The Let's Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) team is continuing to work from home while the COVID-19 restrictions apply. We hope you are keeping well and are able to get out and enjoy the city a little more now we are in Alert Level 2.
The Classics Museum at Victoria University houses a collection of ancient Greek and Roman artefacts: vases, coins, sculpture, objects for use in daily life.
Prepare to immerse yourself in a vibrant blend of creativity, passion, and pure entertainment as the 35th edition of the New Zealand Fringe Festival unfolds at BATS Theatre.
Wellington Phoenix coach Paul Temple is wary of a “potential banana skin” in the team’s push for the Ninja A-League finals. The Phoenix are visiting two-time defending champions Sydney FC on Saturday evening in their penultimate road trip of the... The post Ninja A-League Round 19 Match Preview appeared first on Wellington Phoenix.