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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 133):
News for Sunday 29 November 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- 3DM Information Evening Wednesday 2 December, 7.30 pm in church—all welcome. Pre-Christmas and Christmas Services Invitations Our invitation cards advertising our pre-Christmas and Christmas events are here. Please take some and deliver to the people in your street, your friends and family. If you are delivering invitations in your street, can you please indicate where you will deliver on the list of Karori streets in the gathering area . City Mission Christmas Tree Each Sunday in December we will be collecting for the City Mission Christmas tree. So please bring a treat or a can with you to church for the box. Looking for Work? Looking for a holiday job or seeking full time employment? Did you know that only 25% of the available jobs are advertised? We are offering a one day workshop to help you go after 100% of the jobs that are available. For more information, contact Shirley Tracy (04) 476 8987 or (027) 242 3199 or pick up a brochure from the stand in the Gathering Area. A percentage of the fees paid will go to KAC City Mission Collection. Collectors required 7am - 7pm on 4 December. Please contact Tracy 245 0864. Collection This Sunday The collection this Sunday is going to help Syrian refugees. Gold Card Lunch Lunch at Zealandia 12.30 pm Friday 11 December. Sign up on list at back of church or contact Judy Edgar 476 7257 or Angela England 972 7149 (numbers needed for Zealandia) KAC Young Adults December dates for your diary: Radical Tea Party, 8 December, 7 pm. Zeal, 103 Ghuznee Street. Social Night, 22 December, 7 pm, Church Office. Contacts: Chris 027 412 1056, Kate 027 739 3656 or Liam 027 544 2479.
News for Sunday 22 November 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Next Sunday - One Service Only Next Sunday we will celebrate together with one service and breakfast. 10 am at the church. Sign up on the clipboard to indicate what you will bring. Pre-Christmas and Christmas Services Our invitation cards advertising our pre-Christmas and Christmas events are here. Please take some and deliver to the people in your street, your friends and family. There is something for everyone here this Christmas. Capital City Anglican Women Wednesday 2 December, 10.30 am in the church, followed by ‘bring and share’ lunch. Please note that this replaces Mid-week service and Afternoon Fellowship. All welcome. Angeltree Angeltree cards are still available. To purchase a gift on behalf of a prisoner who has a child, choose a card and write your name on the list. Please spend no more than $25. Gifts to be returned to the church unwrapped in a shopping bag with the angel card inside, on Sunday, 29 November. Thank you for your support. Looking for Work? Looking for a holiday job or seeking full time employment? Did you know that only 25% of the available jobs are advertised? We are offering a one day workshop to help you go after 100% of the jobs that are available. For more information, contact Shirley Tracy (02) 476 8987 or (027) 242 3199 or pick up a brochure from the stand in the Gathering Area. A percentage of the fees paid will go to KAC. 3DM Information Evening Wednesday 2 December at 7.30pm in church - all welcome.
News for Sunday 15 November 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Angeltree The angel cards are displayed on the screen inside church. To purchase a gift on behalf of a prisoner who has a child, choose a card and write your name on the list. Please spend no more than $25. Gifts are to be returned to the church unwrapped in a shopping bag with the angel card inside, on Sunday, 29 November. The gifts mean so much to the children and it shows that their parent hasn't forgotten them. Thank you for your support. John’s Open Office John will be down at Café on the Square (beside the Library) every Tuesday from 3.30 pm if you want to drop by and speak to him. Fundraising Campaign The Fundraising Visiting for parishioners is drawing to a close. If you have not yet received a Brochure or a visit, please write your name and contact details on the clip board available at each service. Looking for Work? Looking for a holiday job or seeking full time employment? Did you know that only 25% of the available jobs are advertised? We are offering a workshop to help you go after 100% of the jobs that are available. A one-day workshop to be held in early December. For more information, contact Shirley Tracy (02) 476 8987 or (027) 242 3199 or pick up a brochure from the stand in the Gathering Area. Outstanding results can be achieved. A percentage of the fees paid will go to KAC.
News for Sunday 8 November 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Baptisms Today We welcome their families and friends of Sophia Lilian Rodley, Xanthe Imogen Wallace and Grace Elizabeth Hartley who are being baptised today. Please keep these precious wee ones and their families in your prayers. Congratulations Ian Millard’s grand-daughter, Teagan Marie, was born on 2 November 2015, 7lb 8oz. We Remember Annette Dollimore who was a parishioner. Annette died in Nelson and her memorial service was held in Kelburn on 30 October. Living Wisdom Richard Black is considering running another course in Wellington in January. Anyone interested, please contact Richard@strength2strength.co.nz Angeltree Angel cards will be in church Sunday 15 November. If you would like to purchase a gift on behalf of a prisoner for their child, please select a card off the tree at the back of the church. This gift means so much to these children as it shows that their parent has remembered them and they haven't been forgotten. Singing at Sprott Thanks to everyone who sings at Sprott on a monthly basis—your efforts are greatly appreciated by the residents. If you would like to join the group contact Judy Edgar, 476 7257. John’s Open Office John will be down at Café on the Square (beside the Library) every Tuesday from 3.30 pm if you want to drop by and speak to him.
News for Sunday 1 November 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Evensong Service Tonight at 6 pm followed by a light supper. BreakThrough Workshop All couples go through periods where their relationship is strained. The BreakThrough Workshop is a practical, solution-focused event for all stages of marriage. It will arm you with skills and insights to transform your relationship into the thriving, joy-filled encounter that it is meant to be. All activities are individually based. You can come with your spouse or on your own. 11 November, 6—9pm. Catholic Centre, Hill Street Thorndon. To enroll contact Sue Devereux 496-1744 or s.devereux@wn.catholic.org.nz Afternoon Fellowship Wednesday 4 November, 1.30 pm in the Prayer Room—AGM. All welcome Fundraising Campaign Prayer There will be an hour of prayer this Monday in the Church for the Fund Raising Campaign 7.30-8.30 pm. Young Adults Young Adults meet bi weekly @ KAC. Next Gathering Radical Tea Party at Zeal, 3 November. Meet at St Mary’s at 6 pm and then off to Level 1, 103 Ghuznee Street. Call Kate 027 739 3656 so we know to expect you at St Mary's as we will all travel together (by bus). Living Wisdom Richard Black is considering running another course in Wellington in January. Anyone interested, please contact Richard@strength2strength.co.nz Angeltree Angel cards will be in church on Sunday, 8 November. If you would like to purchase a gift on behalf of a prisoner for their child, please select a card off the tree at the back of the church next Sunday. This gift means so much to these children as it shows that their parent has remembered them and they haven't been forgotten. Singing at Sprott Thanks to everyone who sings at Sprott on a monthly basis—your efforts are greatly appreciated by the residents. Judy Edgar.
News for Sunday 25 October 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Fundraising Campaign Prayer There will be an hour of prayer this Monday in the Church for the Fund Raising Campaign 7.30—8.30 pm. Karori Anglian Youth Meets weekly during the term at the church meeting room. Years 8 (Intermediate) and 9—13(college) Fridays 7—8.30 pm Focus: Mana from heaven, or is it not all for us. More information call: Kate 027 739 3656, Adam 0278925263, Daile 027 557 8753, Martine 021 297 4577, Liam 027 544 2479, Michael 027 775 6293, Stephen 027 777 4033 Baptism Last Sunday we welcomed Alexandra Bayard Bailey into the family of God by baptism at the 10.30 service. Young Adults meet Bi weekly at KAC. Next Gathering 3 November, Radical Tea Party at Zeal. Meet at St Mary’s at 6 pm and then off to Level 1, 103 Ghuznee Street. Call Kate 027 739 3656 so we know to expect you at St Mary's as we will all travel together (by bus). Sustainability Matters A Conversation with Sustainable Design Architect Henry Fisher. How we can live more sustainably is one of the great issues of our time, but knowing where to start (or further the journey) can sometimes seem overwhelming. Thursday 29 October at Anglican Chaplaincy Ramsey House, 8 Kelburn Parade, 7.30 pm.
News for Sunday 18 October 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Can you help? I am Priest Assistant at Good Shepherd, Auckland. My wife Janice and I have tickets for the Military Tattoo in next Feb, but all Wellington accommodation is booked for that week. Is there any one in your Parish who would like to accept a couple as paying guests for the nights of Feb 17--21? We are retired but not quite geriatric! Any help would be much appreciated. Contact Paul Gravelle (09) 833 9215 or 74index@gmail.com Fundraising Campaign Prayer There will be an hour of prayer in the Church for the Fund Raising Campaign 7.30—8.30 pm every Monday. Reserved Parking on Sunday Space has been marked to reserve parking for the St John of God van, for transporting several residents. Please kindly keep this space available. Many thanks, Rev Paul. John’s Open Office John will be down at Café on the Square (beside the Library) every Tuesday from 3.30 pm if you want to drop by and speak to him. Baptism We welcome the family and friends of Alexandra Bayard Bailey who is being baptised at the 10.30 service today.
News for Sunday 11 October 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Can you help? I am Priest Assistant at Good Shepherd, Auckland. My wife Janice and I have tickets for the Military Tattoo in next Feb. but all Wellington accommodation is booked for that week. We wondered if there is any one in your Parish who would like to accept a couple as paying guests for the nights of Feb 17--21. We are retired but not quite geriatric! Any help would be much appreciated. Contact Paul Gravelle (09) 833 9215 or 74index@gmail.com John’s Open Office Remember that John will be down at Café on the Square (beside the Library) every Tuesday from 3.30 pm if you want to drop by and speak to him. Fundraising Campaign Prayer There will be an hour of prayer in the Church for the Fund Raising Campaign 7.30—8.30 pm every Monday. Grounds Clean-up A big thank you to all who helped clean up the church grounds last Saturday. Reserved Parking on Sunday Space has been marked to reserve parking for the St John of God van, for transporting several residents. Please kindly keep this space available. Many thanks, Rev Paul. Church Sunday Pack up The chairs need to be packed away every Sunday after the morning service ready for SMASH on Monday. We would appreciate any help you can offer with this.
News for Sunday 27 September 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- One Service Only 11 October There will be only one service—a Communion service at 9am followed by the Fundraising Campaign Launch at 10.30 am. Grounds Tidy Up We are having a grounds tidy up around St Mary’s. Saturday 3 October, 8.30 am. Bring pruning shears, spades, secateurs and gloves. Contact: Jenny Mawson 476 9273. Diabetes Wellington Collectors needed for 8 October. Contact 4995085 or office@diabeteswellington.org.nz John's Open Office Remember that John will be down at Café on the Square (beside the Library) every Tuesday from 3.30 pm if you want to drop by and speak to him.
News for Sunday 20 September 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- We Remember Matthew Pierce, the son of Euan Pierce and Anne Pierce and step-son of Jane Fuller. Mathew’s funeral will be held in St Mary’s, Monday 21 September, 11 am Please keep the family in your prayers. Congratulations Congratulations to Lucy and Scott Dennison as they welcome Clementine into their family. Reserved Parking on Sunday Space has been marked to reserve parking for the St John of God van, for transporting several residents. Please kindly keep this space available. Many thanks, Rev Paul. Grounds Tidy Up We are having a grounds tidy up around St Mary’s. Saturday 3 October, 8.30 am. Bring pruning shears, spades, secateurs and gloves. Contact: Jenny Mawson 476 9273. John’s Open Office Remember that John will be down at Café on the Square (beside the Library) every Tuesday from 3.30 pm if you want to drop by and speak to him. Parenting of Teens Course Improve the relationships with your teen Understand your teenager and learn new ways to support your child. 20 October for 8 weeks, 7-9 pm Community Centre, 107 Randwick Crescent, Moera. Contact Parent Help 802 5767 or parenthelp@xtra.co.nz
News for Sunday 13 September 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Reserved Parking on Sunday Space is marked to reserve parking for the St John of God van, for transporting several residents. Please kindly keep this space available. Many thanks, Rev Paul. Attention Ladies of KAC Dinner or Drinks? We are establishing a monthly get together for the ladies from KAC. So, you are invited to join us for dinner or a drink (or both) at One Fat Bird (the old Cafe 162 on Karori Rd) on Thursday 17 September at 7 pm. Please RSVP to kim.day@xtra.co.nz, and/or if you would like to be on an email list about future events please let her know. See you there! Praise Be–Diocesan Hymn Sing KAC is invited to take part in a televised hymn-sing at Wellington Cathedral of St Paul, for the Praise Be programme on TV1. The producers are very keen to get the cathedral nave full, so they need as many of us as possible! Rehearsal—TODAY 2-4pm Recording—Wednesday 16 September 7pm—9.30 pm (approx). HELP!! Do you have a heart for Mums and new babies? Can you make a cup of tea or coffee? Then you might enjoy making morning tea for our SPACE Mums on a Friday morning. It only takes an hour and we would love to get a team together to do this. If you can spare an hour contact Wendy 476 8978.
News for Sunday 6 September 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Reserved Parking on Sunday Signs are out to reserve parking for the St John of God van, for transporting several residents. Please kindly keep this space available. Many thanks, Rev Paul. Changing Altar Hangings Can you spare a few hours when we need to change the altar hanging. We need a couple of volunteers to share this role, please. Contact the office. Church Sunday Pack up The chairs need to be packed away every Sunday after the morning service ready for SMASH on Monday. We would appreciate any help you can offer with this. City Mission $50 of groceries were delivered to the City Mission after last week’s service. Praise Be–Diocesan Hymn Sing KAC is invited to take part in a televised hymn-sing at Wellington Cathedral of St Paul, for the Praise Be programme on TV1. The producers are very keen to get the cathedral nave full, so they need as many of us as possible! Rehearsal—Sunday 13 September 2-4pm Recording—Wednesday 16 September 7pm—9.30 pm (approx). HELP!! Do you have a heart for Mums and new babies? Can you make a cup of tea or coffee? Then you might enjoy making morning tea for our SPACE Mums on a Friday morning. It only takes an hour and we would love to get a team together to do this. If you can spare an hour contact Wendy 476 8978. Office Closure Staff will attending a course this week so the office will be closed. However we will clear messages and emails during the week when we can. If you urgently require a priest please contact Rev Harry Nicholls 476 5908 or 027 340 8545. “Go Kart” Wheels Needed The Smash Club children are building "Go Karts", and they need your help! Do you have any old/spare wheels to donate? They need old wheels from prams, wheelie bins, bike training wheels or anything else you have available! Please contact Tabatha 476 2747. Thank you and they look forward to hearing from you! Also a big thank you for helping SMASH out by putting the chairs away after the Sunday service. They really appreciate it!
News for Sunday 30 August 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Reserved Parking on Sunday Signs are out to reserve parking for the St John of God van, for transporting several residents. Please kindly keep this space available. Many thanks, Rev Paul. Changing Altar Hangings Can you spare a few hours when we need to change the altar hanging. We need a couple of volunteers to share this role, please. Contact the office. Church Sunday Pack up The chairs need to be packed away every Sunday after the morning service ready for SMASH on Monday. We would appreciate any help you can offer with this. Afternoon Fellowship Wednesday 2 September 1.30 pm in the Prayer Room. Judy Edgar—Visiting family in Europe. All welcome. Praise Be–Diocesan Hymn Sing KAC is invited to take part in a televised hymn-sing at Wellington Cathedral of St Paul, for the Praise Be programme on TV1. The producers are very keen to get the cathedral nave full, so they need as many of us as possible! Rehearsal—Sunday 13 September 2-4pm Recording—Wednesday 16 September 7pm—9.30 pm (approx). HELP!! Do you have a heart for Mums and new babies? Can you make a cup of tea or coffee? Then you might enjoy making morning tea for our SPACE Mums on a Friday morning. It only takes an hour and we would love to get a team together to do this. If you can spare an hour contact Wendy 476 8978. “Go Kart” Wheels Needed The Smash Club children are building "Go Karts", and they need your help! Do you have any old/spare wheels to donate? They need old wheels from prams, wheelie bins, bike training wheels or anything else you have available! Please contact Tabatha 476 2747. Thank you and they look forward to hearing from you! Also a big thank you for helping SMASH out by putting the chairs away after the Sunday service. They really appreciate it!
News for Sunday 23 August 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Reserved Parking on Sunday Signs are out to reserve parking for the St John of God van, for transporting several residents. Please kindly keep this space available. Many thanks, Rev Paul. Changing Altar Hangings Can we have a couple of volunteers to share this role, please.. Contact office. Church Sunday Pack up The chairs need to be packed away every Sunday after the morning service ready for SMASH on Monday. We would appreciate any help you can offer with this. Lenten Appeal Thank you for your donations to this appeal. So far Anglican Missions Board have raised about $60,000 exceeding expectations. Praise Be-Diocesan Hymn Sing Your congregation is invited to take part in a televised hymn-sing at Wellington Cathedral of St Paul on Wednesday September 16 - this is for the Praise Be programme on TV1. The producers are very keen to get the cathedral nave full, so we need as many of you as possible! Sunday 13 September - Rehearsal from 2-4pm Wednesday 16 September - Recording from 7pm to around 9.30pm HELP!! Do you have a heart for Mums and new babies? Can you make a cup of tea or coffee? Then you might enjoy making morning tea for our SPACE Mums on a Friday morning. It only takes an hour and we would love to get a team together to do this. If you can spare an hour contact Wendy 476 8978. Board Wanted for Student This is an initial enquiry to see if there would be anyone associated with your church, who would be interested in hosting a 15-16 year-old female German high school student, who is planning to attend Wellington High School from January to November 2016. Her parents, friends of ours, are hoping for a Christian household that she could be part of. They would of course expect to pay board for her. Anyone interested could perhaps get in touch with us e-mail manuela@niehausmeier.de or phone (03) 389 6324. We are in Christchurch, parishioners of St.Mark's, Opawa-St.Martins. Many thanks, Stephen and Manuela Coulthard. From Anglican Missions Board Common Life Missions Conference (CLMC) 2015 Kings College 6-9 October 2015 The theme is: Mission Together. Visit www.angmissions.org.nz/ for more information. . It is hoped that at this conference, people will learn about serving in Mission together, and will form alliances, partnerships and networks in mission, as all eat, drink, breathe, sleep, learn and dream Mission together. Want to join the Pilgrimage to CLMC? Car-pool up to Auckland in style, led by Bishop Justin (Wellington). See www.angmissions.org.nz/ for further information.
News for Sunday 16 August 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Missing Some Dishes?? We have some dishes that were left behind after the midwinter dinner. Please check the gathering area one of them might be yours. Reserved Parking on Sunday Signs are out to reserve parking for the St John of God van, for transporting several residents. Please kindly keep this space available. Many thanks, Rev Paul. Church Sunday Pack up The chairs need to be packed away every Sunday after the morning service ready for SMASH on Monday. We would appreciate any help you can offer with this. HELP!! Do you have a heart for Mums and new babies? Can you make a cup of tea or coffee? Then you might enjoy making morning tea for our SPACE Mums on a Friday morning. It only takes an hour and we would love to get a team together to do this. If you can spare an hour contact Wendy 476 8978.
News for Sunday 9 August 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- "Assisted Suicide: Should it be legalised?" Free public talk by Dr Peter Saunders from Care Not Killing, UK, followed by discussion. Wednesday 19 August, 5.30—7 pm, Loaves and Fishes Hall, corner of Hill & Molesworth Streets. For more information see euthanasiadebate.org.nz/events Church Sunday Pack up The chairs need to be packed away every Sunday after the morning service ready for SMASH on Monday. We would appreciate any help you can offer with this. HELP!! Do you have a heart for Mums and new babies? Can you make a cup of tea or coffee? Then you might enjoy making morning tea for our SPACE Mums on a Friday morning. It only takes an hour and we would love to get a team together to do this. If you can spare an hour contact Wendy 476 8978.
News for Sunday 2 August 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Key found A key for a Toyota car was found outside the church on Saturday night. If it is yours please retrieve it from the office. Afternoon Fellowship Wednesday 5 August, 1.30 pm in the Prayer Room.—the N.C.W. remits. All welcome. Accommodation Required Parish family returning from Perth need accommodation mid August to November minimum 2 bedrooms. If anyone can help please contact Bridgett 027 233 9427 or parkins@paradise.net.nz
News for Sunday 26 July 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- SMASH Administrator Our new Manager, Tabatha, needs a part time Administrator to work alongside her to take over some of the administrative tasks associated with running the SMASH Club. The hours are between 20-25 per week. For a job description, please contact Tabatha (04) 476 2747 or Shirley (04) 476 8987. NZCMS Wellington Hear about Nadine’s experiences in Bangladesh on her visit to the Kailakuri Health Centre and Dr Edric Baker. Sunday 2 August 2 pm, St Andrew’s Parish Centre, 11 Steyne Avenue, Plimmerton.
News for Sunday 19 July 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- SMASH Administrator Our new Manager, Tabatha, needs a part time Administrator to work alongside her to take over some of the administrative tasks associated with running the SMASH Club. The hours are between 20-25 per week. For a job description, please contact Tabatha (04) 476 2747 or Shirley (04) 476 8987. Healing Rooms Correction The Cathedral Healing Rooms hours are 1—3.30 pm, not as previously advised. NZCMS Wellington Hear about Nadine’s experiences in Bangladesh on her visit to the Kailakuri Health Centre and Dr Edric Baker. Sunday 2 August 2 pm, St Andrew’s Parish Centre, 11 Steyne Avenue, Plimmerton.
News for Sunday 12 July 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- City Mission Congratulations to all who gave so generously! The value of the food delivered to the Mission this week was $168. Healing Rooms at the Cathedral If you would like prayer for yourself or a loved one, come to the Healing Rooms at the Cathedral. Every Friday, 1.00—3.30 pm. Contact Sarah Rutherford (938-0417) for further details. In Memorium A donation for the flowers has been made in memory of Tony Hinkley Family Fish & Chip and Games Night For the families of children who come to JAM, Impact and Crossfire Saturday 18 July, from 5 pm in the Church Hall Impact Room Bring your family and a favourite family game to play RSVP to confirm your attendance by email, matt.sara.jones@gmail.com See you there!
News for Sunday 5 July 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- City Mission Bring an item when you come to Church - particularly needed: tinned soups, muesli bars, cereals and spreads. Contributions appreciated Healing Rooms at the Cathedral If you would like prayer for yourself or a loved one, come to the Healing Rooms at the Cathedral. Every Friday, 12.45—3.30 pm. Contact Sarah Rutherford (938-0417) for further details. In Memoriam A donation for the flowers has been made in memory of Tony Hinkley. Family Fish & Chip and Games Night For the families of children who come to JAM, Impact and Crossfire Saturday 18 July, from 5 pm in the Church Hall Impact Room Bring your family and a favourite family game to play RSVP to confirm your attendance by email, matt.sara.jones@gmail.com. See you there!
News for Sunday 28 June 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- TODAY Special General Meeting The SGM will not include time for discussion of the proposals, or an opportunity for amendments. The SGM will open after each service on to enable people to vote. People who are on the Parish Electoral Roll may vote today at the Church between 9.30 am to 1 pm. The results of the SGM will be announced on Sunday 5 July. Afternoon Fellowship Wednesday 1 July at 1.30 pm on the Prayer Room. Judy and Mike Scrivener—Vanuatu Today. All welcome. City Mission Bring an item when you come to Church - particularly needed: tinned soups, muesli bars, cereals and spreads. Contributions appreciated. Family Fish & Chip and Games Night For the families of children who come to JAM, Impact and Crossfire Saturday 18 July, from 5 pm in the Church Hall Impact Room Bring your family and a favourite family game to play RSVP to confirm your attendance by email, matt.sara.jones@gmail.com See you there! Office Closure The church office will be closed on Tuesday 30 June between 9 am and 3 pm. Long Term Foster Care Needed The Open Home Foundation is a Christian child and family support service and they are seeking a loving home to provide long term care for an 11 year old boy. He is able-bodied, physically active. He has an intellectual disability and is in a mainstream class with Ministry of Education support. He has behaviour needs that require a thoughtful and patient parenting style. For an application pack or further details, contact: Phillip Larking or Cath Berryman ph: 04 566 3990.
News for Sunday 21 June 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Order of Abraham and Sarah Internship for Retirees. Meeting (including dinner) for those interested on 23 June, 7 pm at 24 Woodhouse Avenue, Karori. RSVP john@karorianglican.org.nz What’s so amazing about Anglicanism? If you are new to Anglicanism or curious about what makes Anglicanism distinct this event is for you. 27 June 9.30 am—4 pm and 28 June, 10 am at Cathedral of St Paul. Register at movementonline.org.nz Family Fish & Chip and Games Night For: Families of children who come to JAM, Impact and Crossfire When: Saturday 18 July from 5 pm Where: Church Hall in Impact Room Bring: Your family and a favourite family game to play RSVP: confirm your attendance by emailing Sara Jones matt.sara.jones@gmail.com See you there! City Mission Bring an item when you come to Church - particularly needed: tinned soups, muesli bars, cereals and spreads. Contributions appreciated DATES FOR YOUR DIARIES TODAY—Property Discussion Meeting These meetings are to ensure that parishioners understand the Vestry proposals and the implications of these. This is an opportunity for people to express opinions. The last Property Discussion Meeting is TODAY Sunday 21 June, 11.30 am at St Mary’s Church. Special General Meeting The SGM will not include time for discussion of the proposals, or an opportunity for amendments. The SGM will open after each service on Sunday 28 June to enable people to vote. The SGM/voting periods at which voting papers will be accepted from those who are on the Parish Electoral Roll, are: Wednesday 24 to Friday 26 June, 10 am to 3 pm, at the Parish Offices Sunday 28 June, 9.30 am to 1 pm, at the Church.
News for Sunday 14 June 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Order of Abraham and Sarah Internship for Retirees. Meeting (including dinner) for those interested on 23 June, 7 pm at 24 Woodhouse Avenue, Karori. RSVP john@karorianglican.org.nz What’s so amazing about Anglicanism? If you are new to Anglicanism or curious about what makes Anglicanism distinct this event is for you. 27 June 9.30 am—4 pm and 28 June, 10 am at Cathedral of St Paul. Register at movementonline.org.nz Angel Tree Conference 20 June, 9.30 am—4 pm at Abundant Life Church (see the website for further details). Register at familycare@pfnz.org.nz Mid Winter Christmas Dinner Save the Date!!! KAC Mid Winter Christmas dinner, fun for the whole family. Mark this date in your diaries now, 25 July 5.30 pm. Sign up on the clipboards at church or contact the church office. No cost but you will be contact with an item of food to bring. City Mission Bring an item when you come to Church - particularly needed: tinned soups, muesli bars, cereals and spreads. Contributions appreciated. Cleaning Job Available A Karori family needs help with cleaning and home organisation. If you are interested in this paid position or can recommend someone contact Sara Jones 476 6183 or matt.sara.jones@gmail.com DATES FOR YOUR DIARIES Property Discussion Meetings These are to ensure that parishioners understand the Vestry proposals and the implications of these. This is an opportunity for people to express opinions. Dates for Property Discussion Meetings are: Wednesday 17 June, 7.30 pm at St Mary’s Church and Sunday 21 June, 11.30 am at St Mary’s Church. The SGM will not include time for discussion of the proposals, or an opportunity for amendments. The SGM will open after each service on Sunday 28 June to enable people to vote. The SGM/voting periods at which voting papers will be accepted from those who are on the Parish Electoral Roll, are: Wednesday 24 to Friday 26 June, 10 am to 3 pm, at the Parish Offices Sunday 28 June, 9.30 am to 1 pm, at the Church.
News for Sunday 7 JUne 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Order of Abraham and Sarah Internship for Retirees Meeting for those interested on Tuesday 23 June at 7pm including dinner at 24 Woodhouse Avenue, Karori. RSVP john@karorianglican.org.nz 4 Prayers 4 Weeks 5-31 July A bible challenge with a difference. Four great prayers of the bible prayed over four weeks. Baptism Service Our next baptism service will be on Sunday 21 June at the 10:30 am service. Contact Rev Paul for more information. Can you spare an hour? Can you spare an hour every Friday morning until the end of June? We need someone to make morning tea for our Mum’s/Dad’s who attend our SPACE programme. Contact Wendy 476 8978 ex 3. Found A pair of half rim glasses was found in the car park—if you think they might be yours they can be claimed from the office. Property Updates Be sure to check out all of the information surrounding property and seismic news, available on our website and updated regularly. www.karorianglican.org.nz Laundry Our grateful thanks to the people who take tea towels, table cloths and other items home to wash for us, but could you check at home to make sure you have returned them We seem to be missing a few! DATES FOR YOUR DIARIES Property Discussion Meetings These are to ensure that parishioners understand the Vestry proposals and the implications of these. This is an opportunity for people to express opinions. Dates for Property Discussion Meetings are: Wednesday 17 June, 7.30 pm and Sunday 21 June, 11.30 am Special General Meeting The SGM will not include time for discussion of the proposals, or an opportunity for amendments. The SGM will open after each service on Sunday 28 June to enable people to vote. The SGM/voting periods at which voting papers will be accepted from those who are on the Parish Electoral Roll, are: Wednesday 24 to Friday 26 June, 10 am to 3 pm, at the Parish Offices Sunday 28 June, 9.30 am to 1 pm, at the Church.
News for Sunday 31 May 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Karori Foodbank Do you want to have an impact on the vulnerable in our community? If so, we are looking for someone to represent our church on the Karori Foodbank Board. Contact Rev Paul for more information. Rosters Rosters for June to August have been emailed. Printed copies are available in Gathering area. Baptism Service Our next baptism service will be on Sunday 21 June at the 10:30 am service. Contact Rev Paul for more information. Can you spare an hour? Can you spare an hour every Friday morning until the end of June? We need someone to make morning tea for our Mum’s/Dad’s who attend our SPACE programme. Contact Wendy 476 8978 ex 3. Property Updates Be sure to check out all of the information surrounding property and seismic news, available on our website and updated regularly. www.karorianglican.org.nz Laundry Our grateful thanks to the people who take tea towels, table cloths and other items home to wash for us, but could you check at home to make sure you have returned them We seem to be missing a few! Afternoon Fellowship Wednesday 2 June, 1.30 pm in the Prayer Room—Joyce Foster ‘A Visit to Denniston.’ All welcome. DATES FOR YOUR DIARIES Property Discussion Meetings These are to ensure that parishioners understand the Vestry proposals and the implications of these. This is an opportunity for people to express opinions. Dates for Property Discussion Meetings are: Wednesday 17 June, 7.30 pm and Sunday 21 June, 11.30 am Special General Meeting The SGM will not include time for discussion of the proposals, or an opportunity for amendments. The SGM will open after each service on Sunday 28 June to enable people to vote. The SGM/voting periods at which voting papers will be accepted from those who are on the Parish Electoral Roll, are: Wednesday 24 to Friday 26 June, 10 am to 3 pm, at the Parish Offices Sunday 28 June, 9.30 am to 1 pm, at the Church.
News for Sunday 24 May 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- NEXT SUNDAY—One Service Next Sunday is a 5th Sunday so there will be one short communion service at 10 am. It will include a discussion. This will be followed by brunch. Karori Foodbank Do you want to have an impact on the vulnerable in our community? If so, we are looking for someone to represent our church on the Karori Foodbank Board. Contact Rev Paul for more information. Property Information Dates Please note the following dates as we progress towards our SGM on 28 June. 31 May—Proposals and supporting documents given out to the Parish 17 June—Property information and discussion meeting 21 June—Property information and discussion meeting. Baptism Service Our next baptism service will be on Sunday 21 June at the 10:30 am service. Contact Rev Paul for more information. Can you spare an hour? Can you spare an hour every Friday morning until the end of June? We need someone to make morning tea for our Mum’s/Dad’s who attend our SPACE programme. Contact Wendy 476 8978 ex 3. Property Updates Be sure to check out all of the information surrounding property and seismic news, available on our website and updated regularly. www.karorianglican.org.nz Laundry Our grateful thanks to the people who take tea towels, table cloths and other items home to wash for us, but could you check at home to make sure you have returned them We seem to be missing a few! Mothers Union The Mothers Union World Wide President will be visiting Wellington at a service in the Cathedral. Tuesday 26 May, 11 am, followed by ‘bring and share’ lunch. All welcome.
News for Sunday 17 May 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- ECEC 20th Anniversary Service Welcome to current and former: pupils and families, teaching staff, administrators and management team members as we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of ECEC. We will share a birthday cake after the service in the gathering area. Please also stay and see the seismically strengthened and spruced up centre. Property Information Dates Please note the following dates as we progress towards our SGM on 28 June. 31 May—Proposals and supporting documents given out to the Parish 17 June—Property information and discussion meeting 21 June—Property information and discussion meeting. Property Updates Be sure to check out all of the information surrounding property and seismic news, available on our website and updated regularly. www.karorianglican.org.nz Baptism Service Our next baptism service will be on Sunday 21 June at the 10:30 am service. Contact Rev Paul for more information. Prayer Vigil 14-23 May We are approaching some big decisions in our Parish. To help us as a community to take time to hear from God we are planning a prayer vigil from Ascension to Pentecost (14-23 May). So we can each come and ask: · What is God saying to me individually? · How will I respond? · What is He saying to us corporately? · How will we respond? You can still sign up for the Prayer Vigil (sheets that will be circulating during the service) or just turn up at the church to pray.
News for Sunday 10 May 2015
- Karori Anglican Churches
- We Remember It is with great sadness that we bring news that Liz Millard passed away on Friday 8 May. Please keep Ian, Kirsty and Fiona and their families in your prayers. Prayer Vigil 14-23 May We are approaching some big decisions in our Parish. To help us as a community to take time to hear from God we are planning a prayer vigil from Ascension to Pentecost (14-23 May). So we can each come and ask: What is God saying to me individually? How will I respond? What is He saying to us corporately? How will we respond? Please sign up for the Prayer Vigil on the sheets that will be circulating during the service. Baptism Service Our next baptism service will be on Sunday 21 June at the 10:30 am service. Contact Rev Paul for more information. Property Information Dates Please note the following dates as we progress towards our SGM on 28 June. 31 May—Proposals and supporting documents given out to the Parish. Property Updates Be sure to check out all of the information surrounding property and seismic news, available on our website and updated regularly www.karorianglican.org.nz. Tax Receipts Tax receipts for 2014-2015 are available in the gathering area. Please collect yours now. Support for the Bluck Family The latest letter from the Bluck family is available with your newsletter. Please remember them in your prayers as they settle into their new life. You can also support them while they are on mission in Phonem Penh through a donation. If you wish to support them in addition to your normal giving, please complete a giving envelope indicating this support and we will ensure it gets to them. Please note this is not a tax deductible donation. ECEC 20th ANNIVERSARY BIRTHDAY SERVICE Sunday 17 May - 10.30 am, St Mary’s Church Come and share the birthday celebration for St Mary’s Early Childhood Centre. Everyone welcome, especially current and former: pupils and families, teaching staff, administrators and management team members. Share the birthday cake after the service in the gathering area and see the seismically strengthened and spruced up centre. For further information please contact Geoffrey Lee, Licensee - 0274457190 or geoff.lee@xtra.co.nz