Archive / June 2006
July 2006 | May 2006-
Closure of Mobile Library Service
- Wellington City Libraries
- Wellington City Council has voted to end the Mobile Library service. The last day for full library services will be Friday 30 June 2006.
- Tagged as:
- libraries
- On Saturday, the Dominion Post reported that the regional council and Land Transport NZ had got their act together and sorted out a funding agreement to keep the trolleys running.
- Tagged as:
- trolley-buses
- The Wellingtonista
- The Pelorus Trust Fireshow kicks of at Petone Wharf at 7.30pm, Saturday July 1st.
- Tagged as:
- petone
- fireworks
Petone, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
BNU v. North Wellington
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Both teams lined up knowing it was going to be pretty difficult to play much constructive football. The centre of the pitch was already quite boggy and there were lap pools in each penalty area.
- Automatically tagged as:
- brooklyn
- soccer
Meowff's back with us
- Well, Meowff came back to the shelter this afternoon. We've got her set up in the big holding cage as it's a single level so there's no worry about her falling off her shelf due to any missteps. We've got...
- Not tagged
Ten-Year plan leaves City with $424 million Plus in debt
- Bryan Pepperell - Back To The Future
- With the closure of the LongTerm Council Community Plan in the Strategy and Policy Committee last Thursday, Wellington City Councillors had voted to blow the city's debt out to $424 million dollars by the end of the ten year plan plus interest repayments. Debt currently stands at between $210-212 million dollars.
- Automatically tagged as:
- people
- election-candiates-2010
- councillors
Brrr it's cold in here!
- So going to keep this short and head back to the log burner! Meowff just lovely the last couple of nights. Still very cuddly and sweet and happy to smell a familiar hand. She's such a resilient wee girl. I...
- Not tagged
Hutt City Council Call Centre wins a TUANZ Award
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt City Council's Call Centre has been awarded Contact Centre of the Year 2006 in the fewer than 25 seats category at the Telecommunications Users Association of New Zealand (TUANZ) Awards - believed to be the first time this prize has gone to a local authority.
- Automatically tagged as:
- government
- lower-hutt
Back on track: rants and raves
- WellUrban
- There's a lot going on regarding transport at the moment. First of all, if you believe that shutting down the trolley buses is a bad idea, then there's a public meeting at 3pm this Sunday to discuss what to do about it. Where? At the Aro Valley Community Hall, of course.
- Tagged as:
- aro-valley
- trolley-buses
Aro Valley, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Meowff's back at the vet
- Poor wee love. Got an email yesterday from Heather who'd had a call from Lorraine at the shelter. They were concerned that Meowff's good left eye had a very dilated pupil and weren't sure if she could see. So, we...
- Not tagged
And Meowff gets back from the vet again
- CataBlog
- Meowff's been with us for well over a year now and none of us can figure out why no one has chosen her. She's a lovely quirky wee cat, and very playful with an incredibly lovely personality.
- Automatically tagged as:
- blogs
Walk with me: an exhibition of hope
- Hutt City Council
- World Refugee Day next Tuesday, June 20 is being celebrated with a fascinating new exhibition and a series of events that bring to light the experiences of refugees who have been resettled in New Zealand.
- Tagged as:
- exhibitions
Young and Hungry 2006
- The Wellingtonista
- The Young and Hungry 2006 season is about to get under way, with three plays produced and performed by 'yoof' starting their two week run down at Bats from this Friday night.
- Tagged as:
- theatre
Parks vs parking
- WellUrban
- Thanks to Simon Bush-King, designer of the new Courtenay Place park, for his comments clarifying my detailed questions. Many of us will be glad to hear that yes, the narrow footpath between the north edge of the park and the road will be widened, and the awkward bollards removed.
- Tagged as:
- parking
Wellington Embroiderers' Guild exhibition
- Wellington City Libraries
- As part of the Wellington Embroiderers' Guild 40th anniversary they are exhibiting work around the city. There is an exhibition of the Guild's gorgeous work on the first floor of Central Library until Saturday 24 June.
- Tagged as:
- exhibitions
Wind damage at Quartz Hill
- ZL6QH Quartz Hill User Group
- Wellington was battered by a wild storm with severe northerly winds on Sunday night 11 June 2006. Bob ZL2AMI was at Quartz Hill during the storm, participating in the ANARTS RTTY contest. He reports that wind was the strongest that has experienced at the station. Evidently the wind was gusting up to 145 km/hr at Mt KauKau, which is only a few kilometres away from Quartz Hill.
- Automatically tagged as:
- makara
- amateur-radio
High Rate of Building Inflation hits major HCC projects
- Hutt City Council
- The building boom during the past year has tightened the construction market and increased costs of some major projects, according to the Hutt City Council.
- Automatically tagged as:
- government
- lower-hutt
JPSMOG Success at the weekend!
- St Mary's Old Girls Netball Club (SMOG)
- Congratulations to JPSMOG 1 &3 who secured vital wins over respective PIC sides at the weekend. JPSMOG 3 had a must-win game against PIC 3 and managed to do so in convincing fashion, winning 33-25. JPSMOG 1 had a nailbiter against PIC 1.
- Automatically tagged as:
- netball
- wcn-hosted
The best of weeks, the worst of weeks
- CataBlog
- It's been a helluva week really. Last Sunday Misty, Mona Lisa and C2 all were chosen and went off to live in their new homes. On the crappy side, two of our older cats, Muffy and Scuba, had to be euthanised on monday and tuesday.
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- blogs
Evidence of good taste among Wellingtonians
- Our most highly reserved books include Alain De Botton's 'Architecture of happiness', Irene Nemirovsky's 'Suite Francaise' and 'Hard way' by Lee Child.
- Not tagged
Park on the Place
- WellUrban
- It's just been announced that the council is seeking public feedback on the design of a new pocket park on the corner of Courtenay Pl and Taranaki St. I've been talking about this for a while, and the combination of wine bar, public square and good burgers looks like a winner.
- Automatically tagged as:
- blogs
Hutt City Council and Vector commit to strategic partnership
- Hutt City Council
- Mayor Ogden said the Council's relationship with Vector was strong and would deliver long term benefits for Hutt City.
- Automatically tagged as:
- government
- lower-hutt
Portrait of a shed
- WellUrban
- Last week's Capital Times has a short article about the proposal to provide the New Zealand Portrait Gallery and the New Zealand Centre for Photography with permanent exhibition space at Shed 11.
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- blogs
BNU v. Petone
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- This match marked the start of the second half of the season. The opening match in the league for 2006 had seen Brooklyn go down 2 nil to Petone at Wakefield. Petone had since continued on in that vein, losing only one game (last week to Island Bay) and sat at the top of the league.
- Tagged as:
- petone
Petone, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Sanctuary gains resource consent
- Karori Sanctuary Trust
- Wellington City Council officially gave the go-ahead for the Sanctuarys new Visitor & Education Centre, after a three-day hearing in early April, 2006.
- Automatically tagged as:
- karori-sanctuary
- karori
Fifth Wind Sculpture
- Wellington Sculpture Trust
- The Meridian Energy Wind Sculpture project is designed to place six major wind sculptures along Evans Bay/Cobham Drive on the route from Wellington airport to central Wellington.
- Tagged as:
- sculpture
Zl6qh activity in 2006 cqww wpx cw contest
- ZL6QH Quartz Hill User Group
- Our raw score is around 1 million less than what we achieved in 2005.
- Automatically tagged as:
- makara
- amateur-radio