Wellington Cathedral of Saint Paul and WCN Hosted
Cathedral News July 2009
- Wellington Cathedral of Saint Paul
- Last month’s Cathedral News included impressions of the Diocesan Visioning Day held in May. A five mark vision for the Diocese has emerged from that day. How does the Cathedral stack up against these five marks? Below is a summarised form of a presentation to be made at the Wellington Archdeaconry’s pre-Synod gathering on 4th July.
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- wcn-hosted
Wellington Cathedral of St. Pauls, 45, Molesworth Street, Lambton, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Cathedral News June 2009
- Wellington Cathedral of Saint Paul
- May has been a busy and exciting month for our Cathedral. As well as our usual full life of worship, we have been host to this Church’s provincial 2009 Hermeneutics Hui – an initiative in our Anglican Communion to spend time together exploring the ways we approach scripture.
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- tuatara
Wellington Cathedral of St. Pauls, 45, Molesworth Street, Lambton, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
We are an Easter People
- Wellington Cathedral of Saint Paul
- An extraordinary comment was relayed to me on Palm Sunday. On being given a flyer detailing the Holy Week and Easter services, someone remarked, “I don’t know why they do all these services then – everyone goes away at Easter!” Is this really where we have come to – that not even Christian people know what Easter is about?
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- religious-groups
Wellington Cathedral of St. Pauls, 45, Molesworth Street, Lambton, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)