Wellington City Council / October 2023
Wellington City Council has been a leader on the New Zealand Internet since 1989. Come here to find out about the wide range of Council Services, facilities and activities.
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- government
All aboard! A new school bus comes to town
- Wellington City Council
- A walking bus departing for Berhampore School is providing an active, fun, and colourful way for tamariki to get to class every Friday.
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- berhampore
Berhampore, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Deep dive into the Taranaki Street Rising Main works
- Wellington City Council
- With works going on around Taranaki Street and surrounding streets in the CBD, you may be wondering what the disruption is about.
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Taranaki Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Spookiest things in the City Archives
- Wellington City Council
- We’ve opened Pandora’s Box to reveal some of the weirdest and creepiest things in the Wellington City Archives.
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- local-history
Friday Five: Refreshed play areas
- Wellington City Council
- We carry out a scheduled programme to refresh playgrounds across the city. This makes sure our facilities meet current safety standards and offer a fun play experience for our younger residents. Check out some of the refreshed play areas, which were developed with feedback from the community!
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Town Hall project cost increase approved
- Wellington City Council
- Mayor Tory Whanau and Wellington City Councillors have today agreed to increase the Town Hall strengthening and development budget by between $70 million and $147 million.
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- town-hall-strengthening
Council puts kiwi at top of the pecking order for Bird of the Century
- Wellington City Council
- Every October we have the birden of selecting just one of our feathered friends to support for the Bird of the Year, but in its 100-year anniversary there was one clear winger – the kiwi.
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All in a day’s work for our transport and infrastructure crew
- Wellington City Council
- Behind the road cones and high-vis vests there is a big team of dedicated Wellington City Council kaimahi working to keep the city’s roads and public infrastructure fit for purpose.
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Council update #5 on Toomath’s Building fire
- Wellington City Council
- Work on the fire damaged Toomath’s Building has progressed quickly and the cordon along Ghuznee Street has been lifted today (Monday 23 October).
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- toomaths-building
Toomath’s Buildings, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Give your senses a workout at Diwali Festival of Lights this weekend
- Wellington City Council
- Celebrate Diwali Festival of Lights at TSB Arena and Shed 6 this Sunday 29 October.
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Council update #4 on Toomath’s Building fire
- Wellington City Council
- The Toomath’s Building owners have engaged a contractor to start demolition of the fire damaged building with the aim to open Ghuznee Street early next week.
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- toomaths-building
Toomath’s Buildings, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Friday Five: Crime and Punishment at the Bolton Street Cemetery
- Wellington City Council
- The Bolton Street Cemetery is full of history, but not many people know of the interesting stories behind some of the people buried there. Let’s take a look at some of the law keepers, law-breakers and gaolers at the cemetery.
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How to talk to your flatmates about recycling
- Wellington City Council
- If you’re sick of fishing recyclables out of the flat rubbish bin but smart enough to know that passive-aggressive notes aren’t going to cut it - read on for some tips on how to talk to your flatmates about recycling.
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- recycling
Young ones reading to dogs does the trick
- Wellington City Council
- Local tamariki and rangatahi who find it difficult to read out loud infront of people can practice their reading skills with a new audience – a kurī of their choosing!
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- dogs
Council update #3 on Toomath’s Building fire
- Wellington City Council
- Following engineer reports, Wellington City Council has issued a dangerous building notice requiring urgent works for public safety to the owners of the Toomath’s Building.
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- toomaths-building
Toomath’s Buildings, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Preparing curtains for a good cause
- Wellington City Council
- Volunteer Lucy Harper is one of the many people offering up their time to help prepare curtains for those in need.
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Thirty, flirty and thriving: Embracing city life in a new apartment
- Wellington City Council
- Despite the rain droplets on the windows , Amy Dowdle has a sunny disposition as she curls up on her couch and looks around her lounge in awe.
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Council update #2 on Toomath’s Building fire
- Wellington City Council
- The investigation into the Ghuznee Street building fire is on-going and the cordon remains in place for the foreseeable future.
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- toomaths-building
Toomath’s Buildings, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Fresh new trucks coming to a bin near you
- Wellington City Council
- Our rubbish and recycling trucks are workhorses and can collect up to 1,000 bins and bags a day, so we’ve revamped them to keep them in good nick.
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- recycling
Police Media Release: Fire, Wellington Central
- Wellington City Council
- Police are responding to a fire at a building on Ghuznee Street, Wellington Central to assist Fire and Emergency in containing the scene and managing traffic in the area.
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Toomath’s Buildings, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington City Council update on Toomath’s Building fire
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council building officers, welfare team and environmental health officers are currently assisting FENZ and Police following a fire in the Toomath’s Building at 43 - 47 Ghuznee Street.
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- toomaths-building
Toomath’s Buildings, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The future of Frederick Street Park
- Wellington City Council
- We’re excited to reveal the concept for a new public park and open space in Te Aro, created in line with our Green Network Plan.
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- consultation
Frederick Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
New exhibition brings a light touch to Courtenay Place
- Wellington City Council
- The new Courtenay Place Light Boxes exhibition 'Here' makes light of dark in a series of photographs taken by Ben Lowe while hiking Wellington’s South Coast, Te Rimurapa/Sinclair’s Head.
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- exhibitions
Botanic Garden ki Paekākā play area renewal is springing into action
- Wellington City Council
- Renewal and upgrade work on the Botanic Garden play area is starting earlier than planned to make the most of the good spring weather.
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- botanic-gardens
Wellington Botanic Garden, Salmont Place, Paekaka, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6145, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Serving cottagecore: Nairn Street refresh
- Wellington City Council
- Built in the late 1850s, Nairn Street Cottage is one of the oldest houses still standing in Wellington.
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New bike route highlights hidden awa
- Wellington City Council
- As you bike down the new lanes between Newtown and the waterfront – or walk by – spare a thought for the hidden awa (stream) below you.
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- newtown
- waterfront
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellingtonians embrace carbon reduction workshops
- Wellington City Council
- From changing the type of lightbulbs you use at home to swapping a domestic flight for an overnight bus, everyday actions can have a big impact for the climate.
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Pōneke getting ready to sleigh the festive season
- Wellington City Council
- Pōneke will be celebrating the silly season in the Capital with a full calendar of whānau friendly, entertaining, accessible and summer events for everyone to enjoy.
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A woman’s quest to share disabled stories in the arts
- Wellington City Council
- Disability rights activist Robyn Hunt was a journalist for many years in print, radio and television and has won several disability-related awards throughout her career.
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Big upgrade under way at busy Kilbirnie intersection
- Wellington City Council
- Expect to see work going on around Kilbirnie as one of the city’s least pedestrian-friendly intersections gets a revamp to make it better for everyone.
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- kilbirnie
- transport
Onepu Road, Kilbirnie, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Get those tails wagging: Best off-leash dog parks in Pōneke
- Wellington City Council
- Who let the dogs out? With a total of 66 off-leash exercise areas, we’ve put together a guide featuring some of the most popular off-leash spots in Pōneke, as rated by dog owners through a 2022 survey!
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- dogs
Biannual sand shift happening next week
- Wellington City Council
- Next week Wellington City Council will be shifting sand from Freyberg Beach to Oriental Bay for the biannual operation to maintain the size and shape of the beaches.
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- oriental-bay
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Freyberg Beach, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Hannah Playhouse steals the spotlight as it turns 50
- Wellington City Council
- The iconic Hannah Playhouse will be centre stage this month with events and activities to celebrate its 50th anniversary.
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- theatre
Hannah Playhouse, 12, Cambridge Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Behind the road cones and high-vis vests
- Wellington City Council
- It’s not easy maintaining a whopping $1.6 billion worth of city assets, including looking after 700km of roads and 2000km of footpaths. But that’s exactly what Wellington City Council’s Transport and Infrastructure team does.
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Town Hall redevelopment project - costs projected to increase further
- Wellington City Council
- The cost to Wellington City Council for the strengthening and redevelopment of the Town Hall – one of the most complex construction projects in Aotearoa – is projected to increase by between $70 million and $147 million from its current completion cost of $182.4 million.
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- town-hall-strengthening
Waste Minimisation Seed Fund making a difference in the community
- Wellington City Council
- Looking for a way to get your green start-up off the ground or expand on an initiative? Follow in the footsteps of RepairED, who used the Waste Minimisation Seed Fund to run workshops where they have fixed over 360 items, saving 452kg of waste from the landfill.
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Work has restarted on the Frank Kitts Park playground
- Wellington City Council
- Following unanimous funding approval from Wellington City Councillors, work has restarted on the Frank Kitts Park playground.
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- frank-kitts-park
Frank Kitts Park, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)