Katherine Mansfield rarely fails to be relevant. Even now, in this time of COVID-19, Mansfield’s experience offers insight. From the cholera and typhoid outbreaks of her youth, to the 1918 influenza pandemic and the tuberculosis that would cause her death, Mansfield was no stranger to public health emergencies.
Kihikihi is an interactive sound installation inspired by the New Zealand chorus cicada, which is renowned for its rhythmic and persistent sound that heralds the end of summer.
Featuring the trials of three well-known gothic literature characters: Dr Frankenstein, Count Dracula, and Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde, Verdict’s courtroom sees the souls of the dead put on trial for their sins.
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 10 December 2024 at St Ninian’s, Newcombe Crescent, Karori at 7.30pm. Members and friends welcome. “There’s gold in them thar hills: the archaeology of Wellington’s gold rush and the Albion Battery” Michael Grace and Mary O’Keeffe will tell the fascinating story of Wellington’s 19th century gold rush […]