Archive / November 2006
December 2006 | October 2006-
Hall Names Strong Line Up
- Land Rovers Football Club
- Caretaker Manager Steve Hall today named six of the seven players who played in last seasons final against Matt Is Mad for the match tomorrow against Ten Left Feet.
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- soccer
On ice
- WellUrban
- There's an article on page A10 of today's Dominion Post (not online, but confirmed on the council's website) announcing that the ice-skating rink planned for Hutchinson Rd south of Te Whaea will not go ahead.
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- blogs
I'd give you a Daisly a day dear
- CataBlog
- Only I don't have quite that many photos of her. Here's another of our Daisy/Meowff in her new home :o) And still trying to get a decent photo of Mischief for the website, but Mr Tom and Becky are now...
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- blogs
Bypassing the truth
- WellUrban
- How sweet. The competition to name the Inner City "Bypass" has been won by Te Aro School, with the name "Karo" Drive. Apparently, "The K represents the kids, Aro their school. Karo is also a small native New Zealand tree that produces sweetly scented red flowers in Spring and grows very well in Wellington". Maybe it's just me, but I don't usually associate "sweetly scented red flowers" with a bloody great arterial road that's been shoved through a city neighbourhood.
- Tagged as:
- bypass
Bypassing the truth
- WellUrban
- How sweet. The competition to name the Inner City "Bypass" has been won by Te Aro School, with the name "Karo" Drive. Apparently, "The K represents the kids, Aro their school. Karo is also a small native New Zealand tree that produces sweetly scented red flowers in Spring and grows very well in Wellington". Maybe it's just me, but I don't usually associate "sweetly scented red flowers" with a bloody great arterial road that's been shoved through a city neighbourhood.
- Tagged as:
- bypass
It's quiet! Too quiet!
- CataBlog
- Well, it's that time of year again. Everyone wants kittens and very few people are interested in adopting an older cat. Especially just before Christmas when people are often going away. So, very very slow in the homing front at...
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- blogs
Back on track: but only just
- WellUrban
- As I speculated in my last post, and as John confirmed in his comment, the council has announced that they've stopped the consultation process for the Johnsonville line and gone with the so-called "base case" of refurbished units.
- Tagged as:
- consultation
- johnsonville
- transport
Chafing at the bit
- WellUrban
- I know it's not easy to think about eating and drinking in the sun at the moment, but there's finally been some official word about what's going into the ground floor of the Chaffers Dock complex, and when.
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- blogs
Strategic submission
- WellUrban
- Submissions on the Wellington Regional Strategy close at 5pm today.
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- blogs
Strategic submission
- WellUrban
- Submissions on the Wellington Regional Strategy close at 5pm today.
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- blogs
Mayor's Press Releases
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt City Mayor David Ogden will be inspecting the local New Zealand Cadet Forces and presenting three long service medals at a parade outside the Town Hall tomorrow.
- Automatically tagged as:
- government
- lower-hutt
Mayor's Press Releases
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt City Mayor David Ogden will be inspecting the local New Zealand Cadet Forces and presenting three long service medals at a parade outside the Town Hall tomorrow.
- Automatically tagged as:
- government
- lower-hutt
Another belated update
- CataBlog
- Hi again everyone. Sorry these posts are few and far between at the moment. I promise faithfully I'll try to get a bit more regular with them. First off, our lovely Chipper. The tests on his nose came back -...
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- blogs
Back on track: Chinese whispers
- WellUrban
- While the debate about the busway still simmers away in the comments, the Dominion Post continues to get its numbers wrong.
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- blogs
We have turned on comments!
- Wellington City Libraries
- You can now post comments on our blog. If you have opinions on that book, DVD or webpage, tell us! Click the comments button at the bottom of the post.
- Automatically tagged as:
- libraries
Bush fire in Lower Hutt highlights need for fireworks debate
- Hutt City Council
- Last night's bush fire in Lower Hutt highlights yet again the need for tighter controls on the sale of fireworks, says Hutt City Mayor David Ogden.
- Tagged as:
- fireworks
High water
- WellUrban
- You may have seen the article in Saturday's Dominion Post about the rapid sale of the Chews Lane apartments, which also somewhat confusingly covered the announcement of the Watermark development on the Wellington Market site.
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- blogs
Books to Babies
- Wellington City Libraries
- Congratulations to Isobel, a five-month-old library member from Karori, who won our Books to Babies competition. Wellington City Libraries have been running Books to Babies since 2001. Every new baby in the Wellington region receives a gift of a book and information about the library.
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- libraries
Back on track: re-railed
- WellUrban
- There's a prominent article on page three of today's Dominion Post that, while it concentrates on a "stoush" between the city council and central Government, is good news for supporters of the Johnsonville rail line.
- Tagged as:
- consultation
- johnsonville
- trains
Team Wellington 0 - 0 at Fortress Newtown
- Land Rovers Football Club
- Land Rovers Manager Steve Hall said he found the Team Wellington performance this evening "unsatisfying" after a dull 0 - 0 draw at Newtown Park.
- Tagged as:
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Rescue and Revenge at Reikorangi
- Wellington Orienteering Association
- Soon after arriving back from yesterday's Guy Fawkes rogaine, police SAR expert Jo Holden was coordinating a rescue mission! A pair couldn't find a very difficult ridge track in the bushclad Tararua ranges, but had got a cellphone message out after backtracking to high point Pukeatua.
- Automatically tagged as:
- athletics
2007 Trials Dates
- St Mary's Old Girls Netball Club (SMOG)
- Following please find the dates for 2007 trials. All trials are to be held on Court 1, Hataitai courts, Ruahine Street, Wellington.: Prem 19am - 12 noon Sat 24 Feb6pm-9pm [...]
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- netball
- wcn-hosted
- The Wellingtonista
- The Settlers Museum is hosting the MUKA YOUTH PRINT EXHIBITION 2006. The exhibition features a collection of forty original lithographs by twenty prominent artists from New Zealand, Australia and Europe.
- Tagged as:
- petone
Petone, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
- The Wellingtonista
- The Settlers Museum is hosting the MUKA YOUTH PRINT EXHIBITION 2006. The exhibition features a collection of forty original lithographs by twenty prominent artists from New Zealand, Australia and Europe.
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- blogs
- featured
White Hot
- Land Rovers Football Club
- Ben White declared himself in White Hot form following his four goal rout of Toitu United last week. "I feel like I'm now the best defender, midfielder and striker in the team" said White "and I'm probably not a bad goalkeeper either".
- Automatically tagged as:
- soccer
Summer's really
- The Wellingtonista
- Glancing out the window of the bus yesterday as it rounded the Basin Reserve I noticed something. A glimmer of hope.
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- blogs
- featured
Mayor Ogden welcomes fireworks bill
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt City Mayor David Ogden has welcomed moves by Wellington Central MP Marian Hobbs to tighten controls on the public sale of fireworks.
- Tagged as:
- fireworks
Mayor Ogden regrets Colgate closure
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt City Mayor David Ogden has responded with extreme regret at the news of Colgate Palmolive's decision to close its factory in Petone.
- Tagged as:
- petone
Petone, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)