
Wellington City Libraries / September 2007

Wellington City Libraries is located in New Zealand’s capital city, Wellington. We offer Wellingtonians a selection of over 600,000 books, 450,000 magazines, and 85,000 CDs, DVDs, videos and other items at our 14 branches. On our News Blog, we aim to keep you up to date with all that our library can offer to you: new services, books, CDs, DVDs and more…

November 2007 | August 2007
    • The hunt for a missing masterpiece
      • To whet your interest - in this month's non-fiction recent picks you'll find: the incredible story of the theft of a great painting and the brilliant detective who gets it back; the tale of Samuel Plimsoll MP, "The Sailor's Friend", who worked with his wife Eliza to defend sailors against nefarious and unsafe practices at sea in nineteenth century Britain; a history of spies and subversion in New Zealand; a shocking look at the debt industry and how today's credit merchants are trying to get everyone into the credit game; the Middle East and US foreign policy; a manga version of the Bible - and much more.
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • libraries


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