Feeds / Billy Graham Youth Foundation Latest News
This feed is published by Billy Graham Youth Foundation.
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Added on 13 Jun 2023. Last read 5 minutes ago.
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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 4):
Billy and the Kids - Documentary
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
Joseph Parker fires up Naenae talent
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
- There is no substitute for hard work, high-profile boxing trainer Kevin Barry told the young athletes at Billy Graham's Naenae Academy. "No-one is going to give you anything. If you want to be the best, you've got to train like you want to be the best."
From Naenae to the North Island Golden Gloves
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
- Kia ora! My name is Aliraza Ismatullah and I’m in 10ATA. I represented the Naenae Boxing Academy in the North Island Golden Gloves Championships.
Boxing for Life
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
- We have around 80 boys a week aged from 11 to 18 come to the gym where they learn life-skills through the disciplines of boxing and physical fitness. You should see the passion in this place when it is full with these kids. They are unstoppable. It’s magic to see.