Kapiti / November 2008
December 2008 | October 2008-
Strategic Issues Discussion Paper
- Waikanae Golf Club
- The Board is keen to engage members in a discussion about the strategic issues which our club faces in the future. This paper has been prepared to elicit your comments and views. We look forward to your participation. Peter Quin - Chairman Click on the following link to download a copy of the document: strategic_issues_wgc
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- golf
- waikanae
97 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae Beach, Waikanae 5036, New Zealand
New Sister Club in Australia
- Waikanae Golf Club
- The President of the Waikanae Golf Club, Bill Bruce, is pleased to advise that he has successfully negotiated an arrangement with the Ocean Shores Golf Club in New South Wales. (only about 40 minutes south of Surfers Paradise) The two Clubs are also proposing an annual Trans Tasman Challenge. Further details of this will be circulated when available. Check out the Ocean Shores Golf Club website at
- Automatically tagged as:
- golf
- waikanae
97 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae Beach, Waikanae 5036, New Zealand
The New Furniture Has Arrived
- Waikanae Golf Club
- On Monday 17th November, the new furniture was delivered and installed in the Clubhouse lounge in time for the return to the Clubhouse of the Veteran Golfers on the first day of their Tournament and was also available to be used at their cocktail party on Monday evening. The old furniture has now all been sold and removed from the Clubhouse, thank you to all who assisted with the sale of these items. Special thanks to all those who have fund-raised for the Club over the past year to make this acquisition of the furniture possible; 2008 ProAm, Women’s Section, Mid-week Men’s Section, Lumber Jacks, 2008 Veteran’s Golf Tournament and The Wonderful Waikanae Spring Garden Trail. Also the Committee lead by Margaret Thrupp who put a lot of time and effort into identifying the requirements for the furniture and assessing products from various sources. All members are encouraged to come up into the lounge and make use of our new facilities.
- Automatically tagged as:
- golf
- waikanae
97 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae Beach, Waikanae 5036, New Zealand
ShootOut Results
- Waikanae Golf Club
- The ShootOuts were successfully held on Sunday 16th November. 19 players in both the Men’s and Women’s Sections commenced on the first tee from 8.15am with one player being eliminated at each hole until the final hole where two players remained to find the ShootOut winners for 2008. The Men’s section had Mark Mitchell and Simon Amos playing the final hole together. Mark Mitchell prevailed with a par on the hole. In the Women’s section Ann Hadfield just held out Jean McAllister at the final hurdle.
- Automatically tagged as:
- golf
- waikanae
97 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae Beach, Waikanae 5036, New Zealand
Furniture for Sale
- Waikanae Golf Club
- With the imminent arrival of new furniture for the lounge at the Golf Club, the existing tables and chairs are available for purchase from the Club by members and/or friends. Tables $5.00, Chairs $5.00 Discount for Bulk available! Please see the Office to arrange purchase, pick-up must be on or before the 17th November.
- Automatically tagged as:
- golf
- waikanae
97 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae Beach, Waikanae 5036, New Zealand
- Waikanae Golf Club
- Building on previous years of experience, the organising committee comprising Stu McLaren (as always supported by Jane), Grant Waterhouse, Barry Lee, Blair Coburn and Paul Charlesworth, created an extravaganza unrivaled on the Kapiti Coast. This year the event included an all day free BBQ (kindly sponsored by Tegal Chicken) and an outside bar (subsidised by DB Breweries) both manned by Stu McLaren. The 14th hole had a “triple your money” opportunity fot those fancying their ability - thanks to Brian Futter. A new innovation this year was a live TAB terminal in the clubhouse - kindly supplied and skillfully manned by the one and only Gary “I REALLY MUST GO HOME” Mabey. Thanks again Chopper!!! Once again Barry Lee organised a very successful sweepstake in conjunction with the Big Race! The main winners being Chris Turner, The Fourskins syndicate and House. Courtesy of PANASONIC and in conjunction with HARVEY NORMAN Coastlands Branch, we were able to showcase a ‘top of the line’ overhead projection unit to provide fullscale race coverage all day! It is with great pride that the organising committee can announce that due to the financial success of the day, this high tech unit is to be purchased and will become a permanent feature of the lounge, to enable vastly improved coverage of future sporting events. Many thanks to ALL who contributed and supported this fine event.
- Tagged as:
- kapiti
97 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae Beach, Waikanae 5036, New Zealand
Card Plus for Golf Club Members
- Waikanae Golf Club
- Cardplus are pleased to offer an improved Fuel discount for NZ Golf Club Members. # 5cents per litre discount off the pump price for both petrol / diesel at any Caltex / Challenge Service Station throughout NZ # Half price Car wash # Cardplus ‘ Value discount Voucher ‘ Pack for all Fuelcard Customers # Multiple Cards linked to one account…partner / family # Up to 35days Free Credit # No Transaction Fees # Free 2 year coffee card # 6 Months Free delivery of the Sunday Star Times valued at $57 # Only $2 per month card fee…..no other costs Easy to apply…..simply go to www.membercard.co.nz click on apply here and log on to Golf Club Member to print our your Fuel Card application form…please complete and Freepost to Cardplus Fuelcards, P.O.Box 38-307, Wellington 5045
- Automatically tagged as:
- golf
- waikanae
97 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae Beach, Waikanae 5036, New Zealand
Women’s Section News
- Waikanae Golf Club
- Women’s Section. The Championship Foursomes were held recently. Silver winners were Jill Bolland and Lynne Bruce. Bronze, Jan Marsden and Debbie Turner. Winter Cup Trophy was won by Jill Bolland r/u Jill Martin. Captain v Secretary Competition on November 5 will be a fund raising day towards plants for the river bank in the entranceway to the Club. We hope this will be well supported. A big thank you to Judy Launder and her hard working team who keep the gardens and surrounds of the Club a picture. The end of our competition year will be upon us shortly with closing day on 12 November. There will be a 9 hole competition commencing at 10.00 a.m. followed by lunch with prize giving at 1.30 p.m. Disc’s will need to be in by 9.30. We welcome our 9 hole women to come along and join us. From Friday 14 November, our rolling draws will continue with Wednesday’s included until December 19. We invite all our women members to come along and participate. It is a great way to meet and play with others. Starting time is 8.28 a.m. - 9 a.m. The ummer cup commences on 13 November and entries for this will be taken on closing day. Good luck to those who participate, for this highly prized trophy. A reminder, that scorecards returned, must be countersigned by a fellow playing member. There are some excellent scores for the shootout, which is to be held on 16 November in conjunction with the men. Special thanks to organizers, Jill Bolland and Shirley Parkinson. Also, to Liz Cavies who has given so much time organizing the many raffles which are contributing towards the prize money. Our A.G.M. is to be held on 3 December at 9.00 a.m. Any notices of motion will need to be in the hands of our Secretary no later than 5.00 p.m. 19 November. Good golfing everyone. Anne Smith - Women’s Captain
- Automatically tagged as:
- golf
- waikanae
97 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae Beach, Waikanae 5036, New Zealand
Garden Trail
- Waikanae Golf Club
- The Wonderful Waikanae Spring Garden Trail was successfully held on Sunday the 2nd of November. The weather was threatening on the Saturday, but cleared up for a fantastic day on the Sunday, to allow the viewing of some truly wonderful gardens. It was great to see so many of our members doing the rounds and visiting the gardens. All the gardens were extremely well prepared and presented, and comments received from people viewing these gardens was extremely complimentary. Margaret Thrupp, Lorraine and Malcolm Cubitt with Gwynne Turner at the Cubitt’s garden.
- Automatically tagged as:
- golf
- waikanae
97 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae Beach, Waikanae 5036, New Zealand