The Log Cabin, 1950 (Ian Baine Photo Collection)
I had hoped to be back sooner but have failed to find inspiration lately so in the meantime, I've transcribed this Evening Post article from 1952 - the perfect follow-on my my previous post about Nature Deficit Disorder.
My son John exploring the bush outside Tahora HutOk so it's not a medically recognised disorder yet but it's becoming widely accepted as a real problem.
Tainui Hut, John Farrell - 2nd from right, Don Oliver - middle (Amanda Farrell Photo Collection)
Tainui Hut Warming 1939 (Ross Kerr Photo Collection)The late Joanna Lane-Taylor was a regular visitor to the valley and Tainui Hut in the 60s.
Baine iti - the oldest hut in the valleyHuts have been built in the Orongorongo Valley since the early 1900s – though they look a little different from today’s modern DOC huts! Early huts were built from materials at hand – manuka poles as framing and totara for piles.
In 1978 the Orongorongo Club was established by a number of regular users of the valley who shared a common interest in the preservation of the valley’s unique heritage. The club particularly supports the continued presence of huts and their extended use.
Find out more at our new website:
Owner: Maurice & Marg Mitchinson | Built: 1970/71When Tahora turned a respectable 40 years old in 2011 I sat down with Dad to record Tahora’s story…
Dad started exploring the Orongorongo Valley in the early 60s as a young boy.
My son John exploring the bush behind our hut
I'm very excited to welcome you to the Orongorongo Club's new blog!
The Orongorongo Valley holds a special place in my heart - I first stayed in the valley at just six weeks old and introduced my son to the valley at three months.
Kihikihi is an interactive sound installation inspired by the New Zealand chorus cicada, which is renowned for its rhythmic and persistent sound that heralds the end of summer.
Featuring the trials of three well-known gothic literature characters: Dr Frankenstein, Count Dracula, and Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde, Verdict’s courtroom sees the souls of the dead put on trial for their sins.
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 10 December 2024 at St Ninian’s, Newcombe Crescent, Karori at 7.30pm. Members and friends welcome. “There’s gold in them thar hills: the archaeology of Wellington’s gold rush and the Albion Battery” Michael Grace and Mary O’Keeffe will tell the fascinating story of Wellington’s 19th century gold rush […]