Feeds / Wellington Beekeepers Association notices
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This feed is published by Wellington Beekeepers Association.
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Added on 26 May 2009. Last read 6 minutes ago.
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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 58):
November 2020 newsletter
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 11/2020PDF file: 2020_november_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - October 2020
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 10/2020PDF file: 2020_october_newsletter.pdf
September 2020 Newsletter
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 08/2020PDF file: 2020_september_newsletter.pdf
September 2020 Newsletter and Mead-making Tips
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 08/2020PDF file: mead_making_tips_and_tricks.pdf
August 2020 Newsletter
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 08/2020PDF file: 2020_august_newsletter.pdf
July 2020 Newsletter
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 06/2020PDF file: 2020_july_newsletter.pdf
June 2020 newsletter
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 06/2020PDF file: 2020_june_newsletter.pdf
May 2020 newsletter
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 05/2020PDF file: 2020_may_newsletter.pdf
April 2020 Newsletter
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 04/2020PDF file: 2020_april_newsletter.docx_.pdf
Newsletter - March 2020
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 03/2020PDF file: 2020_march_newsletter.pdf
February 2020 Newsletter
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 02/2020PDF file: 2020_february_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - December 2019
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 12/2019PDF file: 2019_december_newsletter.pdf
November 2019 newsletter
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 11/2019PDF file: 2019_november_newsletter.docx_.pdf
Swarms - Do you have a swarm of bees?
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- If you have a swarm of bees on your property, or on neighbouring public land, then you can use the following steps to deal with it: Use the Find someone to collect a swarm link from the menu above. You can call the person and arrange for the swarm to be collected Complete the Swarm Report form, which can also be accessed from the menu above. Someone will then call you back to arrange for the swarm to be collected Phone Frank Lindsay, John Burnet, or Richard Braczek on the number given in Club Info above. One of these people will try to find someone to collect your swarm. Phone the council for the area you live in and report the matter. They will either contact a known beekeeper or a pest exterminator to deal with the matter. Notes about swarms: Bee swarms are generally very docile and you are unlikely to receive a sting from the bees. However, this can change if the bees have been hanging about for several days as they will be hungry and annoyed by then. Bees in a swarm are looking for a new home, so they will cluster on a branch or other suitable location while some of their number scout for sites to establish a new hive. They will all move off once a suitable location has been found If a bee swarm moves into a wall or roof cavity on your property, then you will probably need to call a pest exterminator to remove/kill them as that is beyond the capability of most club members. Bees flying in and out of a compost heap or wood pile are most likely bumble bees rather then honey bees. Bumble bees are quite gentle and should be left alone, as the colony will die out in the autumn. Beekeepers are not interested in collecting bumble bees. "bees flying in and out of a hole in the ground are most likely wasps, which should be avoided. You will need to get a pest exterminator to remove wasps from your property. Groups: Public
September 2019 Newsletter
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 09/2019PDF file: 2019_sept_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - August 2019
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 08/2019PDF file: 2019_august_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - August 2019
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 08/2019PDF file: 2019_august_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - July 2019
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 07/2019PDF file: 2019_july_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - July 2019
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 07/2019PDF file: 2019_july_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - June 2019
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 06/2019PDF file: 2019_june_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - June 2019
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 06/2019PDF file: 2019_june_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - May 2019
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 05/2019PDF file: 2019_may_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - April 2019
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 04/2019PDF file: 2019_april_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - February 2019
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 02/2019PDF file: 2019_february_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - November 2018
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 11/2018PDF file: 2018_november_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - September 2018
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 09/2018PDF file: september_2018_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter - September 2018
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 09/2018PDF file: september_2018_newsletter.pdf
Newsletter May 2018
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 05/2018There was no club newsletter in May 2018.
Newsletter - February 2018
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 02/2018PDF file: february_2018_newsletter.pdfFebruary 2018 newsletter available for download.
Newsletter - December 2017
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Newsletter date: 12/2017PDF file: December 2017 Newsletter.pdfThe December issue of the newsletter is available below.