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Eye of the Fish and Sculpture

Just Eye of the Fish Just Sculpture
    • Stout Barricade
      • For one day only, - Sunday, today, you can see the city barricaded off. By tomorrow, it’ll be gone. It’s part of the Litmus series of One Day Sculpture, and this time has been brought to you by artiste duo Heather and Ivan Morison. It’s called the Journee des Barricades, and to me, seems site specifically reacting to the inspired sculpture outside the Athfield renovation of the o
      • Tagged as:
      • sculpture
      • Stout Street, Wellington

    • Courtenay Park update
      • The simple beauty of rusting steel keeps getting better at Courtenay Park. These pictures speak without words: When the sun is out, the new park gets quite popular, especially on a sunny lunchtime.
      • Tagged as:
      • sculpture
      • 56 Taranaki Street, Wellington

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