Wellington City Council / June 2024
Wellington City Council has been a leader on the New Zealand Internet since 1989. Come here to find out about the wide range of Council Services, facilities and activities.
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Wellington City’s Long-term Plan adopted
- Wellington City Council
- Investment into Wellington’s future has been set with the adoption of the City Council’s 2024-34 Long-term Plan.
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What’s on this Matariki long weekend
- Wellington City Council
- Puanga and Matariki is a time to get together, celebrate whanaungatanga (kinship), and be with others, to share stories and kai, and plan to work towards a sustainable future. Here’s a list of things for you and your whānau to check out this long weekend in Pōneke.
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- matariki
Puanga and the nine stars of Matariki
- Wellington City Council
- Learn more about what each star represents.
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- matariki
Ain't no mountain high enough for college enviro-club
- Wellington City Council
- With the school located on the city-side of Mount Victoria, students could take the shorter but narrow, noisy and fume-filled shared path through Mt Victoria tunnel, or navigate an unmaintained, steep track over the hill, scale the 2metre-high fence at the bottom, and hopefully get to school in one piece and on time. The college’s enviro-club members wanted a way for students from the eastern suburbs to get to school that was pleasant, safe, convenient, and good for the environment. Lucy and Maya, two enviro-club leaders, say: “We often walked over an extremely steep track which was completely impossible to bike up. We wanted to make it more accessible for people to bike and walk to our school so they could have a nice commute through the bush, instead of the fume-filled tunnel.”
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- transport
Wellington East Girls' College, Austin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Nearly gobbled: turkey at the dog pound
- Wellington City Council
- It was March when Steph Simon, Animal Control Officer and Colin Feral’s manager, got the call about a quirky turkey.
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- dogs
Sludge facility named Te Whare Wai Para Nuku
- Wellington City Council
- A te reo Māori name for the sludge minimisation facility being built at Moa Point has been formalised during the site blessing today.
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Moa Point Wastewater Treatment Plant, Stewart Duff Drive, Moa Point, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Have your say on Grenada North Park upgrades
- Wellington City Council
- Concept designs to upgrade Grenada North Park are being developed and the community is invited to have their say on this multi-functional sports and recreation site.
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- consultation
Grenada North Park, Horokiwi, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Restoring the heart of our capital city? Absolutely
- Wellington City Council
- We’re making good progress on multiple projects that will enhance the resilience of Te Ngākau Civic Square and restore it to its place as the civic and cultural heart of the city.
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Te Ngākau Civic Square, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Top Matariki stargazing spots
- Wellington City Council
- Matariki is a special time in the Māori calendar which celebrates the beginning of a new year. Our amazing city has many stargazing vantage points to climb! We encourage you to plan ahead and set your alarm clock early to catch the Matariki cluster at dawn. It may take a few tries to see the stars so don't be disheartened if you don't spot them first time around!
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- matariki
Public Health team keeping kai safe
- Wellington City Council
- There has been a rise in food being sold on Facebook Marketplace, from homemade sausages to leftover baking. While it may seem simple to sell kai, it's important for home-based food businesses in New Zealand to understand our food standards, to ensure the safety and well-being of our community.
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Helping people find their way
- Wellington City Council
- Darren Switalla puts himself in other people’s shoes to help Wellington’s residents and visitors find their way around the city.
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Guide to online services and facilities in Pōneke
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council offers a range of services for all residents – much of which can be done online. Check out our handy guide on how to pay rates and consents, register dogs, contact us and more.
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- dogs
The story behind Whetuu Maarama
- Wellington City Council
- Rising up out of the water and onto the land is Whetuu Maarama, the new waka at the upgraded Te Aro Mahanaplay area in Frank Kitts Park.
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Frank Kitts Park, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Drawing the stories of Matariki Puanga
- Wellington City Council
- Artist Kohe Webster (Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga), lives a double life – he works within the Council’s Mataaho Aronui team by day, and then turns into an illustrator by night. He designed the latest, and last, cover of Our Wellington – Tō Tātou Pōneke.
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- matariki
See you online: Final print edition of Our Wellington magazine
- Wellington City Council
- Since 2014, the Council has been producing an insider’s guide to life in the capital, known as the Our Wellington magazine. In the past decade, we’ve published 38 editions of this seasonal brochure, and the winter 2024 issue will be our last. Here is a look back at the history of the magazine.
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Zealous young artists paint new Te Aro mural
- Wellington City Council
- A new mural at Te Aro Park has been painted by young people, who say the art helps give them ownership of the space, and more pride in their city.
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- art
Te Aro Park, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Everybody Eats serves food for thought this refugee week
- Wellington City Council
- Everybody Eats Wellington will be dishing up delicious cultural foods at their Taste of Community nights as part of NZ Former Refugee Week celebrations.
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A tile as old as time: restoring the Town Hall's heritage metal ceilings
- Wellington City Council
- The team at National Pressed Metal has been hard at work restoring and replacing the heritage pressed metal tile ceilings of Te Whare Whakarauika, the Wellington Town Hall.
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New cars to enable parking officers to be in more places more often
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council is introducing four new cars with the latest licence plate recognition technology (LPR) to its parking services fleet, to improve fair access to parking in the city.
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- parking
Celebrate the Māori New Year with a stellar Matariki festival
- Wellington City Council
- Celebrate the Māori New Year in a uniquely Wellington way with Matariki Ahi Kā around the waterfront this month.
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- waterfront
- matariki
Recycling myths – busted!
- Wellington City Council
- We’re taking the guess work out of recycling by debunking some of our most common recycling myths and mistakes.
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- recycling
Celebrate Matariki with mahi toi in Pōneke
- Wellington City Council
- Matariki will be celebrated with art projects around Pōneke this year, starting with a new Courtenay Place light box exhibition installed and blessed this weekend.
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- exhibitions
- matariki
Demolition work in Te Ngākau Civic Precinct set to ramp up this month
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington’s Te Ngākau Civic Square precinct will see increased demolition activity from late June as significant work ramps up on two big projects in the area.
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Te Ngākau Civic Square, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Citizen gifts land to extend Trelissick Park
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council is extending Trelissick Park, after a generous gift of land from Wellingtonian, Frances Lee.
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Visa Wellington On a Plate launches 2024 festival programme
- Wellington City Council
- Tacos from an internationally renowned chef, a hāngi at Government House, and a host of playful culinary crossovers are just a taste of what’s on the table for food lovers when Visa Wellington On a Plate returns to take over the capital this August.
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New fixed bus lane cameras and when it’s OK to use a bus lane
- Wellington City Council
- From Monday 10 June new fixed cameras will be monitoring bus lane use on Adelaide Road and Manners Street.
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Wellington artists away with the fairies
- Wellington City Council
- While our park rangers often find fairy houses in our reserves made from harmful plastics and glitter, local artists Sharon Powick and Debbie Bidlake bring whimsy to Wellington by creating and installing sustainable fairy gardens in Karori.
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Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)