Cuba Street / November 2021
December 2021 | October 2021-
Carbon Black/The Lockdown Alphabet
- Thistle Hall Community Venue
- An exhibition of prints by Joe Buchanan, a printmaker, scientist and activist and founder of Diatom Press, a linocut and letterpress studio based in Paekākāriki. Joe Buchanan’s work ranges from scientific illustration and natural history to social and political commentary.
- Accepted from Thistle Hall current exhibition by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- cuba-street
- wcn-hosted
- exhibitions
Thistle Hall, Cuba Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
- Thistle Hall Community Venue
- An exhibition of prints by Joe Buchanan, a printmaker, scientist and activist and founder of Diatom Press, a linocut and letterpress studio based in Paekākāriki. Joe Buchanan’s work ranges from scientific illustration and natural history to social and political commentary.
- Accepted from Thistle Hall current exhibition by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- cuba-street
- wcn-hosted
- exhibitions
Thistle Hall, Cuba Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Lock down studio visits #4
- Enjoy Contemporary Art Space
- Haere mai whanau and join me, 2021 Tautai arts Intern Sophia Amore Coghini, while we indulge in the fourth in our series of artist interviews.
- Accepted from Enjoy blog by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- cuba-street
- museums-and-galleries
Enjoy Contemporary Art Space, 211, Left Bank, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Take 5!! #19
- Slow Boat Records
- With apologies for a bit of a lay-off, and, indeed, to today's selector (thanks for the reminder, ahem!), we bring you the latest instalment of Take 5!!Today it is the turn of superlative Wellington-based composer and instrumentalist, Mr Rhian Sheehan, who here serves us up an eclectic mix of what is making his wheels spin - thankyou, sir!!1- Steve Reich "Music For 18 Musicians Section IIIA"2- Jon Hopkins "Open Eye Signal"3- Vangelis "Blade Runner" 4- The Mutton Birds "Envy Of Angels"5- Eliot Sumner "After Dark" Certainly a pleasingly 'cinematic' nature to Rhian's selections, for which we are - most grateful! Enjoy!!
- Accepted from Slow Boat Records feed 2022 by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- cuba-street
- music
- retail
Slow Boat Records, Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Getting rid of traffic
- Wellington Scoop
- Last week’s cautious city council move towards keeping traffic out of more of Cuba Street, and converting part of Dixon Street for pedestrians, should be welcomed by almost everyone, except for the few who still think that customers only arrive in cars. Councillors voted 11-3 to limit private vehicle access on Cuba Street between Ghuznee Street and Vivian Street, and on Dixon Street between Taranaki Street and Victoria Street.
- Accepted from Wellington Scoop features by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- cuba-street
- transport
- wellington-city-council
Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Tom Denize's lockdown reading picks
- Enjoy Contemporary Art Space
- Tom Denize is currently studying for a BFA at Massey University and has been interning at Enjoy for 2021 as part of the Massey internship elective. Part of Tom's work at Enjoy has been reviving the reading/writing group. The in person meet-ups are on hold due to Covid Alert Level 3 and 2 restrictions, so here are some of Tom's top reading picks.
- Accepted from Enjoy blog by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- covid-19
Enjoy Contemporary Art Space, 211, Left Bank, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)