Pukerua Bay Residents Association and Libraries
May 2021 Residents’ Association meeting minutes
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- (DRAFT)Tuesday May 11th 2021Pukerua Bay RSA, 5-7 Wairaka Road Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Kate Dreaver, Mel Galletly, Moira Lawler, Josh Trlin (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC), Nikky Winchester, Mike JebsonApologies: Jonathan Harker, Chris Kirk-Burnand (GWRC), Tess Law, Iain McClean, Pauline MorumMinutes of Last Meeting – correction of spelling of Nikky’s name Motion to receive: moved Moira, seconded Kate, motion carried. Matters arising None. Porirua City Council (PCC) update Long Term Plan (LTP) keeping us busy – hearings start tomorrow. Wellington Water building a large sewer containment tank north of Porirua rail station to help mitigate sewer overflow. Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) update GWRC busy with LTP hearings next week. Discussion on National Policy Statement on Urban Development – clashing with local government District Plans. Whaitua Implementation programme – Jenny trying to get it into the LTP. Good support for electrification of transport, reforesting parks and harbour action. Financial Report Balances: BNZ 00 account $6221.75BNZ 25 account $100.10 Income: 00 $250.00 Tommy’s Real Estate/Kลrero25 $15.00 2022 Calendar Expenditure: Flying Colours/Kลrero $501.40Invoices Outstanding: 2021-012 McClean Electrical Services $50 Motion to receive financial report: Moved Margaret, seconded Paul, motion carried. Correspondence Jenny Wrightson re signage for Pou on beach, and Tess Law re SH1 crossing near Onepu Road. A letter from Council on work planned for Ara Harakeke shared pathway work and Wairaka Road intersection work. Progress on Action Items (Not included in project updates): none Projects Update He Ara Pukerua Panels: Preparation of further panels continues. The large panel for Centennial Highway will be made public at an event to coincide with the opening of Transmission Gully. Road block/tank trap: Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga supports He Ara Pukerua’s submission to include this place in the Proposed Porirua District Plan, subject to it meeting the values listed in HH-P1 (HH-P1 Identify historic heritage that contributes to an understanding and appreciation of the history and cultures of Porirua City, the Wellington Region or New Zealand and is significant in terms of one or more of the following values: Historic values; Physical values; Social values; Tangata whenua values; Surroundings; Rarity; or Representativeness.) On April 21 at 2:44pm the story of ๐ ๐๐ฎ๐ฟ-๐๐ถ๐บ๐ฒ ๐๐ฟ๐ฎ๐ด๐ฒ๐ฑ๐ ๐ฎ๐ ๐ฃ๐๐ธ๐ฒ๐ฟ๐๐ฎ ๐๐ฎ๐ was posted on the He Ara Pukerua Facebook page. This post has now been seen by 57,936 people, commented on by 185, shared by 223, liked by 458 with 14,447 engagements. Food Forest/Community Garden Going well. Had a working bee during the school holidays that went well. More people coming along with enthusiasm. Discussed the garden group being a committee of the Residents Association. A member of the group will come to the next meeting to discuss. Village Plan Review 27 responses so far. Agreed to promote newsletter at various locations: July 15 at RSA Pat/MoiraJuly 17 Coffee cart NikkyJuly 22 3-5pm Library PaulMel to deliver posters Executive committee handbook Paul and Nikky have met. Jon is going to document our technology processes, Margaret our financial information. Jon is posting minutes on the website. Kลrero (Newsletter) Next edition out early July – Matariki theme. There was a discussion about essential services/facilities based on the repeat questions on FB. A school report and kindy report would also be good. Action Items Paul to chase up NZTA to get an update on roading revocation and other issues.Paul speaking on Residents Association submission to Council tomorrow.Paul also sent a further submission to summary of submission on the District Plan responding to the Kainga Ora submission request a 6 storey zone around the PKB train station. Residents such as Mike Jebson also made private submissions. It would be good to get together a group interested in development issues to lead responses on district plan and other land use issues. General Business Residents Association website – looking good. Jon will post the list of local groups and businesses. We are asked to look at the list to check its accuracy. Tess Law sent through maps on roading improvements needed to get pedestrians across SH1 in the Onepu Te Pari Pari Road areas. Tess has sent apologies as she has just had new baby. Will defer to later meeting. Trees on Teihana Road getting dangerous and need trimming. Paul reports there is a plan to trim them. Meeting ended: 8.57pmNext meeting: Tuesday 8 June 2021
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Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
September 2020 Residents’ Association meeting minutes
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- Tuesday, September 8, 2020Pukerua Bay RSA, 5-7 Wairaka Road Present: Paul FitzGerald (Chair), Nikky Winchester (Secretary), Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Pauline Morum, Jonathan Harker, Margaret Blair, Mel Galletly, Bill Jackson, Nathan Waddle (PCC), Josh Trlin (PCC)Community: Glenda Robb, Whetu Bennett ( WREMO), Moira Lawler, Sara Thomson, Pat Hanley, Alan Clarke, Gillian CandlerApologies: June Penhey, Jenny Brash (GWRC)Approval of previous minutes: moved Iain MacLean, seconded Kate Dreaver, none opposed, carried. Penguin survey Glenda Robb from the Kapiti Coast Biodiversity Project explained that they have received funding to do surveys on little blue penguins in Pukerua Bay. September to December is their nesting time. They use two methods: on sandy beaches, they look for footprints in the sand early in the morning; or they use a specially-trained dog to sniff them out (this is particularly good on non-sandy beaches). Leaflets will be circulated along Ocean Parade, Beach Road and Hanui Road in the next week. There is also a trapping programme along the beach to remove predators such as rats and stoats. The hope is that a large enough population will be found that a programme can be put in place to protect them and ideally increase their numbers over time. The survey will take place in the next few weeks (weather dependent). There are groups elsewhere in the country doing similar work to protect their local korora populations. Gillian pointed out that the dog walking area on the beach is right by where there are penguin nests. Glenda suggested it may be worth lobbying PCC to make it a dog-free area, though it is difficult to get such a status. It was noted that there is still an ongoing problem of enforcement, which is not helped by the fact that there are no signs on the beach asking people to keep dogs on the leash. Action: Iain to contact Brent Tandy at DOC re signage.Action: Glenda to circulate link to a webcam in a nesting box in Paekakariki.Action: Committee to circulate flyers to other parts of the village in October with the AGM notices. Porirua City Council update Nathan explained that the District Plan was activated and is now available for people to feed back on by 20 November. PCC is approaching each Residents Association in the city to invite responses. Josh is on the Climate Change working group, which is looking at updating their terms of reference. The group currently has representatives from each of the GWRC councils plus Mana Whenua. Two big changes are being proposed: bringing in an accountability mechanism to ensure action and follow through; and providing capacity to have Mana Whenua representatives from all six iwi in the region. He noted that PCC is also starting to organise workshops for consultation on the Long Term Plan. Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office (WREMO) Whetu Bennett is the WREMO community resilience adviser in Porirua. He congratulated Pukerua Bay for our village’s response to the Covid-19 lockdown. Whetu focuses on high priority areas in the city (Whitby and Waitangirua) but is available to answer questions and provide support. He can run workshops on planning and preparing for emergencies, as well as earthquake drills. He helps PCC identify areas that they can assist with, and currently he is looking to find a location in Pukerua Bay for a new 25,000 litre water tank. There are already community water tanks at the school and the library. In case of a civil emergency, the local WREMO operations centre is in Elsdon. Emergency Assistance Centres provide support such as a nurse and social worker. However, it is likely to take at least eight days to get those set up. In the meantime, Pukerua Bay would need to be self-sufficient. Kate explained that there is a need to refresh the Civil Defence plan for the village. Whetu is happy to work with a local team to update it and also to help run a workshop to introduce residents to the updated plan. WebsiteAction: Kate/Iain/Paul/Jon to discuss edit requirements for Covid-19 page.Action: Paul to put a tshirt in the noticeboard to encourage sales.Action: Iain to talk to Archway Books about selling tote bags. Financial 00 AccountExpenses: $164.06 Surfers’ Seat $159.28 Muzzy – T-shirtsIncome: $76.70 Teas, cakes, plants at Community Garden Open Day $0.64 Interest 25 AccountIncome: $0.14 Interest Correspondence A message was received from Annette on 27 August regarding composting at the community garden. Paul has since talked to her. Progress on action items Action: Bill/Jon to discuss options for cloud storage.Action: Jon to add the information about the 25 memorials around the village to the RA website once Margaret has collected the information.Action:Pauline/Iain/Kate to continue investigating options for organising an art auction in November/December.Action: Margaret to remove Brian Sullivan and Pauline Morse as signatories from the PKBRA bank account as they are no longer committee members.Action: Margaret/Nikky to discuss the process for adding Nikky to the list of signatories.Action: Iain/Paul to ask PCC to send their monthly updates to secretary@ and chair@ and remove all other names from their mailing list.Action: Jon to ask Dave Pepperell about posting information on the website about the Surfers Seat event.Action: Margaret to organise the seat plaque for Ernie Amey and Kath Fowler.Action: Iain to look for name of DOC contact person re the installation of new signage about keeping dogs on a lead at the beach.Action: Bill to investigate possibility of recycling computer equipment. E-Waste Services have recently moved to 1 Prosser Street, 04 564 5464. They accept anything with a plug that is electronic. You can drop off or they will pick up. They also recycle polystyrene. Projects update Muri Platform building The updated lease is sitting in the Kiwirail office in Wellington Station and can’t be accessed until we move into Level 1 lockdown. The opening went well. However, some work is still required to fit the panels accurately. The event was led by representatives from Ngฤti Toa who did a significant blessing of the community garden as well as the building. Thanks to Jane Comben for the design work and to Ted Coates for mowing and tidying up along the platform. The community garden group offered hot drinks and sausages, and there was also storytelling. Action: Margaret to provide appropriate details on the event to Jon for website. Village Plan review Kate met with Justine from PCC. While PCC are keen to help with our village planning review; however, with the pause on capital funding and the pause on the village planning programme, it may be difficult to get financial support from them. The Village Plan team need to write a brief explanation of the purpose of the village plan, and how we intend to engage with the community in an ongoing way over the coming decades. The hope is to still get some funding from PCC for the survey, but the timing for launching the survey will be delayed. Community centre Action: Iain to talk to the Diocese about their intentions for St Mark’s building. Annual General Meeting Date: Thursday 22 October, 7.30-9pm at the Community and School Hall. The School Newsletter is going out on 24 September. Action: Paul to ask school to include AGM notice and kororฤ survey leaflet in newsletter. Programme Glenda – penguin surveyGillian – litter surveyPlimmerton Farm developer?Friends of Taupo Swamp?Village Planning survey There was some discussion about whether to organise a supper. This depends on the Lockdown level at the time, so a decision will need to be made nearer to the date of the meeting. Proposed amendments to Rules There was some discussion about whether the RA should actively be advocating for local businesses. It was suggested that the Village Planning survey include a question, and that the Rules may be reconsidered after the survey has been completed. The other proposed changes were discussed. Action: Paul/Nikky to rewrite and present via email for approval by the Committee so the amendments can be circulated to the community at least 14 days before the AGM. Other business Action: Committee to read through the draft Committee handbook and discuss in more detail at the October meeting. Meeting ended: 9.54pmNext meeting: 13 October 2020 Appendix: Village Planning update from PCC He Are Pukerua The uncovering of the latest heritage panels last Saturday at the former Muri Station Southbound was a great time for celebrating and sharing the history of railways in Pukerua Bay. The research and writing the team has undertaken (especially Ashley and Margaret Blair) is an outstanding commitment to bring this heritage to the community. The final installation within the available remaining village planning budget for this project will be the wide format heritage station along Centennial Highway, celebrating the construction of the road. The structure is now in place and just needs the panels fixed to the frame later in the year. Ara Harakeke shared pathway extension After the success of widening the footpath from the shops to the overbridge, NZTA have asked if PCC could consider widening the section from Haunui Road to SH1 near Ted Coates’ house with 100% funding. PCC’s construction partner Mills & Albert are currently costing the proposal. When the costed proposal has been received, it has to be submitted to NZTA for their internal processes to evaluate and decide if it is a suitable project for funding. PCC will let us know when the costing is submitted. Community food forest It was great to see the renovations now underway again following the COVID 19 lockdown on the former northbound Muri Station building. Please keep all receipts for the materials, as they need to be submitted to Council before 31December for accounting purposes. Pukerua Bay community hub initiatives This project – which focuses on creating opportunities for community connections – has an operational budget allocation of $4,750 to support initial research and a local programme of activities. PCC are looking forward to working on this initiative in a way that aligns with broader village planning objectives.
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Pukerua Bay, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Pukerua Bay Library to be earthquake strengthened
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- Over the next six weeks the cutest little library in New Zealand (if not the world) is going to be earthquake strengthened. As much as possible the crew will be working around our opening hours, so Nuala will still be there ready to issue and return your books as always on Tuesdays & Thursdays 2pm – 5pm, and Saturdays 10am – 1pm. For more information: Pukerua Bay Library
- Accepted from Pukerua Bay Residents Association feed by tonytw1
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- pukerua-bay
- libraries
Pukerua Bay, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)