E tūtohi ana a Te Pane Matua Taiao ki te panoni i te Kaupapa Here Whakaitinga Rēti me Whakatārewa hoki mō ngā Whenua Māori Herekore.
Greater Wellington Regional Council (Greater Wellington) proposes to make changes to the Rates Remissions and Postponements on Māori Freehold Land Policy. This will become known as the Rates Remissions on Māori Land Policy.
Join Te Papa painting conservator Hae Min Park for a unique look at the process involved in artwork restoration. Hae Min will take us through her process, sharing her work […]
After a sold out season at the NZ International Comedy Festival, Josh Metcalfe and Melissa Lawlor are coming to Wellington. A split bill show where Josh and Melissa will do 30 mins each of sassy stand up.
A musical comedy about the sperms journey to the egg, filled with songs, drama, action, and education. Follow our team of misfit sperms as they travel through the treacherous depths of the vagina and discover their personal identity along the way.