
Titahi Bay / September 2022

October 2022 | August 2022
    • Maranui newsletter september 2022
      • 96 MARANUI NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2022 p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; font-size:inherit !important; 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Photo credit - The Dominion Post Collection, Alexander Turnbull Library.  HAPPY FRIDAY Spring and daylight saving are here, the start of longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures. Bring on summer. A huge congratulations to our newest lifeguards. Very proud of you all and look forward to seeing you all patrolling this summer. Big shout out to our amazing instructors Carrie, Quinby, Holly & James who put in so much of their personal time and effort.  We have the Working Bee this Sunday 2 October from 10am - 1pm, make sure you come along and help give the club some TLC. The more clubbies we have the quicker we will get it done. Come along and help out your club! The Maranui Lifeguard Sport Team have a Quiz Night Fundraiser at the Parrot Dog on Tuesday 4 October, 7pm. A FUN evening not to be missed. See details below. We have the Maranui Open Day on Sunday 16 October, 10am - 1pm. If you have friends who are interested in becoming members, tell them about our Open Day. Spread the word. This season we are holding a mass one-off 200m badge swim assessment on Sunday 30 October. All U10 - U14 athletes must attend. The 200m safety award must be refreshed each year. Please see details below. Remember to check out the calendar below and the website - www.maranui.co.nz  Ngā mihi. <!-- --> BOARD At the AGM on Sunday 25 September 2022 the following people were elected as officers for the 2022/2023 financial year: Club Chairperson - Jim Warwick  Director of Lifesaving - Anna McDonnell Director of Business - Francie Russell   Director of Sport - Rhys Speirs  Director of Operations - Pru Popple   Director of Junior Development - Lucy Barry <!-- --> SURF LIFEGUARD AWARD - Maranui's newest lifeguards Two week's ago five Maranui candidates were examined for their Surf Lifeguard Award. It was a 'done in one' long day, finishing off with some very big waves for their RSR and Tube Rescues. They all did super well and gave the waves as good as they got. Please congratulate Maranui's newest lifeguards, Front Row: (L to R) Josh Bethell, Eva Thompson, Kate Wylde, Noa Ellis, Joe Barry.  Back Row: (L to R) Instructors: Quinby, James & Holly. Photo by Instructor Carrie. <!-- --> WORKING BEE Calling All Clubbies for a Working Bee Help us dust off the winter cobwebs at our club working bee, the boatshed and the clubhouse need a bit of TLC. We would really like your help, this is a great way to get involved and reconnect with people you haven’t seen over winter. Come along and help out your club! Come down to the club this SUNDAY 2 OCTOBER, 10am - 1pm. (Back up day Sunday 9 October, 10am - 1pm - if needed) BRING ALONG: • Buckets • Rags • Old scrub brushes • Window brush - if you have one • Power tools • Work gloves • Dusters on long polls • Spade • Wheelbarrow Many hands make light work. Look forward to seeing you all. <!-- --> MARANUI LIFEGUARD SPORT QUIZ NIGHT - FUNDRAISER Don't miss this FUN event, an event not to be missed. DATE: Tuesday 4 October VENUE: Parrotdog, 60/66 Kingsford Smith Street, Lyall Bay TIME: 7pm (quiz starts)  TICKETS: $30 each, which includes a free drink courtesy of Parrotdog on arrival and a platter on each table. Bar is open to buy drinks and the kitchen will be open to buy food. Tables of SIX. Reserve your table now by emailing Deb Tapp, debtapp@gmail.com It will be a FUN night! <!-- --> MARANUI SLSC OPEN DAY 2022 SUNDAY 16 OCTOBER, 10am - 1pm, Maranui Clubhouse. Come and see what we are all about! Maranui SLSC invites everyone to come down to the beach and learn more about who we are, what we do and how families can become involved with our great organisation. Always wanted your child to be beach confident, understand beach safety, learn awesome skills and grow to be lifeguards of tomorrow, all while having heaps of fun? Maranui develops lifeguards of tomorrow in a fun, safe environment in a family environment that is inclusive  and caring. If you have friends who are interested in becoming members, tell them about our Open Day. Spread the word. HEAD ALONG TO OUR OPEN DAY OR REGISTER HERE TO JOIN MARANUI - https://forms.gle/7afu2FjNqL1CQE3Z7 <!-- --> Maranui Junior Development Squad (U11-U14) Pathway to Oceans Each year in February the U14 Surf Champs are held in Mt Maunganui.  Maranui Nippers between the ages of 10-13 (as at 30 September) can be chosen as part of a team to attend this special event.   Specific criteria must be met in order to be selected for this team:    - High attendance levels at Nippers sessions.  - High attendance level at Carnivals.  - Good results achieved at carnivals.  - Competent ocean swimmer in all conditions.  - Competent board paddler in all conditions.  - Enthusiastic and committed to surf sports.   The aim is to develop our juniors to be ready to become the next generation of life guards, and carve a path for those who want to, step up, reach outside of their comfort zone, and set their personal challenge to take on some of the best grommies around NZ on the National stage at Oceans. We look forward to welcoming back our 2022 athletes and are very excited to invite any Maranui member in the U11-U14 groups to come along to be part of the fun. If you love Sunday surf and want to spend more time developing your skills, making new friends and growing in this sport then head along. Our first session is planned for Tuesday 4th October 6pm @ Maranui.   Trainings for the season will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm in preparation for the event in Mt Maunganui from February 23rd to 26th 2023.   PLEASE REGISTER If you’re keen to come along and join the team, or just give it a try CLICK HERE TO REGISTER - https://forms.gle/aXvx1nSkCezfV3Ki9 If you’re keen to come along and join the team, or just give it a try, please contact Katrina Bailey katrinabailey1@hotmail.com    <!-- --> CLUB ADMINISTRATOR ROLE - vacant - paid Use your administration and organisation skills to assist behind the scenes to facilitate key club activities. This role is two-fold –  (a)    Registrations - manages and responds to registrations.  Coordinates the registration of new and existing members.   Tasks include - Assist in the organisation of ‘Open Day’ and ensure relevant information and gear is ready. Liaise with Patricia Kelly to ensure there are no gaps in enrolment and subscription administration with regard to the registration of members. Coordinate the registration of new and existing members.  Advise Patricia. Ensure all club members are issued with a Hi-vis vest and Cap (U8’s and above), and a record is maintained. Ensure relevant information is kept on ‘hard file’ at the office. Ensure communication databases are current and accurate. Ensure relevant information is communicated to membership. Ensure all members are registered with SLSNZ. Set up google online forms for carnivals, pool champs, oceans, functions, etc Manage the SLSNZ registrations for carnivals – entering, co-ordination with coaches. Manage and respond to registrations. (b)    Junior Surf - Sunday is Junior Surf day during the season from October to March.  Preparation for Sunday sessions is essential with a keen eye for detail.  You will need to assemble a ‘sign-in’ team to – Manage and maintain the Junior sign in sheets; Undertake second hand clothing sales; Ensure clothing samples are available; and Assist with clothing orders when necessary.  Ensure lanes are booked at WRAC for the 200m Badge and Pool Champs. Manage the 200m badge process. Being part of this team is a great way to meet clubbies.    If you would like to take up this role or request the Job Description, we would absolutely love to hear from you - email administrator@maranui.co.nz     <!-- --> 2022/23 CAPITAL COAST OFFICIALS INTAKE We are on the lookout for new officials for the 2022/23 season,  If you are interested in helping out, please indicate by filling out the online form with events you'd like to attend.  The process this season is for anyone who would like to help out, come along and help out as a volunteer for the event. If you like the feel of the job, we will schedule you for another 2 more events in which you will get some training, mentoring and eventually be signed off as an official!  The Capital Coast is also looking for new, fresh and passionate parents / volunteers to help continue the high quality of surf sporting events we have here in our space of New Zealand.  Perks include but not limited to: Free lunches, a fabulous blue outfit, name tag & the potential to try a vast array of baked good with other officials from around the country side.  PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM HERE If you have any questions please feel free to email troy.greenem@surflifesaving.org.nz  Troy Greenem Sport Manager – Central Region  - - - - - - - - -  We need more officials at Maranui, so grab this opportunity. This is a great way to help our club and support surf sport events in the Capital Coast region. Please sign up. <!-- --> MARANUI SUBSCRIPTIONS 2022/2023 Invoices will be sent out by Patricia Kelly (Maranui Finance Manager) in October for the upcoming season.   Those attending upcoming courses and those involved in Lifeguard Sport, Pool Champs and the Lifeguard Award Course will need to ensure subs are paid please. Please see below the Maranui subscriptions for this upcoming season. MARANUI SUBSCRIPTIONS 2022/2023 U7s - $60 (+ Hi-Vis Vest Pink $15 or Hi-Vis Vest Red $25) Juniors (U8s - U14s) - $120 (+ Hi-Vis Vest Red $25 and Competition Beanie $15) Active and Patrolling Lifeguard - $85 (issued a Lifeguard uniform and includes training) Associate - $85   Family - $330 three or more members of the same family household - capped SPORTS FEE 2022/2023 (additional add-on, invoiced separately) Oceans (U11 - U14) - $80  Lifeguard Sport (senior competitor) - $150 (+ Hi-Vis Vest Red $25 and Competition Beanie $15) IRB Racing - $150  Subs cover Capital Coast carnivals, lifeguard training courses and SLSNZ courses. Lifeguards are required to return lifeguard uniforms if they are no longer lifeguarding. ADDITIONAL COST:  Hi-Vis Red Vest $25, Hi-Vis Pink Vest $15 and Competition Beanie $15  All club members are required to purchase and wear a hi-vis vest when training and competing, as these are mandatory.  Athletes will need to purchase a Competition beanie and have a Hi-Vis Red Vest for carnivals, as these are mandatory for competing. - - - - -  U7s don't require to purchase competition beanies as they don't compete in carnivals. U7s can purchase either a Red or Pink Hi-vis vest to wear.  - - - - -  Pink vests can be purchased by clubbies to wear for training, to keep their red vests for Carnivals. <!-- --> 200M BADGE (must be refreshed every year) 200M BADGE (must be refreshed every year) Keep swimming, Keep swimming . . . 200m BADGE ASSESSMENT DATE: Sunday 30 October WHERE: The Aquadome, East Girls College Austin Street, Mount Victoria TIME: 11am - 1pm PLEASE NOTE: We are holding a mass one-off 200m badge swim assessment. All U10 - U14 athletes must attend. The 200m safety award must be refreshed each year. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE 200M BADGE ASSESSMENT -  https://forms.gle/LxkW7ttBns2yrvnx6  All clubbies should be swimming - we don't teach athletes to swim. As we are in the business of saving lives and not risking them, swimming skills go hand-in-hand with surf life saving. Therefore we require Junior Surf members to attain this award so they can satisfy the mandatory requirement to compete with paddle boards in the Junior Surf Carnivals. A safety requirement is that children aged 9-13 years (U10 - U14 age group) must be proficient swimmers and have a 200 metre safety badge. This is advisable for U9s but compulsory from age 9 (Under 10s).  In view of the beach environment in which our activities are carried out, every effort should be made to ensure that all children have some swimming proficiency. It is expected that as children progress through their age groups, their swimming ability increases.  Children are not taught to swim at ‘Junior Surf’ Sunday beach sessions. Life Saving is an aquatic sport and it is strongly recommended that children participate in swimming lessons. Pool swimming is essential to develop the strength, fitness and confidence that they require to negotiate surf conditions. Children who swim regularly prove to be the most capable in the surf and ultimately gain the most from participating in a Junior Surf programme. The 200m safety award must be refreshed every year. Children who do not successfully meet the swim requirements will be unable to use the paddle boards and compete in the water events at junior surf sessions and carnivals until they obtain their current 200m badge.  Junior Surf athletes will need to swim 200m confidently (25m lane), followed by a 1 minute tread water, within the SLSNZ allotted time depending on their age.  U10/U11/U12 is swim 200m in 7 mins, tread water 1 minute U13 swim in under 5.5 mins, tread water 1 minute U14 swim in under 4.5mins, tread water 1 minute 200m BADGES Badges are to be sewn (carefully) onto your competition cap. If your child(ren) has completed the 200m swim a badge can be collected at sign-in at junior surf sessions on Sunday mornings. <!-- --> PARENTS / CAREGIVERS IN THE WATER U7 AGE GROUP is an age which, at Lyall Bay with its variable wave height and harsh conditions, is unable to be left to just the coaches and lifeguards. U7 athletes require a parent/caregiver to be in the water with them at all times. U8 - U9 AGE GROUP we ideally would like a parent/caregiver in the water or water edge ready to enter if required,  If your child requires extra assistance in the water, please enter the water with them, rather than assuming our volunteers will be able to look after them. Please note:  Our club relies heavily on the active involvement of parents, the club cannot function without people volunteering. Kids love to see their parents/caregivers interacting at the club. Parent/Caregivers participation is encouraged in the water at all ages. This is a great way for parents to be actively involved, it’s a great way to increase your own water confidence and have FUN. The more adults we have in the water the better.  If you are not a competent swimmer, there is always a need for people to remain in the shallows to help retrieve boards and ensure children exit safely, providing close and constant supervision of our young athletes in the water. <!-- --> Wellington Surf Lessons Lyall Bay Big Shout out to Wellington Surf Lessons Lyall Bay for supporting Maranui SLSC with our quiz events by donating a voucher. Huge Thanks! Check out www.wellingtonsurflessons.co.nz Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/wellingtonsurflessons/ Wellington Surf Lessons provide fun and enjoyable lessons for students of all ages and levels. They offer group lessons, private lessons, kids holiday & after school programs, women's programs and surfing lessons for local schools. They are based at Lyall Bay Beach and they also go mobile to catch the best surf conditions on the Kapiti Coast (Titahi Bay and Otaki) and Castlepoint. All equipment provided! Check out their upcoming kids summer holiday programs and they have a free children's day lined up. https://wellingtonsurflessons.co.nz/kids/   <!-- --> RACHAEL BURKE - PEER SUPPORT Rachael Burke has recently undertaken training through SLSNZ to take on the role of Peer Supporter within Maranui Surf Life Saving Club. Peer Supporters are specially trained SLSNZ members who can provide confidential support to their fellow members on a range of issues including wellbeing concerns, personal stress, and traumatic lifesaving incidents.  Peer Supporters can also connect Maranui members with the Benestar programme. All current active members and their immediate families have access to FREE counselling and wellbeing support through Benestar. If you would like to discuss anything further feel free to contact Rachael on 021767347.   KOOGA DECK PARKAS FOR SALE Price: $170 380gsm fleece 3000mm waterproof Comes below the knee.  The fit is quite generous. GARMENT MEASUREMENT GUIDE Please check sizing before you place an order. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aj9zvZchA1SY6Kbd-gcUFQ9YhbQwqPUi/view?usp=sharing Please contact Rhys - rhys.speirs@gmail.com <!-- --> CALENDAR 2022/2023 Working Bee - Sunday 2 October, 10am - 1pm Maranui Lifeguard Sport Quiz Night Fundraiser - Tuesday 4 October, Parrot dog, 7pm (sharp) Working Bee - Sunday 9th October, 10am - 1pm (backup if needed) Maranui Open Day - Sunday 16 October, 10am-1pm 200m Badge Assessment - Sunday 30 October, 11am - 1pm Junior Surf Starts - Sunday 6 November Whitehorse #1 - Sunday 20 November, venue TBC Junior Surf Series #1 - Sunday 27 November, venue Worser Bay Whitehorse #2 - Sunday 11 December, venue TBC Last Junior Surf session - Sunday 11 December (Santa) - TBC Junior Surf Series #2 - Sunday 18 December, venue TBC December Newsletter Deadline - Tuesday 20 December  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  2023 2023 Central Regional Champs (CRC & CRJC) - Friday 13 January - Sunday 15 January, Fitzroy Junior Surf Series #3 - Sunday 22 January 2023, Riversdale Capital Coast Junior Championships  - Saturday 11 February, venue Maranui SLSC Whitehorse #3 - Sunday 19 February, venue TBC Oceans’23 - Thursday 23 February - Sunday 26 February, Mt Maunganui 2023 TSB NZ Surf Life Saving Champs - Thursday 9 March - Sunday 12 March, New Brighton Beach SLSNZ Calendar - https://www.surflifesaving.org.nz/calendar All dates, times, locations etc are correct when published but subject to change. <!-- --> CLUB CONTACTS Jim Warwick (Club Chairperson) - chair.maranuislsc@gmail.com Anna McDonnell (Director of Lifesaving) - lifesaving.maranuislsc@gmail.com Rhys Speirs (Director of Sport) - rhys.speirs@gmail.com Francie Russell (Director of Business) - frances.russell@xtra.co.nz Pru Popple (Director of Operations) - prupopple@hotmail.com Lucy Barry (Director of Junior Development) - lucyjanebarry@gmail.com <!-- --> Thank you to our MAJOR SUPPORTERS for your continued support! <!-- --> Copyright © 2022 Maranui SLSC, All rights reserved. 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      • Maranui Surf Life Saving Club, 107, Lyall Parade, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)