
Exhibitions / September 2022

October 2022 | August 2022
    • The Places We Called Home
      • The Places We Called Home brings together the work of Andrew Ross & Cody Ellingham, two photographers capturing the history of urban Wellington twenty years apart. The exhibition explores the homes, streets, and changing landscape of the city from the 1990s through to today. Read more
      • Accepted from Toi Pōneke Events by feedreader
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      • exhibitions
      • Toi Pōneke Arts Centre, Footscray Avenue, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Currently
      • Holly Walker’s mahi toi reveals fragments of her cultural experience of being Pākehā. Identifying as Pākehā and as Tangata Tiriti comes with responsibilities to the landscape, environment, to people and the past. Holly’s practice is a therapeutic process of re-connecting to her identity through performance, sculptural works and kōrero with the whānau. Read more
      • Accepted from Toi Pōneke Events by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • exhibitions
      • Toi Pōneke Arts Centre, Footscray Avenue, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Street Scapes - Stacey Frazer Allen
      • <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > Stacey Fraser-Allen is a Wellington-based ink and watercolour artist and creator of Brick and Water Creative. After completing her degree in business she found a passion for watercolours and paired that with her love of New Zealand architecture.  Growing up in Wales, amongst estate and terraced houses, she was immediately drawn to New Zealand’s quirky and individualistic buildings and homes. The corrugated iron roofs, timber frames and in-door, out-door flow reflect the kiwi culture she fell in love with.  She began creating personalised art pieces for whanau and friends and decided to refine the process following interest from other clients.Since then she has continues to specialise in capturing buildings, drawing attention to the little details and endeavouring to immortalise the memories that they hold.  Her first solo exhibition was held at Thistle Hall Gallery in February 2022 featuring 28 pieces focusing on and celebrating heritage-listed buildings around Wellington. Some featured works depicted buildings that had been demolished decades ago but were scenes of historical significance and cultural influences in Wellington.   She went on to participate the the New Zealand Art Show in June 2022, where six new original pieces first focused on Wellingtons iconic streets.  Her work continues to celebrate New Zealand’s historical architecture and aims to draw people away from their technology and back into the physical.   .STREET.SCAPES. will debut a collection of existing and new limited edition fine art  of iconic buildings from around central Wellington and it’s southern suburbs.
      • Accepted from Black Coffee exhibitions by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • exhibitions
      • Black coffee, Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)


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