Wellington City Council and Community Groups
Time to have your say about the Long Term Plan, Annual Plan and Local Water Done Well!
- Inner-City Wellington
- What do you think? From WCC : Consultation opens today on the Long-term Plan 2024-34 amendment, the Annual Plan 2025-26 and Local Water Done Well water reform. Consultation will be open until midnight, 21 April. Drop-ins for both consultations are happening across the city, where you can talk to a member of Council staff about the options – visit wcc.nz/haveyoursay to find out more.
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WCC Annual survey of residents 2024
- Thorndon Residents Assocation
- Wellington City Council (WCC) does an annual survey of residents. In previous years they put the full results on their website but this year only did a summary which highlighted the positive. Someone requested the full report under LGOIMA, and the full WCC Annual Survey of Residents report is available HERE Summary of the data, […]
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2nd Guided bike ride to Ngaio
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- The second guided bike ride is now open for bookings. Wellington City Council, Ngaio Going Carbon Neutral and Pedal Ready are teaming up to run social bike tours of the recent street changes in Ngaio and the surrounding area. Build … Continue reading →
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Ngaio, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
WCC voted on Dec 5 to demolish the City to Sea Bridge
- Architectural Centre Inc
- Supporting the Wellington Civic Trust, the Architectural Centre will be opposing this decision through whatever means we can. We believe the Council’s advice to Councillors was not provided with reasonable consideration of the range of development options, particularly considering physical and cultural amenity value of the bridge. The demolition of the Bridge will return the […]
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City to Sea Bridge, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Parade Upgrade Update from WCC
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- From Brennan and the WCC team:Wellington City Council have now finished the works (Island Bay village upgrades – Projects – Wellington City Council) in the main shopping area for both the safety improvements to the bike lane, and the public space upgrades.
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Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
News from WCC about the Hīkoi mō te Tiriti
- Inner-City Wellington
- 15 November 2024 - Email from Wellington City Council Kia ora koutou, Hīkoi mō te Tiriti has organised a peaceful hīkoi to Parliament from Northland and the South Island, arriving in Pōneke next Tuesday 19 November to demonstrate against the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill and related issues.
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Who is the Crown Observer to Wellington City Council?
- Inner-City Wellington
- From Stuff.
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What is on the Mayor’s list for cost savings - to be discussed on 21 November 2024
- Inner-City Wellington
- From Wellington City Council news - 5 November 2024 Ahead of deliberations on 21 November, I have requested officers review and provide advice on options to reduce, defer or remove the following capex projects and programs.
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WCC Update about Courtenay Place revitalisation
- Inner-City Wellington
- https://www.
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Major roadworks in Wakefield Street start on 7 November
- Inner-City Wellington
- Letter from Wellington Water and Wellington City Council - 31 October 2024 ___________ WAKEFIELD STREET RISING MAIN WORKS - TE ARO, WELLINGTON Tēna koe Wellington Water in conjunction with our contractor E.
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Inglewood Toilets update from WCC
- Inner-City Wellington
- From WCC.
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Inglewood Place, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
City Safety planning for this big weekend in the city
- Inner-City Wellington
- From Wellington City Council Kia ora koutou As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the safety of Wellington’s city centre, I wanted to update you about a targeted and coordinated approach we will be implementing this weekend.
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The Great Ngaio Crofton Downs Residents Association, Pride in our Streets Cleanup
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- NCDRA is proud to be organizing the 2024 Pride in our Streets Clean Up, to be held in October, with support from Wellington City Council. Follow this link to adopt a street for cleaning – StreetCleanup By 20 October 2024, … Continue reading →
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Ngaio, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Newtown Events in Wellington Heritage Festival: 26/10/24 -17/11/24
- Newtown Residents' Association
- Date Event Host, presenter Where Is booking required? Any time during the Festival Self-guided tour of Truby King Park Using smart phone and QR codes Wellington Gardens –Wellington City Council 21B Manchester Terrace No 11am-12:30 Sat 26 Oct & Thurs 31Oct ‘Old Town’ Newtown Walking Tour Claire Nolan Meet Cnr Constable and Riddiford Sts Already … Continue reading Newtown Events in Wellington Heritage Festival: 26/10/24 -17/11/24 →
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Thorndon Quay Works
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- This update about the construction in Thorndon Quay has come from Wellington City Council (abridged). The Thorndon Quay upgrade stretches from the Bunny St intersection to 87 Hutt Road (near Gun City). We’re working in sections so it will be … Continue reading →
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Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Let WCC know what you want: protecting our coastlines, including our inner-city beaches & coastline
- Inner-City Wellington
- From the WCC website: About the Coastal Reserves Management Plan Engagement is open.
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- consultation
Submission on the WCC LTP, 2024-34
- Newtown Residents' Association
- The key issues for the Long-term Plan for the next 10 years are described in the consultation documents as being how much to spend on the three waters network to fix the pipes, how to manage waste collection and recycling, and whether or not to sell the WCC Airport shares to set up a ‘resilience … Continue reading Submission on the WCC LTP, 2024-34 →
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Play with Wellingtons budget
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- Formal consultation on Wellington’s 10-year plan and budget – our 2024-34 Long-term Plan – is open until 12 May. WCC has a very nice interactive budgeting tool which lets you play with Council expenditure, and see what impact your changes … Continue reading →
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Wellington City Council spends $1.7 million on experts then rejects their findings
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- MEDIA RELEASE 22 April 2024 The Wellington City Council spent over $1.7 million on a set of experts to hear submissions on the District Plan, and then went on to ignore their key findings.
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Long Term Plan – Fact Sheet
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- Here is a very nice 2 page summary of whats in the Long Term Plan for Wellington, just click on this link: WCC Fact Sheet – LTP Summary Remember consultation on the Long Term Plan is now open, until 12 … Continue reading →
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Wellington Long Term Plan
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- The Long-term Plan sets out the Council’s priorities. It includes detailed information on the activities, services, and projects we intend to deliver, and therefore what the proposed rates and debt will be for the next 10 years. Wellington City Council … Continue reading →
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Big news for Te Ngākau/Civic Square
- Inner-City Wellington
- From Wellington City Council We wanted to get in touch to make sure you were aware of the latest exciting news in Te Ngākau Civic Square.
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Te Ngākau Civic Square, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Feedback on Ngaio Cycleway
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- Im aware that we have residents who are in favour of the cycleway along Ngaio Gorge Road, and some who are very concerned about its impact. Here is an opportunity to easily give your feedback to Wellington City Council – … Continue reading →
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Ngaio, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Intensification Planning Instrument to the WCC Proposed District Plan
- Thorndon Residents Assocation
- Wellington City Council has publicly notified decisions on the Intensification Planning Instrument to the Proposed District Plan. Click here to view the full 10 page notice, including the STATUTORY SCHEDULE The public notice sets out where information can be found on the decisions on recommendations the Council has made, and those it has referred for ministerial […]
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WCC Environment and Infrastructure Committee – 14 March 2024
- Thorndon Residents Assocation
- Councillors have made decisions on the Independent Hearing Panel’s recommendations on provisions in the Proposed District Plan (PDP) Plan that relate to intensification.
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WCC votes 9-7 to support Reading Cinemas with $32m deal</a#x3E;
- Inner-City Wellington
- From Scoop.
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Key details of plan to rejuvenate the Reading Courtenay complex made public
- Inner-City Wellington
- From Wellington City Council News With approximately 80% of the deal with Reading Cinema now agreed, and significant public interest, Wellington City Council and Reading Cinemas have reached agreement on releasing key details about the proposed deal to the public. Read more here
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Te Aro Eats - Uniting Kai Communities at CubaDupa
- Seeds to Feeds
- After overwhelmingly positive feedback and a heck of a good time, in 2023, Te Aro Eats: Uniting Kai Communities is back for its second year at CubaDupa! Te Aro Eats is a collaborative and interactive dining experience where you are invited to connect with fellow diners, volunteer in the meal mahi, and take time to enjoy the delicious kai that has been created to show what is possible when we mahi together. Brought to life by the volunteers and staff at Seeds to Feeds, Everybody Eats, The Free Store, Wellington Timebank, Kaibosh Food Rescue, and with the support of Kaicycle, BGI (Wellington Boys and Girls Institute), Neighbours Aotearoa, Commonsense Organics and Wellington City Council. Saturday: 12 pm - 2 pm | 4 pm - 6 pm Sunday: 12 pm - 2 pm Each session open to all This meal is designed to showcase how our community-focused organisations operate and welcome volunteers. This will be inclusive (easily catering to vegetarians, vegans, gluten intolerances, and allergies), and created to share the story of our kai and our people. Admission is by koha, either monetary or with time or resources towards the mahi. While dining you will be encouraged to meet the guests dining with you, to connect and share stories. We will have activities that create moments of fun, excitement and conversation. We can not wait to welcome you into this special space and share some delicious community kai with you.
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Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
WCC District Plan Briefings
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- The Wellington District Plan is a very important document for our city – it will guide how the city develops over the coming years. Council officers have now started presenting the Independent Hearing Panel’s recommendations to Council at five briefings … Continue reading →
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Zero Together – Ngaio | Everyday actions for a better climate future
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- Register now for Zero Together and help create a better future for the people and places we love! Zero Together is a series of interactive workshops provided by Wellington City Council for Wellingtonians who want to make a difference. Led … Continue reading →
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Ngaio, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)