Athletics / May 2007
June 2007 | March 2007-
Clever Courses on Mt Vic
- Wellington Orienteering Association
- John Randal and Lara Shepherd made the most of cleverly set courses and fine weather to win the open classes on Mt Vic today. Matt Farrar rode nearly 20min faster than any other vet man, Dave King being the best of the rest. Tom Bradshaw had some junior competition for a change. And Peter Snell put in a surprise appearance.
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- mount-victoria
Mt. Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Vosseler Shield, Hilly Cross Country Races, Mt Victoria
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- Best conditions in many a year saw Scottish take first in the men's team event, the junior men's, senior women, masters women's. Scottish was second in the masters men and in the men 16 and under. Melissa Moon and Rees Buck won the seniors races, and Terefe Ejigu the M19 race.
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- mount-victoria
Mt. Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Westenra, Cross Regain Rogaine
- Wellington Orienteering Association
- Jill Westenra and Al Cross won back the 6hr City Safari urban rogaine title today, ahead of Bill Edwards and Tim Wilson. Amazingly John Robertson and 12-year-old Tim beat 90 other teams in the 3hr category. 370 participants enjoyed winds up to 100kph which prevented the ferry from putting in at Seatoun.
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Record Safari Entry
- City Safari
- As of yesterday entries had reached 110 teams totalling 285 people - surpassing last year's figure already! Heaps of families, and at the top, orienteer Bill Edwards who regularly wins 3hr afterwork rogaines which he does for training could challenge last year's winners Andy Foster and Greg Thurlow, and Crazyman top team Al Cross and Jill Westenra.
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- athletics
- transport
Rogaine Runs from Lambton Quay
- Wellington Orienteering Association
- A really bizarre feeling starting last night's rogaine in downtown Wellington beside the pubbers, and battling the traffic lights on the outward legs. But of course Tinakori Hill and Ngaio Gorge are only minutes away. The event run out of the Norsewear shop on Lambton Quay by adventure racing "Team Norsewear" was won by Bill Edwards in spite of a fading headlamp.
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- ngaio
Ngaio, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)