
Feeds / Menz shed Wellington posts

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Added on 11 Mar 2015. Last read 5 minutes ago.

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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 28):

    • Temporary closure of Wellington MenzShed Jan/Feb 2020
      • Hi all and Happy New Year, Wellington MenzShed will be temporarily closed while we have a cleanout of the shed and start a search for a new coordinator. If you are interested in joining the MenzShed movement or may be interested in the coordinator role or have any queries, please contact Steve Jardine on 027 438 4660‬.

    • November 2017 update
      • We've been going for about a month in new location. The address is now AMOS WAY, Hataitai We've been doing local stuff, repairs, maintenance and exterior blackboard and shelves at the local play center. Our main focus right now is getting the shed to a useable area, with the help of Bevan and Elizabeth - good going. Slowly but surely we're sorting out the shed layout. We've decided on movable, easy to access for the majority of space if need be.  We've made work benches, from material provided from Bunnings. Thank you Muave, Event Coordinator. We are makinga table saw sled and starting on storage containers on a french cleat system. It's a matter of utilising best the space available, an enjoyable challenge. Barry Whitfield bought in a few choice items, older but very useful, from his deceased father in law's tools. Many thanks to you and your wife. We're looking at using the off cuts from the tunnel traps for safe bird nests. This will encourage birds after the pests are gone. Many thanks to Nigel and the  KAPITI MENZSHED who has provided a good number of hand and power tools, among  other things. Again thanks. We are looking to be involved with the KAPITI MENZSHED with their Tools to the Pacific Program (to assist in times of emergency over there). . If any one has gear to pass on, it will be put to good use. Until next time. Ross Coordinator 022 364 1940

    • Menzshed Wellington are back in business!
      • Well...well. It's been a time   Menzshed Wellington has a place at Hataitai Bowling Club. Previously the green keepers shed. The access is via Arcus Way, It's not a too bad a space, we will sort it. There are issues will wet block walls, Alan D has put his hand up for the sealing of that.   We have to start from scratch as our old benches are being held by the building manager David Cross, of  The sisters of Compassion. Something about some people used it to use drugs after we left, so no-one can go in there?? This isn't too much of a problem, we're Kiwis. We'll sort it. Anyway, we have been asked by Predator Free Northland to make traps. We have completed the first 50 of 100 traps. They aren't too bad to do. At this stage Menzshed Wellington will be open on Thursday and Friday  9:30-1:00pm with Saturday am as an option, at this stage. We have been given a round extendable dining table from Ray this has come in very useful.  During the shedless days I had been active with an outreach option. where we went out and did, other than people coming to us. One job included designing and making a fold up bed for a chap in a small bedsit. The design took a while and in the end thes build was completely different but came out primo. We have already had requests from some play centers, which is good. We'll keep informed on those and others of course. We have been doing a bit of maintenance around the Bowling club, one was a gate that had to be lifted to open...soon got sick of that. Another gate just needed a shave...with the grinder. Finally many thanks to the various Committees who have guided this through, Most of all Steve Jardine who followed it up from a lead. Good One Buddy.  Until next time Cheers Ross Coordinator

    • Menzshed Newsletter - December 2014
      • Well it’s getting to that time of the year; we've had a busy time of it as The Shed continues to grow. We are pretty busy with IHC, Active and a few other groups utilising the facilities. This takes a good chunk of Wednesday. Cheers to Ron (one of the coordinators) for looking to this, not an easy task. We were discussing a web site, but at this stage we will be starting off with Facebook We have been a bit lax with the outwork, as our vehicle is in need of a WOF investment. We've received more kindy toys to repair. Ron’s currently refurbishing some wooden prams etc.found in Newtown Play Center’s storage shed. We’re installing Emergency Water Storage Units at a women’s temporary accommodation facility. There is flow of walk-ins that can be quite interesting in their requests. Of course “Everything can be done, what can be done”. We’ve only had one this year that was out of anyone’s reach, other than God’s. Alice keeps us on our toes with her requests, Thanks for the beers Alice. “Appreciated” Newtown Health, Newtown Acrylic shaded bench areaRe-set cupboard doorFix sliding doorCap cables etcNewtown Health, Strathmore Put a versatile lamp in consulting roomRepair sliding door (I hate those)Acrylic book endsSome step up platforms and a primo utility cupboard for a Play Center, they came out quite good. Big clear out (out the back) this "term", is way better now. Made a wrapping paper stand, came out good, will be doing some more next year, thanks Dave. All the best    over and out ---------------- End of Year Rarddi Raa We will be closing on the 20th Dec re-opening on the 14th Jan. Many thanks to the following Terry, for contribution to the Menzshed stock and tools (much appreciated and currently in use.) Christine, we are grateful for the paint – the IHC guys are having a field day with it. Electrics are/have been put to good use. Ruth, the draws (amongst other things) have already been utilised by making several smaller bedsidish (yeah) type. As well as useful in the Shed. They came out real good. All of use. Thank you Barbara much appreciated. Darryl -  A great help!!! Dave Saved us, more than once. (What can one say?) Ken Wow, thanks!!! David Assisting where needed. Cheers Jim Thanks for filling-in when needed, good one. Pip Thanks mate, still refurbishing the lathe, will come out real good.Alice ThanksThe Sisters of Compassion: For your support, Menzshed is more than grateful. A true indication of grace and generosity.To those who have just dropped in and given. BRILLIANT. (It’s all that needs to be said)To all those who have utilized the Shed through out the year. Beauty, Catch yas next yearTo those with interest, support or just looking Cheers, have a good one.Not least Ron, Ross and Dave, giving their time to keep it operational.The Trustees, who without, we’d be without. Good Stuff!!!

    • News August 2014
      • We are quite busy at the shed currently. The IHC guys are a current feature on a Wednesday morning. One chap, Trevor is off to Los Angeles to represent New Zealand in lawn bowls over there. Good One Buddy!!! We have just received a task from The Correspondence School, maintaining, replacing repairing their early learning equipment.  Bill, form Te Horo, donated some beautiful mahogany cabinet furniture. They were passed on as a keen restoration project. Thank you Bill, the return on that will be very handy for nails, screws, glue etc etc etc. We are starting maintenance with Ronald McDonald House that could be interesting. Mary Potter Hospice work is still on going when we can spare the manpower. We are still having consistent utilisation of the Shed. Simon's finished this large model plane it came out brilliantly. Dave, been busy with rebuilding a couple of pull saws, one to sell to pay for the one for us - hen he’s not busy. Good one Dave Darren is making a compound bow, that’s quite interesting - after making a gas burner. Blaze gets quite busy with assorted activities, quite unique some of them. Dave (other) is refurbishing an old wireless cabinet. We have just finished an activity cabinet and step up platforms for Wilton Play Center - they came out quite good too.

    • Quarter 1 2014
      • A lot has happened since the last note. We now have new associations with Mary Potter Hospice and Wellington/Wairarapa Plunket Association. The beginning of the year has been quite busy, with a regular influx of people utilizing the Shed. We are still occupied with the IHC’s Active and Alpha groups, we now also have Te Waka – Whaiora involved. There still are the smaller jobs such as letter boxes, sharpening tools, repairing handles etc that get dropped in. We have a chap, David, who has just completed a stack of crazy signs for a wedding and is now making a cool play house. We have David making a crazy mobile Weta (he volunteers at Zoolander). We have a few people coming in one evening for tips on DIY. (Thanks Dave) There is a collapsible table in the design experiment stage, from small to large. There is Simon making models, he also is repairing ones a woman gave us, that was handy, him. Ron has done a massive job at Plunket over quite a period. (Too big for the fathers to finish) Good One Buddy. Ross has started at Mary Potter Hospice, doing their maintenance; this appears to be an ongoing project, while they accumulate for their much needed refurbishment. Along with the usual suspects dropping in it has been and hopefully will continue to be as it should. Quarter 2 2014 Cheers

    • Just an Update - September 2013
      • We have had a busy time of it of late, with various requests for assistance, picking up gear, making and repairing toys, cabinets, for various originations and individuals around the Wellington Region.   We have had quite a few new people in and through the shed for various different reasons. Some offering their expertise to call upon if needed, ranging from photography, IT technology, joinery, plastering and building. We are grateful to those, Thank you. Some of the jobs • Lockable tool cabinet - Kindy • Repairing trolley handle so the kids won’t tip over • Make improved trolleys • Replace missing large puzzle pieces • Make climbing boards • Kids to scale saw horse • Stands for some festival • Gravity Karts 3 & 4 wheeled • Quite a few name plates – IHC • Bird Baths • People in for various repairs (Bikes, Cases, Vehicles etc) • Pick up furniture for client (Health Board) • Side tables – for elderly • A custom sized dining (to fit under shelf) – for elderly • Build up height of lounge chair – for elderly • Recycling Station • Refit bathroom to storage with wall to wall shelving These were for Newtown Play Centre, Miramar Play Centre, Clifton Terrace School, The City Mission, Fringe and Island Bay Festivals, IHC, Pensioners. We have two lots of IHC groups of peoples and their care-givers utilising the shed, with another group starting this week. • In the interim (between writing and now) we have made stairs for a woman who has a child without stomach muscles. ( She was granted care assistance, but care-givers are not allowed to lift their charges). Funding did not go that far. They needed stairs to get to the change table; they had to be moveable and able to be put under the cot when not in use. • We are currently stripping an unused outside room to be made into an overnight caregiver accommodation for a chap who has had a stroke. • We are actively involved with people/clients from Pathways, Active, Idea etc. • We have just received expression of interest from Local Host (WCC funded – the homeless situation) • Shelving for Plunket

    • September update
      • Hi Folks Thought I would give you an update on what’s been happening at the shed. The numbers are on the rise and we continue to get enquiries from both individuals and other organisations who feel their members would benefit from utilising the shed. The Sheddies have been doing odd jobs for the manager Philippa, at the Soup kitchen, such as repairing the outdoor benches; they are also in the process of constructing a large wooden tool chest for the sisters who have the community gardens in Island bay; the second lot of educational toy have been finished and returned to Hataitai  Play Centre - the staff and parents are over the moon and another plate of homemade cookies was presented. I was lucky enough to be there and got a sample chocolate chip this time just like mum used to make, we have taken a third box of equipment that is in need of some TLC away. I had a call from Clifton Tce school who wants us to build them a recycling station so they can separate paper, plastic and glass so Ron and I went up and measured up their job and met the staff, one of whom  has an 80 year old father who is a retired watchmaker and also likes to make toys, and has made one every year out of wood and donates them to the likes of Women’s Refuge, He has done this for the past 50 years - anyway he is keen as mustard to go to the shed so I have been in touch and given him all the details It just so happened that as we were on the phone the time turned to midday and his whole house started chiming from all the clocks he must have - it was funny as I could hardly hear him for about thirty seconds. Ron has been working with the City Mission and continues to help with different projects. At present he is in the process of turning a bathroom into a storage room with wall to wall shelves, as they need as much space as they can find, to store the xmas hampers they give away to our less fortunate in the community, with Christmas around the corner . A teacher from Kilbirnie primary school has been in touch wanting to get one off the Sheddies to come and take a class of 5-6 year olds and show them how cogs and pullies work, and also set them a basic task to complete. We have a retired builder who is in negotiation with the teacher. Ron was telling me everyone is getting along well to the point when the sun showed its face the other day they had a whip round and had an impromptu BBQ. So things are ticking over really well, anyway till next report bye for now. Regards Steve Jardine

    • MenzShed Wellington Open Day - Saturday, June 16th 11am – 2pm
      • On Saturday, June 16th 11am – 2pm, Menz Shed Wellington will be holding an Open Day and sausage sizzle. Menz Shed Wellington, has been created to meet the needs of older men in Wellington, with a particular emphasis on meeting the needs of those who are socially isolated. Menz Shed Wellington is up and running, with a mix of men using the facilities to pursue their own hobbies, enjoy companionship and to participate in community projects. Menz Shed Steering Committee June 2012 ·       Ph: 027 438 4660 ·       Email: menzshedwgtn@gmail.com ·       Web: menzshedwgtn.blogspot.com

    • Shed update 8 May 2012 - it's all go!
      • We had an artist who has been painting Murals around Wellington to try to curb graffiti approach us about painting a Mural on our roller door, as it had been tagged and looked unsightly With the Sisters blessing we gave him the go ahead and that has been completed and looks great. We have some Sheddies building planter boxes out of pallets we had been given by Bunnings. Some old fashioned wooden Jig Saw puzzles owned by Paparanga Kindergarten had pieces missing which the Sheddies have replaced and painted.  A Sheddie  has started doing some traditional Maori carving. Another Sheddie who has all the right tools and is cleaning up Paua shells and carving out animal and butterfly shapes to make Mobiles for babies cots. Another job is coming up for the Wellington City Mission -  they need shelves built. They were so pleased with the food donation box that Ron, one of our coordinators made, we are going to be getting all their jobs. The donation box is so bright and impressive at the supermarket that the likes of the SPCA had a new box made because ours made theirs look shabby. So it’s all go atTHE SHED.

    • Back in business in the New Year
      • The Wellington Menzshed has been quite active since opening again after Xmas. We have a number of new members and some old ones have been in. We have built a food donation box for the Wellington City Mission, made a table for an injured pensioner, fixed some toys for a kindy, made shelves for someone who was unable to do it for himself. We are in the process of helping build a glass house for the community garden at Owhiro bay run by the Sisters of Compassion. We also have a new member who fixes bicycyles for a few people. Come along to join in these activities.

    • Menzshed 26 April 2011
      • Projects on hand Stuart Hudson, Jim Yates and Henry Hodge have been busy painting the children’s chairs for Kilbirnie Plunket and have now completed 6 of them. There are 4 more chairs and a table which need attention and Jim Yates hopes to get them to the shed by Thursday. Henry Hodge did such a good job repairing the first 6 - and with luck he may return this week to deal with the second batch - it’ll be good to see you back Henry. DIY Power Robin Bodley, who is a recognised expert in the differences between scale and surface rust, has an interesting project on the go at the shed. He’s constructing a home based electricity generator using a man-powered bicycle frame, with a stator that he obtained from an old washing machine. (Do hope I’ve got the technical description right!). Robin hopes to demonstrate and exhibit in the future. I’m sure he’ll pass on tips to anyone interested in constructing a similar machine to reduce their domestic power bill Coffee News There’s palpable air of sophistication at the MenzShed these days. When we first started, smoko was usually a cup of lukewarm brown stuff made from the remnants that you could scrape from the coffee jar. However all that changed with the arrival of man-about-town, Les Collins, he of the trilby hat Les introduced a touch of class to the shed by donating a working coffee machine that used real coffee beans. Now we have been gifted a second one and Norman Kabak is spending some time get-ting it into optimum condition. A Ring of Steel Rolf Kluger called in last Thursday for a natter. He donated welding equipment to the shed which he would like to see used. Rolph has a wealth of Wellington engineering stories in his backpack. Our Treasurer, Jim Yates, is looking forward to sign-ing up members for the shed this week. The annual subscription currently stands at $1.00 - so get your gold coin ready when you visit. Tomorrow (Wednesday) from 1pm the evils of the world will be discussed by the Grumpy Old Men. On Thursday the real work will continue on our various projects.TOP

    • MenzShed 16 March
      • Fellow Sheddies - A reminder that the Shed is open tomorrow and Thursday. "Grumpy Old Men" meet Wed. from 1:00 till 3:00 ish.Conversation, Coffee, Conviviality, and Crunchy Bickies,precede more serious talk about issues and ideas.Come and expand your mind, or at least what is leftof your mind. Thursday, we hope to start on a special project of paintinglittle chairs for an early childhood center, and painting theapartment upstairs, so that we might find a tenant and helpto reduce our out of pocket rent. So, come one, come all, and meet some new memberswho signed on last week. Also, someone wants to make a movie about the "Shed",so this needs some conversation as well.TOP

    • MenzShed open for 2011 - come along!
      • Sheddies: Shed open hours: Wed.  1pm – 3ish Grumpy Old Men Thu. 10am – 1pm Projects and General work activities Please note that Independent projects and activities can be done in the shed premises, as long as you can bring someone along to be with you. Our rules say that no one can be working with tools by themselves. This is for your protection. Thank you. Shed committee PS. Have a look at the soil moving photos in the slideshoow on the left top of the page. Note that we weren't leaning on our shovels the whole time! TOP

    • MenzShed 13 December
      • Sheddies -Two announcements:1- Please invite your favourite people to our "Seasonal Sausage Sizzle" thisThursday morning. The Shed will be open the usual time at 10am, the festivities should start at about 11ish till about 1pm. HOWEVER!!!! if some hands could be available on Wednesday in the morning starting at about 10:30 to make the shed a bit more presentable, that would help. 2- Speaking of "hands", we have the following request:Habitat for Humanity is currently sprucing up a property at 41 Hankey Street, Te Aro (off Hopper Street which goes south from Webb Street). We are in need of some guys to help us tomorrow (Tuesday)to level out a section as a volunteer team had to pull out. The job will involve shovels and rakes as we prepare a lawn for grass. I realise this is short notice, but if any of your fellows are free and willing to lend a hand, please could they call the Project Manager Murray McGaughran ( ph 027 244 9422) about the details. People will be on site from about 8.30, but any time that the guys might give would be appreciated.

    • MenzShed Drum Roll newsletter 8 December 2010
      • Sheddies: Shed open hours: Wed. 10am – 12:30pm General work activities Wed. 1pm – 3ish Grumpy Old Men Thu. 1oam – 1pm Projects and General work activities Save the date: December 16th, we will be having a pre-Christmas gathering and Bar-B-Q, so bring spouses, friends and some food would be welcome too. This is an open invitation to all the MenzSheds in the area, so please make it known to one and all. Robbin has agreed to give a short talk about his Lake Taupo experience. New News: News Items: (Some less worthy than others). Good morning at the shed last Thursday - 8 men there. Garry Prockter pressed on with the new shelving for tool storage, using the handy versatile ladder recovered from the back room - we wonder what other useful articles we have stashed away in the corners of the shed. Henry Hodge has had his quote accepted for the project of installing 2 sets of shelving in the offices of the Inner City Project on Riddiford Street, Newtown - so that is all on the go. Don Matheson was in working on his Roadrunner windmills, shaping up the metal propellers. Good to see Desmond return with his mate Jonathon. Alan Royal poked his head round the door. He has continued updating the Wellington MenzShed website with copies of the newsletter, and has also updated it with interesting stuff from Australian MenSheds - take a look at it. John Gibbon was busy showing off the upstairs premises to prospective tenants Jim Yates recently visited the Omnibus Society at their premises in the bus depot on Darwin Street in Karori. They have 20 old buses stored there in various states of restoration - the oldest bus was produced in 1929, and there are a few buses there in the old Welllington Transport livery of red. He got shown around by Morris Moller, who had stories for every last one of the buses and a wealth of mechanical knowledge. If any sheddies are interested Morris invited us to go visit one Tuesday night in the new year. And they still welcome volunteer workers - no special skills required, just interest, elbow grease and common sense Jim Baltaxe, our Health and Safety man is away on the mainland and will be returning on December 12. The National Menz Shed Aotearoa Steering Committee has recently been in touch with a survey of all Mens Sheds in the country - they reckon there's about 35 in all. Take a look at their website: http://www.menzshedaotearoa.org.nz/index.htm As Porky Pig would say, “Th..Th..Tha.. That’s all F..F..Fo..Folks” TOP

    • MenzShed Drum Roll newsletter 1 December 2010
      • Sheddies: We are trying something new with today’s newsletter. Any corrective comments and suggestions are most welcome, so feel free to speak you mind. For the moment, send your remarks to nkabak@msn.com  Until we acquire another email address. News Items: (Some less worthy than others) Still Urgent:  We need to find a tenant for the space upstairs. Vincent, Our former tenant helped to pay our rent and we are desperate To find a replacement tenant.  If you have any suggestions, please contact any of the Shed committee. New News: We have a world class cyclist Sheddie.  Robbin, our resident Thomas Alva Edison, has completed eight (8) laps around Lake Taupo and has been invited to participate in the “Race Across America”.  Congratulations Robbin. Now we have to see how we can sponsor a ticket to get him there. Any ideas?????? Save the date:  December 16th, we will be having a pre-Christmas gathering and Bar-B-Q, so bring spouses, friends, and some food would be welcome too.  This is an open invitation to all the MenzSheds in the area, so please make it known to one and all.  Robbin has agreed to give a short talk about his Lake Taupo experience. When you come to the shed, you will see that a tremendous effort has been made by a number of our Sheddies to have a more presentable and useful work area.  A special “tip of the hat” to Garry Procktor for his efforts along with Terry Street, Jim Yates and Jim Baltax for planning, preparing and then assembling the shelving along the wall in the work area.  It goes a long way to making us look like we know what we are doing, not to mention the safety factor of putting things in the proper place. When finished we can sort out all the tools in the shed and make them more accessible for use. Henry Hodge and Don Matheson have measured up 2 shelving jobs for the Inner City Project, Riddiford House, Newtown Henry was the lucky man to get part time employment with Photo Higher, assisting in assembly work for precision camera gimbals and unmanned aircraft systems.  No doubt with his eye in the sky experience, Henry will end up working with NASA. We are still looking for somebody with upholstery skills to reconstruct 8 seating pads for the Inner City Project.  Contact Jim Yates (564 5834) for details Jim Baltaxe has a neat idea for for easily accessible fire alarm systems which could be an assembly job for John Neilson Norman Kabak has been checking out a request for a carved wooden house sign which came in last week.  "Colgate Pete" might help on this job - can anyone tell Jim Yates where he can get in touch with him Henry brought in two more assembled rocking horses and Doug Walklin has got them undercoated, ready for a colourfull top job. It was good to see Bill Flanagan back on his feet again.  He called in on Thursday morning and is taking things a bit easier now Nigel Clough paid us a visit on Wednesday and after a good natter went away with some Meltica boards on "permanent loan" for the Kapiti Shed Grumpy Old Men session last Wednesday continued with John Shrapnell, among others attending..Today, Dec. 1st had both a morning chat session and just a bit of a continued clean up and this afternoons Grumpy Old Men gab fest had a surprise visitor, Robbin, who popped in, and told us of his experience while doing the Lake Taupo race. Peter Randall of the Omnibus Society, based at the Karori Bus Depot, visited on Thursday to look for volunteers needed to restore and maintain some of the  40+ buses and coaches they have at the Depot.  The small society has expertise in metalwork but would appreciate anyone who could help with woodwork - skill levels, he says, are not crucial.  The society meets every Tuesday night, at 7.30 pm.  If anyone is interested get in touch at obnz@paradise.net.nz or phone 970 1405. As Porky Pig would say, “Th..Th..Tha.. That’s all F..F..Fo..Folks” TOP

    • Australasian Mens Shed video clips
      • A list of videos on the web showing activities of a number of Sheds The Carina Shed in Brisbane - a “do-it-yourself paradise for blokes of all ages,” 3mins 11secs Carina..The Melbourne Storm - supporting Men’s Sheds in Men’s Health Week 2010, 6mins 07secs Health..The Forest Community Men’s Shed begins, 6 minutes Every man needs a shed.The Taieri ‘Bloke’s Shed’  - starts in NZ, 2mins 3secs Taieri.Kalamunda Men’s Sheds - click on links Several clips Short clips. TOP

    • MenzShed 22 October
      • Tom Says Make More Use of the Shed Tom White the Wesley Community Worker who is one of our founding members wants to see the more use made of the Shed. A couple of points sheddies:The shed is used for at most, one to one and a half days per week! Feel free to find ways to utilise the other 5 and a half days (before we even begin to think about evening use).We have upstairs office/accommodation space still to utilise also. Setting up this shed took three years and the combined efforts of half a dozen people. I would really love to see any sheddies with spare time, energy and oomphhh for our lovely Shed to step up and offer to be more deeply involved in the operation of our current shed to make it even more successful. For example we are still in need of a ‘shed coordinator’ to manage the daily use of the shed”. All the best, Tom Longer Opening Hours! We’re always willing to help out a nice lad like Tom so next Wednesday, 27 October we’ll try opening up the Shed from 10.30 to 1 for workshop activities . Then, as usual, from 1-3 Norman’s Grumpy Old Men group will take over the place to talk about a variety of erudite matters such as Why do Albatross’ Wings Ache to Why is There Such Zeal for the Zioty. Fire Engine Makes it’s First Call The fire engine that’s been part of the shed for some months now has left the Shed for its new home at the Johnsonville Kindergarten. The kids were absolutely thrilled so see the Fire Engine, although they didn’t know it was brand new engine specially built by the MenzShed. There was an immediate competition toset a new record for the number of preschoolers that you can fit on a Fire Engine. The local newspaper turned up to cover the event and I understand the paper has already been published in the Johnsonville area. I was planing to give you a spread of pix in this newsletter but my computer had a melt down and they were lost. Health and Wellbeing Expo Garry Procter and myself spent a day in the Wellington Town Hall manning the MenzShed stand. Thank you Garry for your company and enthusiasm. Thank you to Nigel, Doug, Bill and Tom who also popped into give us moral support. It was disappointing that there were so few visitors to the free Expo were. I know that Helen Young worked tirelessly to make a show a success but despite substantial advertising, we spent most of the time talking to ourselves. Help for Vincent Please keep your ears open for some part time workthat might suit Vincent, our Artist in Residence. The current recession means that people are cutting backon buying artwork and that affects Vincent. People News If you know that someone is leaving the Shed for good or moving away or joining please let me know, so that we an let all the sheddies know. I’m bringing a potential new member tomorrow. He Chinese and speaks little English, so speak to him slowly. Hisname is Jin Hua. See you there. John- shrapnell@clear.net.TOP

    • MenzShed 30 September
      • Just 3 Days to Expo!Yes, this Friday the Health and Wellbeing Expo opens in the Wellington Town Hall at 10 am till 3pm. And yes, I’m beginning to panic! We have a trestle table, a power point and I’m hoping a few leaflets. In terms of people, there’ll be Garry Prockter, Jim Yates and me. We’ve been offered moral support from a couple of others, but it’s not the state of our morals that I’m worried about. What concerns me is how can we project a good image of the MenzShed and what it does for men, and for the community? If you’ve been to an Expo before you’ll know there’ll be lots of stands with great displays and eager people trying to sell their way of life to the visitors to the Expo. I’m not certain that Garry, Jim and me handing out a few leaflets will convince people that the MenzShed has something to offer. If we had the room we could set up Norman, Robin and Garry as a Grumpy Old Mens’ group and invite passers by to join in. It would be great to have the Fire Engine there as an example of our work for the community, but there’s not the space, and the logistics involved in getting the engine from the shed to the Town Hall and back again are too great. What we need is YOU and some small part of your project working at our table - putting something to-gether, taking it apart, repairing it. Anything moving that will attract peoples’ attention so that we can tell them what a great job we’re doing. This is your shed. How can you help make our Expo stand a great success of which you’ll be proud. There’s Nothing Like a Good InsultThese days the English language seems to have been reduced to short words of litte more than four letters. As one writer put it, “Some people never use words that might send a reader in search of a dictionary.” So I was pleasantly amused when an old RAF friend passed on a couple of good insults he’d come across in his reading. As you might expect both involved politicians, but from an era when the use of one’s intellect was an essential political attribute. From a a certain Winston Churchill to Lady Astor.Lady Astor “If you were my husband I’d give you poison.”Churchill “If you were my wife, I’d drink it.”The other from the British House of Commons. A member of Parliament to Disraeli:“Sir, you will either die on the gallows or of some unspeakable disease.”“That depends, Sir,” said Disraeli, “whether I em-brace your policies, or your mistress.” Now if only there was an occasion on which I could use one of those. Tomorrow Wednesday Grumpy Old Men 1-3Thursday Workshop 10-1. Its the lastThursday of the month so I thnk that means a barbecue.Thursday 2-4ish Mens’ Social Group Don’t forget the Expo - Please let me know how you can help. John shrapnell@clear.net.nz TOP

    • Urgent message from the Shed Friday 24 September
      • Help Needed Health & Wellbeing Expo for Seniors10.00am - 3.00pm, Friday, 1 October, Wellington Town Hall. Come to this FREE expo and:Discover a proactive approach to ageing...Come to Wellington City Council’s Health & Wellbeing Expo for Seniors, where you will find everything you need to know to enjoy a great life as a senior in Wellington. Information available about travel, computer training, keeping fit, Tai Chi and genealogy. You can talk to people about services you may be entitled to and go shopping too - there’ll be a great range of gadgets, clothes and other interesting things on offer. Providers of care services and home support will be along too. Wellington MenzShed has a stand at this Health and Wellbeing Expo next Friday, 1 October.There will be many professional stands there from organisations like Grey power, Age Concern,and others with interests in this area. We are a small player, but we are doing our part tohelp men in our community. We have a great opportunity to demonstrate and talk about what we are doing. We couldgain new members, new men with skills, and possibly funding to ensure we can keep going.At the moment we have just a table, a power point, and one person to hand out leaflets.We will attract people’s interest if we have something happening on our stand that shows thesort of things we do. Then they’ll stop, watch, and we can talk to them.We urgently need some sheddies to bring along anything small they are working on, andspend perhaps an hour working at our stand. It could be screwing together some parts,designing a better letterbox, gluing another part on your project, sharpening a tool, makinga Christmas present for your grandchild. Keep it simple to that you can easily carry in youritems, and any tools you need. Please me to let me know what you will do, and what times you will be there.John Shrapnell 473-7128, mobile 021-403-003, shrapnell@clear.net.nz.TOP

    • MenzShed 21 September
      • Tom Says Make More Use of the ShedTom White, the Wesley Community Worker who is one of our founding members wants to see the more use made of the Shed.The shed is used for at most, one to one and a half days a week! Feel free to find ways to utilise the other 5 and a half days (before we even begin to think about evening use). We have upstairs office/accommodation space still to utilise also. Tom says setting up this shed took three years and the combined efforts of half a dozen people. He would really love to see any sheddies with spare time, energy and oomphhh for our lovely Shed to step up and offer to be more deeply involved in the operation of our current shed to make it even more successful. For example we are still in need of a ‘shed coordinator’ to manage the daily use of the shed. All the best, Tom. New Fire Engine for J’Ville KindergartenThe children at the Johnsonville Kindergarten will get the surprise of their life on Tuesday (12 October) when a brand new fire engine will be delivered to their kindergarten in Kipling Road, Johnsonville at 11am. A couple of months ago the kindergarten asked the Wellington MenzShed if it could repair the childrens’ old fire engine. It was a favourite plaything but it wasfalling apart and when the MenzShed team look at it they decided it was beyond repair. Not to be defeated, the team from the Wellington MenzShed measured the dilapidated old vehicle and used it as a model to build a brand new fire engine. It is now painted in bright red and decorated with NZ Fire Service decals. It will hold several kindergarten children and can be pushed and steered around theplayground area. The material for the new fire engine was kindly provided by Mitre Mega 10 at Petone. The “sheddies” who worked on the project Terry Streeter, Andrew Stephen and Wayne DeLaCroix. They will be at the presentation of the new fire engine together with a real fireman in full dress for the occasion. Silverbeet for the SistersThe garden out the back might look a little thinner this week. The first harvest of leaves was to go to the Sisters of Compassion for their meals. Anyone for the Expo?So far Garry Proctor is the only sheddie to offer to do something for the Health and Wellbeing Expo on Friday 1 October. We need more.shrapnell@clear.net.nzTOP

    • MenzShed 14 September
      • MP VisitedLast week Workshop session was treated to a free lunch by National MP Paul Quinn. Mr Quinn spent half an hour chatting with sheddies before talkingabout how pleased he was to see the Shed helping men each their full potential. It was suggested to him that he could help by finding the Wellington MenzShed a new home. Perhaps one of those many buildings left empty by the IRD moving into new deluxe premises. He said he’s bear that in mind, but don’t hold your breath. The free lunch was enjoyed by all who were around when the MP arrived. Fire Engine RedIt looks as though work on the FireEngine is reaching the final stages. Last week the white undercoat was applied and I presume the next step will be the traditional red coat of paint. I have no doubt that children will be amazed when they see their refurbished fire engine. Grumpies tomorrowNorman Kabak has just skyped me to ask that I remind the other Grumpy men in our midst that there will be the usual mix of grumpiness about the world and intellectual discussion of other the erudite matters tomorrow (Wednesday) from 1-3 in the Shed. What happened to the Rogues?Two weeks ago I put up about a dozen of more photos I’d taken of sheddies and their names. The purpose was to help us to get to know each other better and be able to use names rather than just Oi you!. Has it just been mislaid or did someone not like the idea? I need to know how people feel about innovations or other matters like this so that the Shed can be run in a way that makes all feel comfortable. Our Stand at the Town HallThere’s been no response about our stand at the Health Wealth and Wellbeing Expo at the Town Hall on Friday 1 October. Dough Walklin and myself have volunteered to be there all day but so far all we’ve got to show as the MenzShed Wellington is a couple of posters. That won’t sell the concept to anyone. If you’ve been to one of this type of expo recently they are usually full of stands with people standing beside a couple of posters. The visitors just nod and walk on. What stops them in their tracks is something happening on the stand. Then the visitor will stop, watch and maybe even ask the odd question about the organisation. What have we got that fits that bill? Are there sufficient tools that need sharpening that we could run a grind stone? Is anyone into carving and could carve at the stand? I’d even take Norman rendering a few American folk songs - no, second thoughts lets scrap that idea - we want to the to stop not run away. The Weedmat SolutionThe Sisters problem of micturating yokels has been fixed. I tried to buy some black polythene sheeting to fix inside the door to stop micturate from penetrating the door of their food store. But I could only buy huge expensive rolls. I finally found a suitable product thatappealed to my sense of humour. I used Weedmat!shrapnell@clear.net.nzTOP

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