
Events / September 2012

October 2012 | August 2012
    • 'The Thought Exchange' (Free Entry)
      • The Thought Exchange is an experiment by Downstage Resident Company, A Slightly Isolated Dog, in creating theatre that connects to and collaborates with the community in new and innovative ways. CONVERSATIONS STILL TO COME: Wellington’s Geology and Earthquakes Tuesday 11 September at 6.00pm Thursday 13 September at 6.00pm Settlement of Wellington, its history and architecture and the relationship between Maori and Pakeha. Saturday 15 September at 4.30pm Thursday 20 September at 6:00pm
      • Accepted
      • Tagged as:
      • events
      • Downstage Theatre, Cambridge Terrace, Mt. Victoria, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand


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