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    • May 2021 Residents’ Association meeting minutes
      • (DRAFT)Tuesday May 11th 2021Pukerua Bay RSA, 5-7 Wairaka Road Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Kate Dreaver, Mel Galletly, Moira Lawler, Josh Trlin (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC), Nikky Winchester, Mike JebsonApologies: Jonathan Harker, Chris Kirk-Burnand (GWRC), Tess Law, Iain McClean, Pauline MorumMinutes of Last Meeting – correction of spelling of Nikky’s name Motion to receive: moved Moira, seconded Kate, motion carried. Matters arising None. Porirua City Council (PCC) update Long Term Plan (LTP) keeping us busy – hearings start tomorrow. Wellington Water building a large sewer containment tank north of Porirua rail station to help mitigate sewer overflow. Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) update GWRC busy with LTP hearings next week. Discussion on National Policy Statement on Urban Development – clashing with local government District Plans. Whaitua Implementation programme – Jenny trying to get it into the LTP. Good support for electrification of transport, reforesting parks and harbour action. Financial Report Balances: BNZ 00 account $6221.75BNZ 25 account $100.10 Income: 00 $250.00 Tommy’s Real Estate/Kลrero25 $15.00 2022 Calendar Expenditure: Flying Colours/Kลrero $501.40Invoices Outstanding: 2021-012 McClean Electrical Services $50 Motion to receive financial report: Moved Margaret, seconded Paul, motion carried. Correspondence Jenny Wrightson re signage for Pou on beach, and Tess Law re SH1 crossing near Onepu Road. A letter from Council on work planned for Ara Harakeke shared pathway work and Wairaka Road intersection work. Progress on Action Items (Not included in project updates): none Projects Update He Ara Pukerua Panels: Preparation of further panels continues. The large panel for Centennial Highway will be made public at an event to coincide with the opening of Transmission Gully. Road block/tank trap: Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga supports He Ara Pukerua’s submission to include this place in the Proposed Porirua District Plan, subject to it meeting the values listed in HH-P1 (HH-P1 Identify historic heritage that contributes to an understanding and appreciation of the history and cultures of Porirua City, the Wellington Region or New Zealand and is significant in terms of one or more of the following values: Historic values; Physical values; Social values; Tangata whenua values; Surroundings; Rarity; or Representativeness.) On April 21 at 2:44pm the story of ๐—” ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐—ฟ-๐˜๐—ถ๐—บ๐—ฒ ๐˜๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ด๐—ฒ๐—ฑ๐˜† ๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐—ฃ๐˜‚๐—ธ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜‚๐—ฎ ๐—•๐—ฎ๐˜† was posted on the He Ara Pukerua Facebook page. This post has now been seen by 57,936 people, commented on by 185, shared by 223, liked by 458 with 14,447 engagements. Food Forest/Community Garden Going well. Had a working bee during the school holidays that went well. More people coming along with enthusiasm. Discussed the garden group being a committee of the Residents Association. A member of the group will come to the next meeting to discuss. Village Plan Review 27 responses so far. Agreed to promote newsletter at various locations: July 15 at RSA Pat/MoiraJuly 17 Coffee cart NikkyJuly 22 3-5pm Library PaulMel to deliver posters Executive committee handbook Paul and Nikky have met. Jon is going to document our technology processes, Margaret our financial information. Jon is posting minutes on the website. Kลrero (Newsletter) Next edition out early July – Matariki theme. There was a discussion about essential services/facilities based on the repeat questions on FB. A school report and kindy report would also be good. Action Items Paul to chase up NZTA to get an update on roading revocation and other issues.Paul speaking on Residents Association submission to Council tomorrow.Paul also sent a further submission to summary of submission on the District Plan responding to the Kainga Ora submission request a 6 storey zone around the PKB train station. Residents such as Mike Jebson also made private submissions. It would be good to get together a group interested in development issues to lead responses on district plan and other land use issues. General Business Residents Association website – looking good. Jon will post the list of local groups and businesses. We are asked to look at the list to check its accuracy. Tess Law sent through maps on roading improvements needed to get pedestrians across SH1 in the Onepu Te Pari Pari Road areas. Tess has sent apologies as she has just had new baby. Will defer to later meeting. Trees on Teihana Road getting dangerous and need trimming. Paul reports there is a plan to trim them. Meeting ended: 8.57pmNext meeting: Tuesday 8 June 2021
      • Accepted from Pukerua Bay Residents Association feed by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • transmission-gully
      • matariki
      • porirua
      • pukerua-bay
      • libraries
      • Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • August 2020 Residents Association meeting minutes
      • Tuesday, August 11, 2020Pukerua Bay RSA, 5-7 Wairaka Road Present: Paul FitzGerald (Chair), Nikky Winchester (Secretary), Iain McLean, Kate Dreaver, June Penhey, Margaret Blair, Mel Galletly, Bill Jackson, Nathan Waddle (PCC)Community: Pat Hanley, Moira LawlerApologies: Pauline Morum, Jonathan Harker, Jenny Brash (GWRC)Approval of previous minutes: moved Iain McLean, seconded Bill Jackson, none opposed, carried. Porirua City Council update Nathan explained that the District Plan has been approved, and PCC is now taking feedback and submissions on it; it will go into action in early 2021. PCC is about to start running workshops on the Long Term Plan. A workshop is being held tomorrow with NZTA regarding the plans for revocation of SH1 and SH58 post-Transmission Gully. Matters arising Iain, Kate and Nikky met to discuss the Village Planning survey. Kate has since talked to PCC about whether they will pay for design, advertising and printing. The hope is to get the survey circulated soon, and to organise a drop-in session one Saturday at St Mark’s. The intention is to present the results at this year’s AGM. Financial $0.14 interest has been received this month. Correspondence No correspondence has been received. Progress on action items Action: Bill/Jon to discuss options for cloud storage. The Committee confirmed a strong preference to use a free public service, rather than a paid service. Action: Jon to add the information about the 25 memorials around the village to the RA website once Margaret has collected the information.Action:Jon and Pauline will meet as the new Fundraising committee, and present proposals to the Committee.Action:Pauline/Iain/Kate to continue investigating options for organising a silent art auction in November/December.Action:Margaret to remove Brian Sullivan and Pauline Morse as signatories from the PKBRA bank account as they are no longer committee members.Action: Margaret/Nikky to discuss the process for adding Nikky to the list of signatories.Action: Paul to write a proposal about amendments to the RA Constitution.Action: Iain/Paul to ask PCC to send their monthly updates to secretary@ and chair@ and remove all other names from their mailing list.Action: Jon to ask Dave Pepperell about posting information on the website about the Surfers Seat event.Action: Jon to create a page for He Ara Pukerua on the RA website.Action: Margaret to organise the seat plaque for Ernie Amey and Kath Fowler. Projects update Muri Platform building The signed lease papers have not yet been received back from Kiwirail confirming the lease. This should be in hand before the official launch event on 5 September. Action: Iain/Paul to follow up with Kiwirail. Food forest/community garden and He Ara Pukerua The Muri Station platform building and panels will be formally opened by the Mayor on Saturday 5 September at a launch commencing at 10.30am, followed up with tours around the food forest, where entertainment and refreshments will be available. Paul has asked PCC if the trees around the platform can be trimmed in advance of the event. Action: Jon to create a page on the RA website. Penguin survey Pauline Morum forwarded an email from Glenda Robb at the Kapiti Coast Biodiversity Project. A survey will be carried out in late September with a penguin dog, to track the local little blue penguins. Glenda has offered to do a brief talk at the September Committee meeting. Action: Paul to respond to Glenda and invite her to talk at the Committee meeting on 8 September.Action: Jon/Nikky to promote meeting/talk online.Action: Iain to look for name of DOC contact person re the installation of new signage about keeping dogs on a lead at the beach. Waste Free PKB Waste Free PKB’s collections have been extended to include metal beer bottle caps and wine bottle tops, metal jar lids, metal and plastic drink bottle tops, milk bottle caps, bread tags, can tabs, eyeglasses, facial skincare product packaging (plastic and glass containers plus lids, droppers and other complex closures), and writing instruments (including pens, felt tip pens, highlighters, markers, mechanical pencils and correction fluid – but not wooden pencils and chalk). This is in addition to the collections that have been in place since January 2019, which includes oral health products (toothbrushes, clean and empty toothpaste tubes and dental floss containers), AA and AAA batteries, and a number of different brands of coffee capsules. Action: Bill to investigate possibility of recycling computer equipment. AGM The AGM needs to be held in October, probably after the October committee meeting (scheduled for 13 October). It was suggested that Glenda Robb be asked to present the results of the penguin survey. Action: Paul to investigate a suitable date for using the School and Community Hall. Other business NZTA are keen to further extend Ara Harakeke; the next stage is from Pukerua Beach Road along SH1. A surveyor will be considering a possible route so as to avoid the slope and zigzag. Meeting ended: 8.25pmNext meeting: 8 September 2020
      • Accepted from Pukerua Bay Residents Association feed by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • transmission-gully
      • recycling
      • kapiti
      • porirua
      • penguins
      • pukerua-bay
      • Pukerua Bay, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • July 2020 Residents Association meeting minutes
      • Tuesday, July 14, 2020Pukerua Bay RSA, 5-7 Wairaka Road Present: Paul FitzGerald (Chair), Nikky Winchester (Secretary), Iain McLean, Kate Dreaver, Margaret Blair, Mel Galletly, Bill Jackson, Pauline Morum, Nathan Waddle (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC)Community: Brian SullivanApologies: June Penhey, Jonathan HarkerApproval of previous minutes: with amendment to note that Jenny Brash is heavily involved in monitoring the GWRC submission on the Plimmerton Farm development; moved Iain McLean, seconded Kate Dreaver, none opposed, carried. Porirua City Council update Nathan explained that submissions have closed for the Plimmerton Farm development. The annual plan has been finalised, with a rates increase of 4.9%. PCC are in the early stages of sorting out the long term plan for next year. The district plan will be discussed at the Council meeting tomorrow night; this will be effective from the start of next year. All new builds will be required to have grey water tanks. There was some discussion about the next steps for the Plimmerton Farm development. Greater Wellington Regional Council update Jenny explained that there is low leakage in the water treatment pipes. There will be workshops run by DIA regarding the proposal for large scale water authorities. The Government is subsidising losses incurred as a result of making the trains and buses free during Lockdown. Jenny suggested individuals consider writing to the Minister of Transport to push for Transmission Gully to be finished promptly. GWRC are expecting a report in August on the feasibility of introducing water meters. Financial Main account: $5737.47Fundraising: $0.00 Payment of $621.25 was made to AON NZ for renewal of public liability insurance through to June 2021.Of the monies in the main account, $4263.05 is for the community garden, $588.45 is for Surfers Seat maintenance, and $425.80 is for He Ara Pukerua.Margaret proposed that the RA set up a secure Cloud account for ease of access and an accessible archive, so this knowledge is independent of any individual or office holder, with read-only for general access by the rest of the Committee. Motion: The Residents Association Committee nominate Nikky Winchester to be the fourth bank signatory – moved Kate Dreaver, seconded Mel Galletly, none opposed, carried. Action: Bill/Jon to discuss options for cloud storage.Motion:Action: Margaret/Nikky to discuss the process for adding Nikky to the list of signatories. Correspondence Received (date?) a letter from BNZ who are phasing out cheques by June 2021. Progress on action items Action: Jon to add the information about the 25 memorials around the village to the RA website once Margaret has collected the information.Action: Jon and Pauline will meet as the new Fundraising committee, and present proposals to the Committee.Action: Pauline/Iain/Kate to continue investigating options for organising a silent art auction.Action: Paul to give Pauline contact details for Pauline Morse.Action: Margaret to remove Brian Sullivan and Pauline Morse as signatories from the PKBRA bank account as they are no longer committee members.Action: Paul to write a proposal about amendments to the RA Constitution.Action: Iain/Paul to ask PCC to send their monthly updates to secretary@ and chair@ and remove all other names from their mailing list.Action: Jon to ask Dave Pepperell about posting information on the website about the Surfers Seat event. Projects update Muri Platform building Iain confirmed with KiwiRail that the Committee would like to include some additional land in the lease. The updated lease has been signed and Iain expects to receive the copy shortly. Food forest/community garden Paul talked to Bill Inge about getting QR code plaques printed. It costs about $29 per plaque. He Ara Pukerua Brian informed the Committee that the group met via Zoom on a weekly basis during Lockdown. They have two major items to finish: the last bollard in the latest batch has been approved by Ngati Toa (Mt Welcome sign); and other signs are to go up shortly, including the ones at Muri Station. The timeline on the outside of the station building will be visible from the approach along the platform. The Muri Station platform building will be formally opened on Saturday 5 September at 10.30am, in conjunction with tours around the food forest, entertainment and refreshments. It will be 135 years since the railway arrived in Pukerua Bay. Action: Jon to create a page on the RA website. Community shed proposal There was some discussion about the naming of the proposal. It was agreed that it continue to be known as the “community shed”, and that it will be available to all members of the community. A MenzShed group may be established, and they will be able to use it at pre-arranged times, as will other community groups. Other business Kate reminded the Committee that the Hub was intending to do some research into loneliness, community connection and resilience. As a result of the village’s activities during the Covid-19 lockdown, Kate has written a proposal which has gone to Porirua Council. Iain and Kate have made further changes to the Village Planning survey. There will be a meeting on 25 July to discuss promotion and circulation of the survey. Margaret notified the Committee that there is a seat near the footbridge which is unnamed. Ernie Amey used to walk past it every day; and Kath Fowler was instrumental in getting the seat established. Margaret has spoken to PCC about putting a plaque on the seat to commemorate both of them. This will cost about $30. Action: Margaret to organise the plaque. Meeting ended: 8.51pmNext meeting: 11 August 2020
      • Accepted from Pukerua Bay Residents Association feed by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • porirua
      • pukerua-bay
      • covid-19
      • transmission-gully
      • Transmission Gully Motorway, Kenepuru, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, 5022, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

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