 Track Blog
- These pictures are of 2 rocky out crops on the track, they have been ridden both ways so are deemed to be finished. As you can see by the before and after photos a lot of earth and rock has been moved to make them just right. These two sections were like big jigsaws puzzle to design, trying to fit in the nice natural rock features and make it tricky at the same time.
Skinks Back
- T3 Track Blog
- This is the next feature to be built on T3, The Skinks Back. Instead of having a normal raised boardwalk the design team thought it would be cool to have something a bit more creative going on, and don’t just think it is going to look pretty either, the skink has been designed to only just be rideable with front and rear wheel placement critical. The finished Structure will be covered with old MTB tyres so if you have any lying around bring them to the next work party on the Sunday the 15th of October when we will be building the Skinks Back!
Design Map and info
- T3 Track Blog
- The track has already been started and about 100mtrs is rideable from the Vertigo end up, but as you will be able to see by the design map it is by no means finished, there are several features to be put along this part of the track, and a whole heap more along the rest of it. The track will be a very interesting design unlike anything else in the park. If you like been creative (with large amounts of rock and earth) then contact the design team to find out when they will be working up there next.