Archive / January 2007
February 2007 | December 2006-
Toy Shopping for our littlies
- Wellington Health Foundation
- Thanks to a generous donation from the Pelorus Trust, Sue Barber goes shopping for the children. Sue works with the Child Development Team and is seen here selecting toys with Margaret from EDEX in Wellington. The new toys will provide a positive healing environment for the children. This in turn not only [...]
- Automatically tagged as:
- health
- lobby-groups
Well Behaved Cup Day Crowd Beats Last Year on Tote
- Wellington Racing Club
- The popularity of Wellington’s biggest January party was again upheld with on course turnover for the Century City Developments Wellington Cup Day up 3%, although crowd numbers were marginally lower due to tighter controls on BYO liquor.
- Automatically tagged as:
- sport
Unexpected audience at Wellington’s Soundshell Concerts
- Karori Sanctuary Trust
- Performers at the evening events at Wellington’s Botanic Gardens may be getting a rather unexpected audience this summer. At least 18 nationally endangered North Island kaka have been regularly seen frolicking in the trees nearby at dusk.
- Automatically tagged as:
- karori-sanctuary
- karori
Junior Registrations
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Junior Registrations, for children 5-13, will be held on Tuesday 20 February at Brooklyn School, Washington Ave, Brooklyn between 6-8pm.
- Automatically tagged as:
- brooklyn
- soccer
The Big Bang Opening Party
- Re-vamped, re-invented and re-designed, TheNewDowse art museum will be re-opening its doors to the public on the 17th of February. Starting at midday there'll be a stunning line-up of live music from rock 'n roll to hip-hop, R'n'B and acoustic jazz to entertain picnickers on the lawn. Bring your thermos, picnic rug, and some kai and let the fun begin!
- Tagged as:
- art
- hutt-valley
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
SW | LC Championships - Age Group winners
- Swimming Wellington
- The following swimmers won their respective age group divisions at the Swimming Wellington Long Course Championships which was held at the Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre in Kilbirnie over the weekend.
- Automatically tagged as:
- swimming
Committee roles in 2007
- Due to changes in the Committee membership, we are looking to recruit enthusiastic can-do people to be on the JPSMOG Committee for 2007.
- Not tagged
- The Wellingtonista
- TheNewDowse is due to re-open on February 17th. There are exciting activities planned for the 4 weeks following, culminating in da da da dah! Craft2.0. Craft2.0 is going to be on the 17th of March, and will be a craftacular, a spectacraft, if you will.
- Tagged as:
- art
- events
Wings over Wairarapa - 07
- Tranz Metro
- The Wings over Wairarapa 2007 Air Show will take place at Hood Aerodrome, Masterton on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 January 2007. It might be all about planes, but the easy way to get there and back is by train with a special service operating to the show departing Wellington at 9:00am and returning from Solway Station at 5:24pm.
- Tagged as:
- events
- wairarapa
Wellington Cup Carnival Shaping to be Most Memorable Ever
- Wellington Racing Club
- The 2007 Century City Developments Wellington Cup Carnival is shaping up to be the most memorable ever if the quality of horses targeting the meeting and oncourse entertainment is anything to go by. Top class wine and thoroughbred racing is the order of the day at the Wine & Racing Festival on Saturday, January 20.
- Automatically tagged as:
- sport
The Cook Strait Rollercoaster Ride
- The Wellingtonista
- Shot by an ex-workmate of Wellingtonistas Tom and Noizy, presumably spread by the magic of email, and now shared to the world thanks to someone in the UK, here's some footage to rival that of our previous YouTube hit 'Classic Landings at Wellington Airport'. This time it's some serious weather doing its thing in Cook Strait, with the captain of the ferry Suilven deciding no gigantic swells were going to stop him from getting his freight and passengers to the South Island.
- Tagged as:
- ferry
Wrong building, wrong place
- WellUrban
- It's no secret that I'm generally in favour of density and high-rise living, as my cautious defence of the planned 8-storey complex at 158 Cuba St would indicate. But there are some developments on the way that get it wrong in so many ways that it's time to step back and consider better alternatives.
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- blogs
Run No. 1637: Ian Galloway Park, Northland
- The run started just outside the previously mentioned club rooms, a good turn out. As per usual I heard a few mumbles from the hare and like everyone else I actually started to pay attention when a piss-stop was mentioned.
- Tagged as:
- athletics
- northland
Sounds of the city
- The Wellingtonista
- Frey (aka Damian Stewart, aka Mr bleep) is putting together a reactive sound and light installation for next month's Fringe Festival, and he wants your help. Specifically, if you know of any interesting sounds around Wellington that he can record and use in the installation, drop him a line.
- Tagged as:
- art
- fringe-festival
Open day - be there!
- ZL6QH Quartz Hill User Group
- There will be an open day at Quartz Hill for supporters, all radio amateurs, SWLs, their families and friends, on Sunday 4 February 2007 - from 11:00 am onwards. You will be able to view the Quartz Hill facilities. This may be your last chance to see this fabulous facility in its current form as it is likely that we will have to dismantle antenna infrastructure over the coming year (to make way for the wind farm project).
- Automatically tagged as:
- makara
- amateur-radio
Waterfront tweaks: Taranaki St Wharf
- WellUrban
- As much as we Wellingtonians are happy to live in a "cold-yet-cultural" city, most of us would have to admit that this "summer" has been pretty gruelling. Which is why yesterday, with it's balmy temperatures and spectacular sunset, seemed to switch so many of us into outdoors mode for one delicious evening. Most of Waitangi Park was humming by about 5:30, but even though the lawn was relatively dry and looking sweetly bucolic with its lush grass and clover, it had attracted a grand total of eleven people, mostly on the berms around the edge.
- Tagged as:
- waterfront
Slow but steady. Slow but steady. Until Sunday...
- The Lazy Fern Track Blog
- Slow but steady. Slow but steady. Until Sunday! Thanks to Matt, Hamish, Chris, Dave, Murray, Zac, Rob, Shane, Sacha,Don, Hugh, Simon, Grant, Dean and Jonathan the Lazy Fern track jumpeda big step closer towards being rideable.It was excellent to be working with a group that got so much achieved.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cycling
- makara
- blogs
Auditions - Diploma in Performing Arts
- Wellington Performing Arts Centre
- Auditions for our Diploma in Performing Arts 2007 are being held on 24-25 January. The courses are in Acting (Theatre and Screen), Dance (Commercial Dance) and Singing (Musical Theatre). Entry to the Diploma courses is by audition only. Courses start 7 February 2007. For more information or to request an application form please call (04) 385 8033 or email Alternatively, visit our website.
- Tagged as:
- performing-arts
Who’s your daddy?
- Karori Sanctuary Trust
- While most birds will be spending their summer frantically flying round after their hungry broods, the shining cuckoo (pipiwharauroa) can look forward to a long, lazy holiday before heading back off to the winterless West Pacific.
- Automatically tagged as:
- karori-sanctuary
- karori
Run No. 1636: end of Stratton Street, Maungaraki
- DT, Black Goldfish, Hood and I decided that we didn't want to get our feet wet in the first few minutes of the run and backtracked. We saw the pack questing at the bottom of the track to the trig and, as it seemed that they were returning, we went up the previous track which goes up a more northerly ridge. WRONG WAY.
- Tagged as:
- athletics
Shops that pass ... forever
- WellUrban
- One of the shops that kicked off my "Shops that pass in the night" series was this run-down old space at 158 Cuba St.
- Tagged as:
- cuba-street
- heritage-buildings
Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Southward Car Museum
- The Wellingtonista
- Looking for something to do with all these loooong, sunny days we're having? Let me recommend a trip to the Southward Car Museum, just north of Paraparaumu. Driving into the carpark you feel like you've spent back in time - to the 1960s.
- Tagged as:
- museums-and-galleries
- paraparaumu
Bleu murder
- WellUrban
- File under: food, education, Wellington, WairarapaWith Martinborough and Masterton fighting it out to be home to New Zealand's only Le Cordon Bleu International School of Cuisine, I had to ask: why not Wellington?
- Tagged as:
- education
- restaurants-and-bars
Happy New Year everyone.
- CataBlog
- Especially to our Sparky, who's been fostered by one of our volunteers. Sparky came to us from an elderly woman who'd had him from a kitten and only ever let him outside on a lead. We're not sure if he'd...
- Automatically tagged as:
- blogs
Zl2bsj activity in 2006 stew perry tpd contest
- ZL6QH Quartz Hill User Group
- Wilbert ZL2BSJ operated from Quartz Hill in the Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge on 30/31 December. Participants get points according to distance worked: one point for each QSO and an additional point for each 500 kms worked. Here is the report from Wilbert.
- Automatically tagged as:
- makara
- amateur-radio