
Porirua / May 2021

June 2021 | April 2021
    • May 2021 Residents’ Association meeting minutes
      • (DRAFT)Tuesday May 11th 2021Pukerua Bay RSA, 5-7 Wairaka Road Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Kate Dreaver, Mel Galletly, Moira Lawler, Josh Trlin (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC), Nikky Winchester, Mike JebsonApologies: Jonathan Harker, Chris Kirk-Burnand (GWRC), Tess Law, Iain McClean, Pauline MorumMinutes of Last Meeting – correction of spelling of Nikky’s name Motion to receive: moved Moira, seconded Kate, motion carried. Matters arising None. Porirua City Council (PCC) update Long Term Plan (LTP) keeping us busy – hearings start tomorrow. Wellington Water building a large sewer containment tank north of Porirua rail station to help mitigate sewer overflow. Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) update GWRC busy with LTP hearings next week. Discussion on National Policy Statement on Urban Development – clashing with local government District Plans. Whaitua Implementation programme – Jenny trying to get it into the LTP. Good support for electrification of transport, reforesting parks and harbour action. Financial Report Balances: BNZ 00 account $6221.75BNZ 25 account $100.10 Income: 00 $250.00 Tommy’s Real Estate/Kōrero25 $15.00 2022 Calendar Expenditure: Flying Colours/Kōrero $501.40Invoices Outstanding: 2021-012 McClean Electrical Services $50 Motion to receive financial report: Moved Margaret, seconded Paul, motion carried. Correspondence Jenny Wrightson re signage for Pou on beach, and Tess Law re SH1 crossing near Onepu Road. A letter from Council on work planned for Ara Harakeke shared pathway work and Wairaka Road intersection work. Progress on Action Items (Not included in project updates): none Projects Update He Ara Pukerua Panels: Preparation of further panels continues. The large panel for Centennial Highway will be made public at an event to coincide with the opening of Transmission Gully. Road block/tank trap: Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga supports He Ara Pukerua’s submission to include this place in the Proposed Porirua District Plan, subject to it meeting the values listed in HH-P1 (HH-P1 Identify historic heritage that contributes to an understanding and appreciation of the history and cultures of Porirua City, the Wellington Region or New Zealand and is significant in terms of one or more of the following values: Historic values; Physical values; Social values; Tangata whenua values; Surroundings; Rarity; or Representativeness.) On April 21 at 2:44pm the story of 𝗔 𝘄𝗮𝗿-𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗱𝘆 𝗮𝘁 𝗣𝘂𝗸𝗲𝗿𝘂𝗮 𝗕𝗮𝘆 was posted on the He Ara Pukerua Facebook page. This post has now been seen by 57,936 people, commented on by 185, shared by 223, liked by 458 with 14,447 engagements. Food Forest/Community Garden Going well. Had a working bee during the school holidays that went well. More people coming along with enthusiasm. Discussed the garden group being a committee of the Residents Association. A member of the group will come to the next meeting to discuss. Village Plan Review 27 responses so far. Agreed to promote newsletter at various locations: July 15 at RSA Pat/MoiraJuly 17 Coffee cart NikkyJuly 22 3-5pm Library PaulMel to deliver posters Executive committee handbook Paul and Nikky have met. Jon is going to document our technology processes, Margaret our financial information. Jon is posting minutes on the website. Kōrero (Newsletter) Next edition out early July – Matariki theme. There was a discussion about essential services/facilities based on the repeat questions on FB. A school report and kindy report would also be good. Action Items Paul to chase up NZTA to get an update on roading revocation and other issues.Paul speaking on Residents Association submission to Council tomorrow.Paul also sent a further submission to summary of submission on the District Plan responding to the Kainga Ora submission request a 6 storey zone around the PKB train station. Residents such as Mike Jebson also made private submissions. It would be good to get together a group interested in development issues to lead responses on district plan and other land use issues. General Business Residents Association website – looking good. Jon will post the list of local groups and businesses. We are asked to look at the list to check its accuracy. Tess Law sent through maps on roading improvements needed to get pedestrians across SH1 in the Onepu Te Pari Pari Road areas. Tess has sent apologies as she has just had new baby. Will defer to later meeting. Trees on Teihana Road getting dangerous and need trimming. Paul reports there is a plan to trim them. Meeting ended: 8.57pmNext meeting: Tuesday 8 June 2021
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      • transmission-gully
      • matariki
      • porirua
      • pukerua-bay
      • libraries
      • Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Paul Cameron Cup – Results
      • Below is all the results from the Premier Netball Tournament (Paul Cameron Cup) Round 1 St Oran’s College 26 beat Upper Hutt 14 Hutt Valley High 32 beat Porirua College 10 Kapiti College 10 beat Chilton St James 6 Naenae College 11 drew Newlands College 11 Samuel Marsden 35 beat Whitby Collegiate 2 Wellington Girls’ 24 beat Aotea College 7 Heretaunga College 18 beat Taita College 12 Wellington East 21 beat Otaki College 7 Paraparaumu College 20 beat Tawa College 15 Sacred Heart 28 beat Onslow College 2 Round 2 Hutt Valley High 21 beat St Oran’s College 19 St Mary’s College 29 beat Upper Hutt 4 Newlands College 16 beat Kapiti College 6 Queen Margaret 22 beat Chilton St James 7 Wellington Girls’ 17 beat Heretaunga College 8 Samuel Marsden 21 beat Aotea College 12 Taita College 15 beat Whitby Collegiate 11 Sacred Heart 19 beat Paraparaumu College 18 Wellington East 25 beat Tawa College 11 Onslow College 19 beat Otaki College 7 Round 3 St Mary’s College 31 beat Hutt Valley High 8 St Oran’s College 31 beat Porirua College 5 Queen Margaret 27 beat Newlands College 8 Naenae College 14 beat Kapiti College 9 Samuel Marsden 22 beat Heretaunga College 6 Wellington Girls’ 29 beat Taita College 7 Aotea College 16 beat Whitby Collegiate 2 Sacred Heart 15 beat Wellington East 7 Paraparaumu College 15 beat Onslow College 10 Tawa College 23 beat Otaki College 9 Round 4 Hutt Valley High 21 beat Upper Hutt 6 St Mary’s College 32 beat Porirua College 3 Newlands College 14 beat Chilton St James 4 Queen Margaret 23 beat Naenae College 12 Aotea College 23 beat Heretaunga College 12 Wellington Girls’ 33 beat Whitby Collegiate 1 Samuel Marsden 31 beat Taita College 3 Sacred Heart 21 beat Tawa College 12 Paraparaumu College 21 beat Otaki College 5 Wellington East 15 beat Onslow College 2 Round 5 St Mary’s College 29 beat St Oran’s College 10 Upper Hutt 20 beat Porirua College 14 Queen Margaret 25 beat Kapiti College 14 Chilton St James 9 beat Naenae College 8 Samuel Marsden 13 beat Wellington Girls’ 12 Aotea College 24 beat Taita College 16 Heretaunga College 24 beat Whitby Collegiate 7 Wellington East 19 beat Paraparaumu College 4 Tawa College 20 beat Onslow College 12 Sacred Heart 33 beat Otaki College 7 SECTION PLAYOFFS St Mary’s College 21 beat Sacred Heart 14 Samuel Marsden 18 beat Queen Margaret 10 Wellington East 17 beat Hutt Valley High 11 Wellington Girls’ 23 beat Newlands College 8 St Oran’s College 21 beat Paraparaumu College 19 Aotea College 22 beat Naenae College 10 Tawa College 17 beat Upper Hutt 14 Heretaunga College 15 beat Kapiti College 9 Onslow College 11 beat Porirua College 8 Chilton St James 14 beat Taita College 6 FINAL RESULTS St Mary’s 15 beat Samuel Marsden 14 1st & 2nd Sacred Heart 23 beat Queen Margaret 10 3rd & 4th Wellington East 12 beat Wellington Girls’ 9 5th & 6th Hutt Valley High 18 beat Newlands College 15 7th & 8th Aotea College 20 beat St Oran’s College 17 9th & 10th Paraparaumu College 22 beat Naenae College 9 11th & 12th Heretaunga College 17 beat Tawa College 12 13th & 14th Kapiti College 23 beat Upper Hutt 14 15th & 16th Chilton St James 8 beat Onslow College 7 17th & 18th Taita College 12 beat Porirua College 7 19th & 20th Whitby Collegiate 21 beat Otaki College 17 21st & 22nd   The post Paul Cameron Cup – Results appeared first on College Sport Wellington.
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      • Tagged as:
      • newlands
      • tawa
      • hutt-valley
      • kapiti
      • porirua
      • onslow
      • Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)


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