Kia ora Snapper cardholders, As you may be aware, over the weekend (on April 1st) there was an update to all Metlink fares. Included in this update was an increase to the off-peak fare discount. Due to a collection of card readers not receiving the fare update data in time, there are some customers who […]
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We hope all of our wonderful customers have at least a small break with friends and whānau lined up over the holiday season, at the end of another big year. The Snapper team will be taking some time out, but there will still be plenty of ways for you to reach us or get assistance […]
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Kia ora Wellington region, As you may know, on April 1st 2022, the half price public transport fare scheme takes effect. This means that all Snapper fares on bus, rail (Johnsonville Line only), and 30-day travel passes, will be 50% of their original price until June 30th 2022. For current and up to date fares, […]
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Kia ora Wellington, In line with the government’s announcement of half price public transport fares from April 1st, Snapper and Greater Wellington Regional Council are working together on changes to support this across the board.
Kia ora Wellington, As Aotearoa has now moved to the Red Light setting as part of our COVID-19 response, we wanted to update you on what that means for Snapper users. For the most part – business is as usual. Catching the bus and train There are no changes to current operating – please see Metlink’s […]
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Kia ora Wellington, Thanks for doing the tough mahi of staying home these last few weeks to keep us all safe and well. We know it can be tricky keeping up with the differences in alert levels, so here’s a quick reminder of what you can expect from a shift down to Level 2, as it relates to Snapper and catching the […]
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Kia ora Wellington, Kei te pēhea koutou? Since we’re back at Level Four, we wanted to check in with a reminder of how the Snapper team is doing our best to keep you moving safely along with our friends at Metlink and the Ministry of Health. As always, our main priority is the health and […]
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Snapper has partnered with the Ministry of Health (MoH) to improve contact tracing efficiency with the goal of contributing to the overall health and safety of New Zealand residents and visitors.
With the Government placing the Wellington region into Alert Level 2 as of 6pm Wednesday 23rd June we want to update you on how Snapper’s services may be adjusted – and how we will continue to support you. Stay safe and take care of each other. Snapper Customer Care While in Alert Level 2, or above, the Snapper […]
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With the Government placing the Wellington region into Alert Level 2 as of 6pm Wednesday 23rd June we want to update you on how Snapper’s services may be adjusted – and how we will continue to support you. Stay safe and take care of each other. Snapper Customer Care While in Alert Level 2, or above, the Snapper […]
The post Level 2 update (June 2021) appeared first on Snapper.
Summary: Following a failed cyber-attack in May 2021, Snapper has disabled the Accounts section of the website until the introduction of a new accounts section starting November 2021.
Summary: Following a failed cyber-attack in May 2021, Snapper has disabled the Accounts section of the website until the introduction of a new accounts section starting November 2021.
As we near the end of what has been a tumultuous year for many, the Snapper team want to thank our customers for their ongoing support during 2020. We will be tagging off from Tuesday 22nd December to spend time with friends and family, returning on Wednesday 6th January 2021. Should you need any Snapper-based […]
The post Snapper Christmas hours appeared first on Snapper.
Unfortunately, changes in the technology that the MySnapper application is built on means we can no longer guarantee the security the platform and, as such, from February 15 2021 it will no longer be available.
Unfortunately, changes in the technology that the MySnapper application is built on means we can no longer guarantee the security the platform and, as such, from February 15 2021 it will no longer be available.
From 10 am today, Wellingtonians with iPhone 7/iOS 13 and above will be able to instantly top up and check the balance on their Snapper cards – anywhere, any time.
From 10 am today, Wellingtonians with iPhone 7/iOS 13 and above will be able to instantly top up and check the balance on their Snapper cards – anywhere, any time.
With the Government placing the Wellington region in to Alert Level 2 as of midday Wednesday 12th August we want to reassure you that, while the Snapper office will not be open for in-person assistance, the team are still available to answer any queries you may have. Registering your Snapper card While in Alert Level 2, there […]
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With the Government placing the Wellington region in to Alert Level 2 as of midday Wednesday 12th August we want to reassure you that, while the Snapper office will not be open for in-person assistance, the team are still available to answer any queries you may have. Registering your Snapper card While in Alert Level 2, there […]
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During these uncertain times we’re working with Metlink to assist them in understanding how the bus network is being used and to ensure services are meeting demand.
During these uncertain times we’re working with Metlink to assist them in understanding how the bus network is being used and to ensure services are meeting demand.
Dear cardholder, As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve here in New Zealand, and we all do our bit to contain the spread of the virus, we wanted to update you on how the Snapper team is doing our best to keep you moving. Our main priority is the health and safety of our people, […]
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Dear cardholder, As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve here in New Zealand, and we all do our bit to contain the spread of the virus, we wanted to update you on how the Snapper team is doing our best to keep you moving. Our main priority is the health and safety of our people, […]
The post COVID-19 appeared first on Snapper.
Child concessions expire on February 28. Children using Green Snapper cards, or those who have a combined Snapper and Student ID card, do not need to apply for a child concession. Aged 16+ If you – or your children – are aged 16+, are using a Red Snapper card and are enrolled in full-time secondary […]
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Child concessions expire on February 28. Children using Green Snapper cards, or those who have a combined Snapper and Student ID card, do not need to apply for a child concession. Aged 16+ If you – or your children – are aged 16+, are using a Red Snapper card and are enrolled in full-time secondary […]
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The Classics Museum at Victoria University houses a collection of ancient Greek and Roman artefacts: vases, coins, sculpture, objects for use in daily life.
A girl pins her eating disorder on her distant Swiss ancestors, a guy comes to terms with his goth phase being a total sham, a girl struggles to recreate the fantasy romances of her favourite WattPad Fanfiction...
The Wellington Phoenix have secured a hard-earned point on the road to snap their run of four defeats. The Phoenix have fought back from a goal down to draw 1-1 with finals-chasing Sydney FC at Allianz Stadium in Sydney. Kosta... The post Isuzu UTE A-League Round 23 Match Review appeared first on Wellington Phoenix.
At lunchtime on Friday 3rd January, our group of 7 EM trampers along with the MF group, met at the Wellington train station bound for Nelson Lakes National Park. We had a smooth sailing across the Cook Strait before bad weather hit Wellington! However, we didn’t escape the rain in Picton. As the rain pelted ... Read more
Ten of us (4 M and 6 EM trampers) met at 1pm on Waitangi Day (a Thursday) for the drive to Kaweka Forest Park. After stopping for leg stretches in Shannon and Woodville, and a meal in Hastings. We arrived just before dark at the road end campsite and pitched our tents for the night. ... Read more